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Re: Theos-World A United(?) Team

Aug 13, 2001 11:53 AM
by Compiler


All I can say to this "Theosophical History" issue, as you describe it, is that all of the many Theosophical web sites, books, and publications, for so long now, put out a vast amount of views in the way of articles and history that are probably contrary to each other in so many ways, and to whatever degree. So to ask me to do away with what has been presented by the particular Association and its publication, in THEOSOPHY magazine, that I happened to have read and learned in, while all of the other stuff in all of the other places stand as they are, is asking quite a lot. :-) But I clearly propose and suggest and say in many places and in many ways that we should try hard to overcome all of this and come together as a "United Team", no matter what the past, up to the present, is -- both on the web site
and in the the overall "proposal" of "starting ideas".

As far as a new and stand-alone web site for the proposed "United Team [Writing] Action" goes, that is clearly suggested, spoken of, and hoped for a lot of times in my proposal collation and on the web site.

John DeSantis

You may find a great deal of the Truth that you are searching for here:

Wisdom World web site (Main Page):

The Index page of the Introductory, "Setting the Stage" book:

The page where "Additional" articles are slowly being added:


Gerald Schueler wrote:

> <<<<John writes:
> "I humbly suggest that our worldwide Theosophical
> Movement should try and pull together a "United Team",
> one that presents endless writings dealing with all
> that affects humanity today, and on into the future,
> in a new publication, whatever it may be named, and
> even if just on the web, for starters. And that every
> web site within the Theosophical arena should put a
> link to this same one site, on their own sites." etc>>>>
> John, two important points:
> 1. While I applaud your efforts, I don't see how, for example, your posting of Theosophical History ala ULT is going to help unite anyone. Your history puts virtually all Theosophical leaders and writers except HPB, Judge, and ULT leaders, in a very poor light. I personally won't consider linking to your site just because of how your history shabbily treats Tingely and de Purucker. I would think that Adyar folks would think the same about how Besant is described, and so on. While you talk a lot about "ancient history" and how we should unite, I don't find the ULT's version of history to be either correct or worthy of reading, and I certainly will not recommend that newbies read it. So I would strongly suggest that you put any United Team writings on a new/different web site.
> 2. The Theosophical umbrella/tent is very wide, and includes a lot of material. As Judge himself says, some is at the edges (shallow but understandable, ie exoteric) and some is deep (profound but difficult to understand, ie esoteric). Everyone agrees that newbies and non-Theosophsists will likely not understand the profound/deep stuff, but truth-to-tell much of the exoteric easy stuff is misleading and usually causes newbies to set off in wrong directions. A possible way of avoiding problems here is to grade each article on profundity - easy, medium, hard, or something along those lines, much like what we find in modern texts like the well-selling "for dummies" books. Just a thought.
> A group of us decided several years ago to approach the public by using Windows Help files, but we argued so much over the basic question of "What is Theosophy?" that it never really got off the ground. Also, there used to exist a nice Theosophical magazine (Ed by Ralph Nurrie as I recall) in which we published articles of interest to the general public (like sex, for example - and I don't even want to go into the reaction we got from that one) and again we ran into more opposition from within the Theosophical rank and file than from outside. So, this all kinda comes down to how can be present a united front to the general public when we are, in fact, so fragmented within our own ranks? We not only have disagreements between TSs but within them. I frankly don't see how any real union of TSs is possible.
> Jerry S.
> PS. In what way do you see this United Team of writers being any different than, say, the already-existing online Theos-World, which carries articles by any Theosophist?
> --
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