RE: reaching consensus
Aug 03, 2001 07:01 PM
by dalval14
Friday, August 03, 2001
Dear Eldon
Scratch an "elite group." In the practice of the U.L.T. work,
all decisions are done by conferencing, where two or more come
together to consult on the best way to handle things.: new or
old. This is done all the time. No formalities.
If this is an example of "closed door" participation, then leave
me out. Anything I have to say, I select to whom it goes or does
not. As an independent volunteer, and associate of the U.L.T.,
I make those choices. I also like to be in a position where
anyone can ask me for my reasons. It makes for clarity and
avoids any "elitism," "secrecy," or "favoritism."
I also seek to put into practice the IDEALS that THEOSOPHY holds
up for all of us to test, and if useful, for us to use. I agree
with you that anything that is pertinent ought to be within the
grasp and understanding of others who may have to assume similar
responsibilities, and adopt similar ideals.
That's the way I read the DECLARATION, and how I understand it to
have meaning.
I also recognize that the practice of those ideals, I mean how
individuals may bring them into objectivity, may often be less
than ideal -- there are limitations in making practical
applications, even if intentions are good. I have been told
that this is the "flaw" referred to. It relates to the
imperfections of practice and not to the IDEALS.
I suggested that those who are interested in keeping THEOSOPHY
before the public might join U.L.T. as associates.
Primarily the work is STUDY of THEOSOPHY and collaboration in
seeking the meaning of the texts and the words and phrases that
are employed by H.P.Blavatsky and W. Q. Judge .
Since the U.L.T. provides a forum for this work, if they also
desire to, they can learn how the U.L.T. functions in practice,
since there is only one level ( associate/volunteer) and all can
participate equally.
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: Eldon B Tucker []
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 7:33 AM
To: Compiler;;;;;;;;;;;;
Subject: reaching consensus
In the absence of an elite inner group running things,
the ULT presumably openly decides things by consensus.
That means that important issues aren't discussed behind
closed doors, with decisions being made without involving
When we have an offline discussion, in private emails
like this one, we're doing that. We're discussing things
behind closed doors. People we chose to leave off the
"cc:" are outside. People we include may end up feeling
like insiders.
In my thinking, having the discussions on unmoderated
mailing lists, like theos-talk, we invite everyone interested
to follow the discussions and add their comments. There's
no "us" and "them", no insiders and outsiders.
In a totally open discussion, we'll find more disagreement.
More people of a greater diversity of backgrounds means
there's more to explain and work out. But the consensus
arrived at is more far-reaching, and we've participated on
an equal basis with everyone else.
Let's broaden our circle of people to include others,
regardless of theosophical organization. Everyone benefits
from meeting and interacting from a broad spectrum of
theosophical students.
-- Eldon
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