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Re to Daniel - Quote 3

Nov 21, 2001 03:33 AM
by Peter Merriott

*************Quote # 3, SD Vol I, pg 570************
While the Christian is taught that the human soul is a breath of God --
being created by him for sempiternal existence, i.e., having a beginning,
but no end (and therefore never to be called eternal) -- the Occult teaching
says, "Nothing is created, but is only transformed. Nothing can manifest
itself in this universe -- from a globe down to a vague, rapid thought --
that was not in the universe already; everything on the subjective plane is
an eternal IS; as everything on the objective plane is an ever becoming --
because transitory."

JERRY: Here she combines the upper three planes and calls them "the
subjective plane" and she combines the lower four into "the objective
plane." Her phrase "an eternal IS" must be taken in a relative sense.

PETER comments: It is questionable that HPB is combining the upper three
planes and calling them "the subjective plane" & so on. Just as it is
questionable that "an eternal IS" *must* be taken in a relative sense.

The "eternal IS" is sometimes is used to refer to Parabrahm, or Kosmos in
Eternity ie during Pralaya. See, for example SD I 282-283, where she writes
more on this subject of :

"The Universe was evolved out of its ideal plan, upheld through Eternity in
the unconsciousness of that which the Vedantins call Parabrahm. . . . The
active Power, the 'Perpetual motion of the great Breath' only awakens Kosmos
at the dawn of every new Period, setting it into motion by means of the two
contrary Forces,* and thus causing it to become objective on the plane of
Illusion. In other words, that dual motion transfers Kosmos from the plane
of the Eternal Ideal into that of finite manifestation, or from the Noumenal
to the Phenomenal plane. Everything that is, was, and will be, eternally IS,
even the countless forms, which are finite and perishable only in their
objective, not in their ideal Form." (SD I 282-283)

See also page 14 of the PROEM where Parabrahm/Mulaprakriti is referred to as
the "rootless root of 'all that was, is, or ever will be.'

In other words, "every thing that is, was and will be" exists in the "ideal
plan" which rest in Parabrahm during pralaya. This is the "eternal IS". It
becomes 'objective' during Manavatara. That's how I would understand this


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