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Re: Theos-World Story on Cloning -- Should interest theosophy students

Aug 28, 2001 04:38 PM
by Dennis Kier

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Story on Cloning -- Should interest theosophy

> At 02:36 PM 8/24/01 -0700, Dennis Kier wrote:
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: <>
> >To: <>; <>
> >Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 4:22 PM
> >Subject: Theos-World Story on Cloning -- Should interest theosophy
> >students
> >
> >
> > > Man-beast hybrid beyond talking stage
> > >
> > > Human DNA in cow egg
> >
> >
> >It all seems rather far fetched, but once they get more experience,
> >would be nice if they could take a cell, add some of my DNA, and
> >a spare heart, lung, kidney, or whatever organ needed. There should
> >no rejection problems, if it came from me.
> >
> >I wouldn't want a transplant from another person, but this type of
> >organ would seem to me to be acceptable.
> >
> >Dennis
> I would go one step further. If only I could be cloned, then the
clone can
> replace me and the old and run out myself can be ready to die and
> would not make much of problem to those who depend on me!!! Instead
> replacing a part, just replace the whole body.

Yes, But - I suppose the problem would be in getting your
consciousness intact from the old to the new.

I think the Mahatmas have this all figured out, though. They developed
the TULKU process whereby they enter into a baby, or a badly injured
young person, and heal it, reanimate it, and then use it till it wears
out, in turn. Several of the people HPB & Olcott visited in South
India had done that. I believe one was a woman, who had been an old
man, who needed a new body, and couldn't find a suitable one, and was
forced to settle for a female body. As I recall, the name was MAJI, or
something similar.

That is evidently the process that the high Lamas in Tibet used, -the
process used by the Dali Lama is that, I believe.

Perhaps if we study hard, they will share the knowledge with a few


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