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Assiduous Alanism

Jan 18, 2002 05:00 PM
by Steve Stubbs

Hi, Paul:

I notice you seem to have been perturbed by Alan
Williams' latest round of silly comments. It does not
bother me in the slightest, but if it does bother
others, perhaps the best approach is the one Alan
himself posted on Nov 2, 2001, thus:

"In my opinion the best way to deal with such
behaviour is to assiduously ignore it. Once the perps
realise they're the only ones listening to themselves
they tend to get bored and cease. Any response or
reaction serves only to reinforce their behaviour."

Wise words, those. In the case of the "perp" who
posted those words, your response provoked an almost
instantaneous reaction. I am still trying to figure
out how there can be different sorts of "ignoring"
behavior, some of which are "assiduous" and some of
which are not "assiduous." Just ignore him without
trying to be "assiduous" is my thought. There's no
need to be gaudy about it.


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