Re: eating habits and introduction
Aug 09, 2001 00:18 AM
by Katinka Hesselink
Hi Kazimir, and rest of this group.
Many of you all know me, as I am active and have been active on other
lists. But well, for more information on me and my interests, see:
As for the influence of Theosophy on Decisions?
I am afraid (and happy to say) that based on practical experience,
theosophists make very different dicisions. Among the American members of
theos-l for instance we had both conservatives and democrats. To me that
shows that theosophy leaves each person to find out for themselves what
the true way is. If there were easy and clear ways of making decisions,
life would not be so complicated.
> Is it all still
> equally vague as it usually is and you are left with tautologies like '
> there are no recipes, you should carefully balance all sides an see in
> your
> inner self, then carefully decide, without conscious or subconscious
> ignoring any aspects?'
> Do you have some examples of decisions you routinely do nowadays thanks
> to knowledge you achieved studying and practicing theosophy?
But that does not mean that theosophy does not help in making decisions.
It basically says (like any religion or ethical philosophy) that we should
try to harm least and help most. But routine decisions? Really, those are
impossible in a world as fastly changing as today's world. This does make
many theosophist vegetarian though. But my honest opinion is that in many
cultures it would (at the moment) hurt as many people to be vegaterian as
it hurts the animals to slaughter them. Even being a vegetarian (which I
am, and which is quite easy in Holland where I live) is not a hard and
fast rule.
Katinka Hesselink
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