RE: Theos-World RE: Reincarnation -- ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS -- The IMMORTAL SELF
Aug 23, 2001 06:30 AM
by dalval14
Thursday, August 23, 2001
Dear Mic:
You misunderstand me, I think.
There is no relation (in my mind) between the habitation of
Australia and what I wrote.
Incidentally Australia and other lands of similar geological age
have been inhabited for several million years. That is according
I did not mean in any way to be insulting. Sorry.
No the world, and Universe are not static, but in terms of
DURATION (unmeasured time) they are "temporary." They serve the
needs for the evolution of all the intelligent creatures that use
The other aspect of things the bondage and freedom of KARMA is
important. We don't and can't go adventuring unless we have
predetermined affinities with certain areas. If as you say the
populating of Australia is in the limited range of 60,000 yeas,
then geology and anthropology seem to have fore-shortened the
time. Theosophy teaches those lands were inhabited far earlier.
Reincarnation of the divine Ego also plays its part, and perhaps
the "return" of explorers, and others to old Australia (now
"new") indicates an affinity for that marvelous country -- so
much like so. California where I live, and which The SECRET
DOCTRINE says is of the same vintage geologically. Both were
part of ancient Lemuria, geologically..
There are new and other planets and each is aid to have its own
version of "humanity" either in formation or already existing.
We cannot assume that the human shape alone carries a Mind, nor
that matter in the same biological content as ours is alone
capable of housing it there. Our Earth conditions are not
necessarily the same elsewhere, and it would be difficult to
prove this, but it is reasonable.
I think you would have an interesting time reading through The
SECRET DOCTRINE and using the INDEX (a separate book) to look up
these questions.
Thanks for the comments. If these need further explanation, do
not hesitate to write.
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: Mic Forster []
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: Reincarnation --
If we have no already created affinities and
experienced life and
> responsibilities in a certain area why should the
> SPIRIT/SOUL "travel" on some kind of science-fiction
> adventure?
Does that mean that since no "human" stepped foot onto
Australia, where I currently reside, until
approximately 60,000 odd years ago, that I am
currently living in some science fiction fantasy? Your
statement implies the universe is temporally and
spatially static, this makes no sense. In an evolving
universe the SPIRIT/SOUL would want to travel to a
physical place where it is most conducive to its
current form of evolution. Earth is but one physical
place, should not there be others? Is not science
"discovering" new planets virtually everyday? Is not
science "discovering" new habitats where life resides,
eg bacteria in clouds over Austria. True, science is
not the be all and end all of Theosophy, though it is
a component and must be considered. I am sure religion
and philosophy have much to say on this.
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