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Re: Theos-World "Nazi -UFO" myth and Theosophy III.

Dec 10, 2001 10:06 PM
by Morten Sufilight

Hi Brigitte,

Why is it important to be interestd in what evil schemes some people might make or not or have made or not ??
To some people the below is - a lie. And of course also to others not. And that is why I ask you these question.

Why is - the good words and good deeds of good and honest people - not - much more important ?? Why not ??
What has evil people to offer ??
Well I just felt, that I would ask you, in a polite manner that is.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "bri_mue" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 3:16 AM
Subject: Theos-World "Nazi -UFO" myth and Theosophy III.

> Dennis: "That Old Devil Charles Leadbeater again!"
> Why can you not show some activity also, and look in the index ?
> I think I said enough below, and I think as a whole it stands, why 
> don't you respond to that instead of only nitpicking ? 
> And since this is a "discussion" group maybe giving you "own" 
> opinion would be more productive.
> The reason why Theosophy has something to do with it from starters is 
> becouse the whole UFO myth goos back to story's in the Secret 
> Doctrine ,about earlier planetary situations. As Blavatsky's SD 
> could not be kept to conform with physical reality as it originally 
> claimed to be, contents where transformed to meat more modern 
> circumstances. flying saucers in a way replaced astral travel as 
> means of getting around. In many contactee accounts during the 
> fifties, no flying saucer is included at all. Venusians walk the 
> streets of urban America ready to talk to anyone aware enough to 
> recognise them
> Young people in the US that time also had been reading about 
> extraterrestrials for years in such magazines as Amazing Stories and 
> Astounding Science Fiction. The editor of Amazing, Raymond A. Palmer 
> embraced the "new" phenomenon of flying saucers. 
> Ray Palmer, editor of Amazing Stories SF magazine, often boasted he
> could turn any crackpot idea into a salable story. One day in 1944 a
> weird manuscript arrived at his office. It was purportedly
> non-fiction, and it described how a race of underground beings were
> responsible for all the mayhem and madness in the world. The author
> of this strange opus was Richard Shaver, a welder from Pennsylvania.
> Shaver exhibited many of the classic symptoms of paranoid
> schizophrenia (persecution by unknown forces, ill health caused by
> mysterious "rays," hearing voices), but Ray Palmer saw
> gold in the other man's delusions. He re-wrote Shaver's manuscript
> into a "fiction-fact" story called "I Remember Lemuria!" and
> published it. Shaver's paranoia, coupled with Palmer's 
> exposition of the wonders of alien super-science, ignited the
> readership. Circulation soared, and the letters column of Amazing was
> swamped with notes from people claiming experiences just like
> Shaver's.
> The first ten years after the Arnold sightings in 1947 saw the growth 
> of an interest in physical flying saucers (that we can hardly 
> understand now, plagued as we are since then by more psychological 
> tales of abduction and ancient gods.) Then, the search for an 
> explanation generally started from the premise that what had been 
> seen - and a lot of shiny, revolving flying-saucerish things were 
> reported as really having been seen - were physically real. On that 
> basis the choice was whether they were terrestrial or extra-
> terrestrial, and for those who weren't prepared to believe in the 
> reality of extra-terrestrial craft and their extra-terrestrial 
> occupants, there was a further choice - were they friends or enemies, 
> US or Soviet, and how could anyone tell?
> Wendelle Stevens talked at a recent UFO conference and 
> explained "There were apparently nine secret bases in Germany working 
> on anti-gravity vehicles. One involved BMW. Stevens even recalls 
> seeing a map of the base locations in recovered German documents 
> while in the AF, but it was shredded. After Hitler learned that he 
> could not use these antigravity vehicles in the war, he launched two 
> expeditions to the Antarctic led by Admiral Richard, one in 1938 and 
> one in 1942 after the eastern front losses. The work on flying disks 
> continued there. According to Meier case documents, Ptah said 334 
> members of a secret German society continued the work that has 
> remained secret even today. Stevens also mentioned that Adrian of the 
> Miami contacts said he and his girl friend were taken by Pleiadians 
> to a secret base in SW Brazil where they saw German style saucers 
> parked on pedestals. And I recall from that case that Adrian was told 
> that some of the German scientists' children were raised on the 
> Pleiadies and are now back here working for BMW. Finally, at last 
> years conference a retired NRO gentleman presented us privately a 
> picture labeled Haunebu 5, made by German, American, and Aldebaran 
> scientists in Antarctica."
> The identification of the theosophical (hierarchical) "Masters" with 
> beings from space is pre-figured in theosophical litterature. For 
> example Charles Leadbeater speaking of the Masters explains: We see 
> that it is merely a brotherhood of humanity, or even of life this 
> Chain of world, but that all Chains in the Solar System mutually 
> interact and help one another. I have no direct evidence that Solar 
> Systems give assistance to each other in such ways, but I should 
> imagine it by analogy to be most certain that even that is done. At 
> least I have myself seen Visitors from other systems..(Leadbeater"The 
> Masters and the Path")
> Desmond Leslie in his chapters on "Flying Saucers Have Landed", 
> makes much of saucers in Atlantis, ancient India, and medieval 
> Europe, often using Theosophical texsts like the Secret Doctrine as 
> resources.
> In 1844, two French priests, Evariste Huc and Father Gabet, entered 
> Tibet. They were the first to write a detailed account of the 
> country, published in 1850. Translated into English as "Recollections 
> of Travel in Tartary, Tibet and China", a Blavatsky's appropriation 
> of part of their narrative, claiming it to be her own travels, they 
> would come to influence modern esoteric traditions.
> However since Tibet became more accesable, the believe in beings from 
> outer space more effectivly withdraws these newer messengers and 
> their sources from the scrutiny of outsiders.
> Like the Theosophical Society, the Aetherius Society (a large UFO 
> organisation) has Masters for example; though they tend to be on 
> other planets rather than in the Himalayas. 
> So instead of Blavatsky's invented Masters, people started to find 
> in Adamski, Ruth Norman (Unarius), Understanding Inc. (Dan Fry) , 
> Mark- Age,not to forget the I Am movement and their off 
> shoots,Extraterrestrial Earth Mission, Heaven's Gate, Universarium 
> Foundation and so on, their organizers, bischops, and overseers, who 
> maintain that the Masters are from outher space.
> And of course messages from aliens both proceded the rise of the 
> Master mythology and the current wave of UFO's, one of the many 
> inspirors of Blavatsky Emanuel Swedenborg, claimed to have spoken 
> with spirits from other planets.
> Brigitte.
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to 

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