RE: Theos-World RE: 2nd posting: Astral Body and Psychism -- Evidences -- Conv. on Occultism - WQJ
Jan 26, 2002 06:00 AM
by dalval14
Dear Adelasie:
Yes I know this well. Pryse had some curious psychic and
clairvoyant leanings, as I understand it, and saw things that
others missed.
It is very suggestive as to who or what stood BEHIND the figure
we venerate H P B. I recollect in the 1st Vol. of OLD DIARY
LEAVES by Olcott that at one point she said to him "Look and
Learn" and when he did he saw the "mayavi rupa" of the Master M.
overshadow H P B for a moment. He then asked H P B to explain --
and she refused, saying that it was a "lesson" intended for him
to decipher. { My reading of the event is that he was being
shown that the Master M. was always "behind" the form we know of
as H P B }
Do you have a copy of the U L T edition of LETTERS THAT HAVE
HELPED ME by Judge? It was published March 21 1946 as a
semicentenial edition, and it contains much more than the
original "LETTERS" on pp.. 276 to 283 it reprints many of H P B's
statements concerning the nature and stature of Judge. It is
valuable to know those also, I think.
What Judge wrote is correct: It is up to us to carry on the
Torch of Truth as best we can and wherever we can.
Best wishes as always, and thanks,
-----Original Message-----
From: adelasie []
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: 2nd posting: Astral Body and
Psychism -- Evidences -- Conv. on Occultism - WQJ
Dear Dallas,
Thanks for this very interesting an enlighening post. It brings
closer to the contemporary reality of HPB and Judge, and offers
some very valid insight into their lives, as well as into the
Recently I came across this in "Practical Occultism," WQJ, p.162.
from a letter to a Mr. Pryse,
"Your vision that when you looked at H.P.B. and saw no old woman
but a God is correct. You were privileged to see the Truth--For
Being in that old body called H.P. Blavatsky is a mighty Adept
working on his own plan in the world. And thus we do not need to
to Tibet or S. America to find the sort of Being so many wish to
see. Yet having seen the reality better keep silent and work with
that in view. For even did you go and tell Him you knew He was
there he would smile while he waited for you to do something such
as you could in your limited sphere. For flattery counts not and
professions are worse than useless. But it is a great thing to
as much as you have, and a greater thing it will be if you do not
doubt--for you may never see it again."
On 23 Jan 02, at 9:35, wrote:
> Wednesday, January 23, 2002
> Friends:
> I just posted this an it came out garbled.
> Let me correct and post it again.
> Apologies to all
> Dallas
> ==============================================
> W. Q. Judge
> ============================
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