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Re: Theos-World "No two are agreed upon any fundamental occult principles. . . . "

Jan 01, 2002 10:26 AM
by Morten Sufilight

Hi Daniel, and all of you,

Thank you for the below. I agree a lot on it.

One issue I would put forward - is to stop - dead-letter reading and bible-study (- i.e. the view that only Blavatsky - counts etc. ) !
And where are the teachers of today - who hasn't drifted away into - black magic ?
Where are the spiritual 'weeds' ? Are they meditating in a far away galaxy ?

But, what about the following qoute from Blavatsky (with my remarks in ***):


ENQUIRER. Which system do you prefer or follow, in that case, besides Buddhistic ethics? 
THEOSOPHIST. None, and all. We hold to no religion, as to no philosophy in particular: we cull the good we find in each. But here, again, it must be stated that, like all other ancient systems, Theosophy is divided into Exoteric and Esoteric Sections. 

***None and all. - Who follows that - today year 2002 ??***

ENQUIRER. What is the difference? 
THEOSOPHIST. The members of the Theosophical Society at large are free to profess whatever religion or philosophy they like, or none if they so prefer, provided they are in sympathy with, and ready to carry out one or more ofthe three objects of the Association. The Society is a philanthropic and scientific body for the propagation of the idea of brotherhood on practical instead of theoretical lines. The Fellows may be Christians or Mussulmen, Jews or Parsees, Buddhists or Brahmins, Spiritualists or Materialists, it does not matter; but every member must be either a philanthropist, or a scholar, a searcher into Aryan and other old literature, or a psychic student. In short, he has to help, if he can, in the carrying out of at least one of the objects of the programme. Otherwise he has no reason for becoming a "Fellow." Such are the majority of the exoteric Society, composed of "attached" and "unattached" members. [An "attached member" means one who has joined some particular branch of the T. S. An "unattached," one who belongs to theSociety at large, has his diploma, from the Headquarters (Adyar, Madras), but is connected with no branch or lodge.] These may, or may not, become Theosophists de facto. 

***And who follows - the following remarks made by Blavatsky : ***

Members they are, by virtue of their having joined the Society; but the latter cannot make a Theosophist of one who has no sense for the divine fitness of things, or of him who understands Theosophy in his own -- if the expression may be used -- sectarian and egotistic way. "Handsome is, as handsomedoes" could be paraphrased in this case and be made to run: "Theosophist is, who Theosophy does." (H. P. Blavatsky: THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY,Section 2)


I hold, that all to many Theosophical groups and even organizations do not follow this view of Blavatsky's today - year 2002. If they at all understand, what she is thinking about. They are not - as open - as Blavatsky wants them to be in the above. And also not forgetting - the dead-letter view.

What do you have on my - Alice A. Bailey article no. 4389 ( Caldwell ?
And others ?

from Sufilight

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Blavatsky Archives" <>
To: "Blavatsky Archives" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 6:16 PM
Subject: Theos-World "No two are agreed upon any fundamental occult principles. . . . "

> In the following passages from THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY,
> H.P. Blavatsky makes some astute observations that are
> still true and relevant today (maybe even more so!). I
> would suggest that students of her writings might take
> to heart the major points she offers for our
> consideration.
> "While two-thirds of civilized society ridicule the
> mere notion that there is anything in Theosophy,
> Occultism, Spiritualism, or in the Kabala, the other
> third is composed of the most heterogeneous and
> opposite elements. Some believe in the mystical, and
> even in the supernatural (!), but each believes in his
> own way. Others will rush single-handed into the study
> of the Kabala, Psychism, Mesmerism, Spiritualism, or
> some form or another of Mysticism. Result: no two men
> think alike, no two are agreed upon any fundamental
> occult principles, though many are those who claim for
> themselves the ultima thule of knowledge, and would
> make outsiders believe that they are full-blown
> adepts. Not only is there no scientific and accurate
> knowledge of Occultism accessible in the West -- not
> even of true astrology, the only branch of Occultism
> which, in its exoteric teachings, has definite laws
> and a definite system -- but no one has any idea of
> what real Occultism means. Some limit ancient wisdom
> to the Kabala and the Jewish Zohar, which each
> interprets in his own way according to the dead-letter
> of the Rabbinical methods. Others regard Swedenborg or
> Boehme as the ultimate expression of the highest
> wisdom; while others again see in mesmerism the great
> secret of ancient magic. One and all of those who put
> their theory into practice are rapidly drifting,
> through ignorance, into black magic. Happy are those
> who escape from it, as they have neither test nor
> criterion by which they can distinguish between the
> true and the false. . . . A portion of the true
> sciences is better than a mass of undigested and
> misunderstood learning. An ounce of gold is worth a
> ton of dust." THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY, Section 2.
> What do you believe are Mme. Blavatsky's major
> observations in these quoted passages above and what
> is the relevance of these points as one seriously
> studies Theosophy and related subjects? 
> Daniel
> =====
> Daniel H. Caldwell
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