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Did HPB ever tell a lie?

Jan 08, 2002 12:29 PM
by Bill Meredith

Paul writes:

<No one can convince Dallas or Daniel that HPB ever told a lie or made 
a mistake-- and maybe that's true of you. No one can convince Steve 
or Brigitte or me that she didn't, in light of abundant evidence.>

Of course she made mistakes, lied, dranked alcohol, smoked tobacco and
dope, had sexual relations, and 'master'bated quite frequently. That's why
I love her. And if she were still here (Sorry, Dallas, but HPB is dead)
she would, I think, no doubt choose to run with the 'lunatic fringe'. She
wasn't much for church-going and might well laugh at the worshipful
adoration her temporary personality had fostered. Love is funny that way. 
One can be a theosophist without ever having heard of HPB. One can be a
theosophist in spite of having heard of her. She is not the key to


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