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RE: Dallas recommends 3 sources on Blavatsky & history of Theosophical Movement

Dec 15, 2001 05:42 PM
by dalval14

Dear Daniel:

Thanks for correcting my error. Yes the Gomes book is done by
GARLAND PUBLISHING. I have no idea how "Orchard" got in there.

Your other views are noted with thanks and interest.

The list you send for alternate reading is most valuable so as to
help readers to make up their own minds.

Best wishes, as always,



-----Original Message-----
From: Blavatsky Archives []
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 11:16 PM
To: Theosophy Study List
Subject: Dallas recommends 3 sources on Blavatsky & history of
Theosophical Movement

Dallas, you recommend the following 3 sources on
Blavatsky & the history of Theosophical Movement. I
will make a few comments on these titles and also
offer other recommended titles.

Your first title is:

"1. Michael Gomes edited 'THEOSOPHY IN THE 19th
There he provides us with a record and a synopsis of
the content
of some 2057 (or more) DOCUMENTS. These are available
original) in various libraries for scrutiny. [Orchard
Publishing, New York] [ 582 pages]."

Dallas, this book by Gomes was published by Garland
Publishing, not
Orchard. It is basically a bibliography but with
chapter summaries
and annotations for each document.

But I'm surprised that you do not inform your readers
that hundreds
of the most important, original articles listed in
this book have
been published in their entirety on my website

Furthermore, I have published on my website scores of
original source documents on Blavatsky, etc. that are
NOT listed in
the Gomes volume.


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