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Sep 10, 2001 06:07 AM
by dalval14
Monday, September 10, 2001 Dear Andra Baylus: There is a UNITED LODGE OF THEOSOPHISTS in Bethesda, Washington D C Their address is 4862 Cordell Ave., # A, Bethesda, MD, 20814 I believe they can be contacted at: 301-656-3566 (voice mail) They have a Web Page at http://www.ultdc.org/ I hope you will have no trouble contacting the I also believe they have a Sunday talk/study class on Sunday mornings. Welcome to the band of seekers for truth. We cover anything and everything asking always for the causative WHY ? Our sole bond is a deep belief in Universal brotherhood and we have no regard for the usual definitions of race, creed, color, sex, wealth, etc... All of us are regarded as SOULS - as Minds in search of a "mirror" from which an understanding of one's self is to be obtained, somehow. So all questions and comments are welcome. We look on phenomena as evidence of an underlying cause, a noumenon which has to harmonize with many other aspects of life. Some of these causes and laws seem very complex and perhaps have not yet been detected, explained or determined by Scientific effort and exploration, but, we are convinced that the economy of Nature demands order and reason in all things. Some of the Sciences like chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, astro-physics, and mathematics show evidence of definite laws in operation. But when we begin to consider the psychological and social sciences a great deal of speculation arises because of the two entities resident in every human. There is the rising intelligence that is summed up in instinct and desire from the physical, bodily side, [usually called the PERSONALITY -- mask = persona]. And, there is, in contrast, the descending voice of "conscience," and of intuitive experience, from the Wisdom and Mental side (a result of the accumulated experiences in past lives). This is [usually called the INDIVIDUALITY -- including a portion of the Universal Spirit, accumulated Wisdom of experience, and, 3, the Mind, the power to think, plan, remember, and review]. All seems to be contained in Nature, which appears to be an infinitely sensitive agent that acts on all beings as an "adjuster," and, does this harmonizing under laws which are exact, inflexible, and fair The main question then is WHY ? And this can include a personal question: WHY AM I HERE? What am I supposed to be doing? But let us go back in time to the beginning of the Theosophical exposition, when Mme. Blavatsky was in India, and see what she wrote then: When the THEOSOPHIST (the first monthly magazine for Theosophists) was first published in Oct. 1879 in Bombay ( Vol. I, p. 5) one of the first articles by H P B was WHAT ARE THE THEOSOPHISTS ? It is worth re-reading. [Reprints in H P B Articles -- U L T -- Vol. I p. 48; and, BLAVATSKY: Collected Works (TPH); it is also on-line at BLAVATSKY NET. ] What does H P B say? (in summary) " [Theosophists are] ... "students of natural law, of ancient and modern philosophy, and...exact science." (p. 48)..."psychological sciences..." ( p. 49) ... "examine Spiritualism" ( p. 49) ... "the leading members of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY in India [ in 1879] are known to be very advanced students of occult phenomena"... (p. 50) ... "one of our many objects is to revive the work of Ammonius Saccas [ see early pages of the KEY TO THEOSOPHY (HPB) ] and make various nations remember that they are the children "of one another." .... The Society as a body has no creed, as creeds are, but the shells around spiritual knowledge; and Theosophy is in its fruition, SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE ITSELF..." ( p. 50) ... [Theosophists are seekers] "for the final truth as to the ultimate essence of things." (p. 51) ... "...the religion of the Society is an algebraical equation in which so long as the sign = of equality is not omitted, each member is allowed to substitute his own...idiosyncrasies ..." ( p. 50) ... "all [Theosophists are] original thinkers and investigators" p. 51) ... "One need but worship the spirit of living nature, the invisible Cause, which is ever yet manifesting itself in its incessant results; the intangible, omnipotent, and omniscient Proteus" (p. 51)... " once that a student abandons the old and trodden highway of routine, and enters upon the solitary path of independent thought--Godward--he is a theosophist; an original thinker, a seeker after the eternal truth with "an inspiration of his own" to solve the universal problems." (p. 52). Theosophy presents a view of our Universe, our Earth and ourselves as related beings. As conscious and aware and states (broadly) that every thing from the atom to the galaxy has the same kind of internal mix, Also there seems to be an urge to learn that is innate in all of us. So far, our learning has largely concerned itself with the limitations of our environment and the struggle of the many scientific departments we know of, has been to discover what Mother "Nature" has installed in place so as to harmonize the many disparate and discordant entities that are assembled in and around us. One who is cautious and attentive will have noticed that the interactive nature of these is cooperative. It [Theosophy] starts with the premise: "If it is here, then there has to be a cause for its existence." So it looks into the causes for our universe, earth, and ourselves. It soon perceives and draws our attention to the great cyclic laws that seem to constantly serve as the guides and friends of our search and of our daily lives. It is presumed that all of us are involved and subject to these laws (just as Science points these out, in terms of mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, sociology, philosophy, and even religions, when those are viewed historically from their origins, etc.). No, we are not "slaves," but as intelligent, self-conscious and self-choosing beings, we have the right to ask why, how, when, where, and "Why me ?". Among humans, the mind and its faculty of thinking, seems paramount. But there is a conflict with our independence and our desire to do as and when we please. This frequently starts conflicts with others. The only thing that has kept me interested in Theosophy is the fact that it explains so much that the commonly taught academic subjects of philosophy, science and religion do not. It makes the Earth, and the many situations we go through, more reasonable. But judge for yourself independently, as you proceed. Theosophy does NOT proselyte. It offers an ancient system of knowledge, history and with a precision that no other covers as well. You will not be told what to do or how to do it. As a system of informative practicality, you will find it places propositions before you that are logical and asks you to investigate and prove or disprove their validity. It does not insist that any one method be used, but allows full freedom to everyone -- something that they have already, and does not pretend to abridge it. It asks no more than an intelligent enthusiasm which leads the enquirer on to studying Nature and her secret ways of cooperation and her generosity in supporting all beings, even when she is abused. Wisdom cannot be bought or sold, it is always free for those who seek it -- but the search may prove long and arduous, and yet, at the end of many years and even lives, it will bring a view of the Universe that is unlimited and complete. Our position of duty and of responsibility gradually becomes clear to us -- but read below, and see if it is not also inspiring. If you desire to inquire into Theosophy, then a very simple but quite fundamental text (about 40 pages) titled AN EPITOME OF THEOSOPHY by Wm. Q. Judge will give you an overview. The larger text THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY by Mme. Blavatsky gives a historical as well as a theoretical and practical synopsis of Theosophical views and doctrines. (308 pages) The great Text-Book THE SECRET DOCTRINE (BY Mme. Blavatsky) ought to be read after you assimilate what is said in the KEY, or THE OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY by Mr. W. Q. Judge. Those give a basis from which to understand the depths and breadths that can be studied by all. Best wishes, Dallas ========================================= Dear Theos-Talk, There seem to be many talk groups there. I am interested in joining a group that is associated with H P Blavatsky's Theosophy. Also, I would like to know if there are any Theosophy Societies in the Washington-Northern Virginia area. Thank you for responding. In God's Love, Andra [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]