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What's that burning smell?

Dec 16, 2001 08:55 AM
by Steve Stubbs

Daniel: "(1) When Rawson writes that Blavatsky tried
hasheesh in Cairo, what year is he referring to?"

If Blavatsky was in Cairo tht year, he would be
referring to a year in which Blavatsky was in Cairo.

Daniel: "(2) When Rawson writes that Blavatsky "AGAIN
indulged in it in this city [NYC?]", what time period
is he referring to?"

If Blavatsky was in New York that year, he would be
referring to a time period in which Blavatsky was in

Daniel: "(3) Rawson writes that Blavatsky tried
hashish in Cairo and AGAIN indulged in it in New York
City. Steve, do you think that she had continued
using hashish between the time she was at Cairo and
the later period when she was in NYC?"

How do I know? Rawson is not clear about that.

Daniel: "What is Rawson referring to but not saying
explicitly when he uses the phrase "under the care of
myself and Dr....Smith"?

Clearly I cannot say what he is "referring to but not
saying explicitly." What are YOU "referring to but
not saying explicitly"?

Daniel: "(5) When she went to India in 1879, did she
continue to take hashish?"

The record quoted by you attests that she was
addicted, so that is a reasonable inference. The
record shows she cotinued using some herb suitable for
smoking. If she smoked a pound of herbs every day she
was clearly addicted to something and disinclined to
give it up.

Daniel: "(6) Steve, do you believe Blavatsky
habitually used hashish over many years?

Rawson apparently testifies that she used it in at
least two years, when in Cairo and NY.

Daniel: "Steve, do you believe when HPB wrote these
words in London in 1889 that she was puffing away on a
cigarette containing hashish? That she was an
habitual user of this drug in 1889?"

We do not have that information. It is a fact that
some people prefer to lead by exhortation and not by
example. In fact, it appears most people prefer that
leadership style. Her advice may have been valid
whether she ever took it herself or not. You have
heard the old saying: "Go ahead and take my advice, I
am not using it for anything."

What we know is that Olcott described an experience
(the Ootan Liatto matter) which was clearly drug
induced, and described other experiences also clearly
drug induced. There are also references to drugs in
various early Blavatsky writings whoch are not in the
same spirit as the 1889 reference. There are
furthermore statements by eye witnesses that drugs
were involved.

There is not any way to finesse that away. Don't
mutilate the story, Daniel.


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