Re: Theos-World Dr. Tillett's biography of Leadbeater
Aug 28, 2001 05:32 AM
by ramadoss
Publishing is very easy with Internet. Most of the new material, is likely to
be available in some word processor format and can be converted into to pdf
file with no effort and many websites would be willing to make the file
available for download.
My request would be to that even a rough draft of the new material and the
conclusions can be made available on the internet before the final version is
Also if feasible Brendan French's thesis can be made available now itself.
The pdf format files are platform independent - can be read by Windows, Unix,
Solaris etc. It has become a standard practice in the US Government to make
all the Government documentation available in PDF format. So that is the way
to go.
My 0.02.
mkr wrote:
> I'm sorry I can't suggest where you may find a copy of my biography of
> Leadbeater - as far as I know it is long out of print, and difficult to
> obtain even through the major secondhand dealers. I hope, one day, to
> make my PhD thesis on the same topic available - but it runs to some 1200
> pages in 3 volumes and is hardly likely to commend itself to any
> commercial publisher! ......
> It would also now require the insertion of
> considerable additional material which I have found since the book (1982)
> and the thesis (1986) were written....... However, I would now consider
> that my work needs to be read in the light of that of my colleague, Dr
> Brendan French, whose PhD thesis (submitted this year) is entitled: "The
> Theosophical Masters: An Investigation into the Conceptual Domains of
> H.P. Blavatsky and C.W. Leadbeater" This outstanding work in the history
> of ideas (which runs to 800+ pages) will (I hope) be published within the
> next year or so.
> Dr Gregory Tillett
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