Re: Theos-World RE: The end of "bickering" over the irreversible Past.
Jul 31, 2001 05:50 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer
>even a single person who may be inquiring into theosophy and its doctrines.
And it
>may be recalled that in the famous Maha Chohan letter, this issue of
>newbees is discussed as it is an extremely important matter.
Doss, when newbees were present in the Blavatsky lodge in London and were in
attempt to join the TS, HPB at first handed them over the illfamed Hodgson
report about her, saying: Read that. If you after reading still convinced
that Theosophy is true, then you are welcome.
Also KH once pointed out that we need no blind believers but rather people
who are able to count two times two.
A group which discusses openly and is willing to correct old
views/statements which turned out to be wrong would rather attract thinking
and truth seeking people then worshippers and neurotics, which HPB liked to
label as "drones".
And we have toooo much of them.
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