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Re: Theos-World Theosophical research without religious bias or emotional pre-conceptions.

Jan 09, 2002 07:27 AM
by Steve Stubbs

> But of course the real valuable books are the once
> that started 
> modern historical research in this field, beginning
> with K. Paul 
> Johnson's two SUNY books, followed by J.Godwin's
> "Theosophical 
> Enlightenment", Deveney's "P.B.Randolph" and 
> "Astral Projection

Yes, unlike Meade, Williams and Solovyoff, these are
objective and not hostile. They are also not paeans
to the subject matter like Cranston's book.

> It is unfortunate, and I wonder why, an initial
> impuls fueled by a 
> series of Theosophical History conferrences seems to
> have stopped 
> cold in its tracks. Paul, Godwin, and Deveney have
> largely 
> discontinued, ore extremely slowed down their
> research

Probably because there is nothing in it. Nobody is
going to win an academic chair and a lifetime sinecure
for writing a book on Theosophy. They can win the
undying enmity of fundamentalists, which surely
surprises and dismays every one of them. I susspect
they just had an unpleasant collision with reality.

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