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RE: Theos-World SD, Vol III

Jan 26, 2002 05:59 AM
by dalval14

Saturday, January 26, 2002

Dear Friend:

In regard to the 3rd Vol. of The SECRET DOCTRINE -- Daniel
Caldwell and I disagree on some points.

Here are mine for you to consider: Opinions on this differ. In
the past much time has been given to this. I am sure Daniel has
all those on file and can refer to them again. I made my opinion
clear. But I will summarise it as I see it. (This is my
understanding and opinion.)

One need only refer in the 2 volumes of the original 1888 edition
of the SECRET DOCTRINE to what H P B states the contents of Vols.
3 AND 4 OF The SECRET DOCTRINE will be. Then compare the
contents of "Vol. 2 SECRET DOCTRINE with H.P.Blavatsky's
statements. [see SECRET DOCTRINE I xl, II vii, xliv, 106,
437, 798; ]

In addition see H.P.Blavatsky Article THE NEGATORS OF SCIENCE --
Lucifer, April 1891, reprinted in U L T edition -- H P B
Articles, Vol. 2, pp 80-1.

In this last article she wrote, in part:

"...this third volume (now almost ready) treats of the ancient
Mysteries of Initiation, gives sketches--from the esoteric
stand-point--of many of the most famous and historically known
philosophers and hierophants...from the archaic down to the
Christian era, and traces the teachings of all these sages to one
and the same source of all knowledge and science--the esoteric
doctrine of WISDOM-RELIGION....Now the main point of Volume III
of The SECRET DOCTRINE is to prove, by tracing and explaining the
blinds in the works of ancient Indian, Greek, and other
philosophers of note, and also in the ancient Scriptures--the
presence of an uninterrupted esoteric allegorical method and
symbolism; to show, as far as lawful, that with the keys of
interpretation as taught in the Eastern Hindo-Buddhistic Cannon
of Occultism, the Upanishads, the Puranas, the Sutras, the epic
poems of India and Greece, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the
Scandinavian Eddas, as well as the Hebrew Bible, and even the
classical writings of Initiates (such as Plato, among
others)--all from first to last, yield a meaning quite different
from their dead letter texts. "
[ H P B Articles Vol. II, pp. 80-1, U L T Edition ]

After Mr. Judge's death in 1895, Mrs. Annie. Besant, who
remained the Editor of LUCIFER, sent to press a collection of
articles that had been written, and left unedited in her drawers
by H P B, along with other material.

These appear to have not been edited by H.P.Blavatsky for their
final printing in LUCIFER or THEOSOPHIST, or as part of the next
volume (the third) of The SECRET DOCTRINE . So we do not know
if the material printed in the "3rd Vol. SECRET DOCTRINE" (of
1897) is as H P B would have issued it. Of the 4th Vol., H P B
gives only a sketchy hint in the pages of SECRET DOCTRINE Vols. 1
& 2.

This "3rd Vol. of The SECRET DOCTRINE" was issued by Annie Besant
as Editor, through the Theosophical Publishing House in 1897.

I repeat: it is the READER who will have to decide if this "3rd
Vol." is genuine. It is quite possible that Mrs. Besant edited
the book in whole or in part.

What the reader should always remember is : As indicated in the
VOICE OF THE SILENCE, there is a difference between the "Doctrine
of the Eye" and the Doctrine of the Heart." Each student will
have to decide on those as applied to this "3rd Volume."

But, to be able to do this, he has to be thoroughly familiar with
the teachings contained in the ORIGINAL EDITION of the 2 volumes
of The SECRET DOCTRINE published in 1888, and with the many
articles published in THEOSOPHIST and LUCIFER by H P B.

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: redrosarian
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2002 10:07 AM
Subject: SD, Vol III

This inquiry is directed to the Theosophists regarding the
of The Secret Doctrine, Volume 3. Any information on its
and authenticity will be highly appreciated.



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