RE: Questions about something Leon wrote on ULT
Jul 24, 2001 05:18 PM
by dalval14
Tuesday, July 24, 2001
Dear Dan:
See below
U.L.T. works like nothing in existence so to try to put it like
a square peg into a round hole will not work. There are no exact
parallels. The only thing approaching it is a cooperative
without officers or by-laws.
I try to say the same thing, but it seems the more I repeat it
the less it is either understood or believed.
Why not study the meaning of the DECLARATION of the U.L.T. .
The whole secret is in there.
Read also most carefully the section in the FRIENDLY PHILOSOPHER:
"IN THE BEGINNING" It is towards the end of the book pp 366 on
to end.
Either you take what I say as reasonably true or you do not. I
try to use plain English
What remains to be answered ?
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: D---- C-----------
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2001 6:59 AM
Subject: Questions about something Leon wrote on ULT
The below email is posted on:
Date: Sun Jul 22, 2001 1:36 pm
Subject: Questions about something Leon wrote
Leon wrote in part:
"I think Dallas has already made it clear that there is no
hierarchical relationship between the independent local Lodges
associate run study groups, or any overriding dictatorial powers
can govern how each individual Lodge or student associate freely
about their self determined business. For example, many years
ago I
set up a ULT study group in Florida, that -- had we sufficient
members to justify a registration under state and federal laws as
a "not for profit association" requiring our own premises and
tax free status -- could have been chartered by the Parent ULT as
"independent Lodge." (At that time, incidentally, we were
the occult teachings in the Vedas, Puranas and Upanishads with
help of a Hindu initiate.) At no time did the Parent ULT ever
us any restrictions or guidance, have any interest, or ask for
reports on what we were doing."
Okay, Leon. Let's take this a step or two further. Let's say
eventually your Florida ULT study group had been chartered by the
Parent ULT as an "independent Lodge".
DTB Sorry this is an ERROR, as THERE IS NO "PARENT
U.L.T. charters no one. The DECLARATION is the document that
sets the sole basis on which it exists.
Los Angeles U.L.T. is not a "Parent Lodge." It is the oldest.
Each U.L.T. is independent. Each U.L.T. is self-dependent but
in fraternal affiliation and unity with all the rest. The
DECLARATION is the basis for such affiliation. This fraternal
affiliation declares the concept and the uniting quality on which
all ULTs. Form themselves. If individuals are dissatisfied they
are as free to leave as they originally came, as volunteers, to
offer their services for the continuation in actuality of the
ideals that the U.L.T. concept maintains and sustains.
Los Angeles U.L.T. is the oldest lodge. It assists with
information based on experience, if it is asked.
It does not guide or control. It requires no reports, and it
does not maintain financial control over other ULTs. In this
regard each U.L.T. is independent and self-supporting.
The sole guidance, if that is inquired into, will be found is
inherent in the ORIGINAL TEACHINGS OF THEOSOPHY as recorded by
Mme. H. P. Blavatsky and Mr. Wm. Quan Judge.
For those who are interested in identifying these guide lines and
parameters of service and teaching, they need to study. They
have to find out accurately and philosophically exactly what
Since it has no beliefs, dogmas, or rituals the whole of its
philosophical and metaphysical basis will be found in its
original literature. In 1877 Mme. Blavatsky published ISIS
ISIS UNVEILED is a compendium that gathers together from every
part of the world, as well as every age evidence ,concerning the
invisible and secret rules and Laws of Nature. It shows that
Nature (our world, as well as the Universe) contains all and
serves to sustain Life in all beings small or large, visible or
invisible. Out demonstrates that underlying "materialism" is the
"causative" Universe. Part of this invisible and causative
universe are great ethical and moral laws that sustain and
maintain the integrity and the right to life of every being. In
effect it guides the vast cooperative that any "form" represents.
In 1888 inquiries into ISIS UNVEILED and the articles on various
aspects of theosophy published in THE THEOSOPHIST, the PATH, and
LUCIFER brought the publication of The SECRET DOCTRINE.
The SECRET DOCTRINE gives us a synopsis of the birth
(reincarnation actually) of our Universe as it passes out of the
period of rest known as "dissolution" or "Pralaya," into
"manifestation" and reorganization. To put it simply it is
analogous to a group of school boys going every day to their
school. The reincarnation of the Universe and of solar systems,
stars, planets, our Earth and finally ourselves and the whole of
the composite Nature that we know and use is described in Kosmic
and actual terms.
The second volume of the book deals with the trail of evolution
of Man as an INTELLIGENCE as well as a PHYSICAL FORM on this, our
If one is interested in discovering the ethical and moral
applications of these ideas (Facts, rather) read the: The VOICE
OF THE SILENCE (HPB). If a quick review of the essentials of
theosophy and the purpose of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY is desired,
then, read the KEY TO THEOSOPHY (HPB).
It is those universal and impersonal statements of Law and
development that are to be found there that serve as the "guides"
for the U.L.T. presence and work.
The prying into its methods of work is of no great importance,
even if it is trivial and time consuming. What I man is that it
takes away for useful study and work. For those who desire to
experience the U.L.T. ways and methods the door is always wide
open and has always been so. Everyone as a single status"
associate. Each is a volunteer. The work any one dos is
collaborative and a result of conferring with others. For the
benefit of the public the original teachings are reprinted and
sold at nominal cost. The ULTs generally offer a menu of study
classes and meetings at which the original Teachings of Theosophy
is discussed. "Side issues" are discouraged.
If the teachings of Theosophy are correct, they represent the
History of our universe, and world and its administration for
many millions of years. They depict the increments of
intelligence and consciousness that spring from that which is
traceable to the simplest of sub-atomic forces -- where "matter"
is only conceivable as "force." Then, on to atoms, molecules and
the bonding powers of increments of Intelligence that causes
crystals and cells to develop -- and as we progress over this
survey of the evolution of force and power, we can see that,
ultimately that individual progression (of an eternal being -- a
Monad) is lost in the far reaches of the Living WHOLE, which, for
lack of any other definition we call the UNIVERSE. The whole is
seen to run by Law and Laws.
If carefully studied it can be shown that every philosophy and
every religion in the world emanated from the SECRET DOCTRINE
not the book published in 1888) but the WISDOM that
reincarnation gives to individuals (Spiritual Mind-beings) such
as you and me, over the passage of time, and the experience of
many lives.
If immortality be granted to our PERCEPTIVE power, then that
time, during which, we (as Eternal Pilgrims, or "Divine Monads")
have observed the workings of Karma in our world and Universe.
Then we, all of us have existed and worked and lived together
many times in the great Family of Man. We have been friends and
collaborators for uncountable ages -- millions of years. We (all
of us together) ought to be pretty wise by now. But some remain
skeptical of such a concept. For those who are not skeptical,
and might take this as possible, the U.L.T. will have an appeal.
And let's say the associates of your Florida lodge then decided
they wanted to have a public study
class in the lodge on THE MAHATMA LETTERS. Are you telling me
the Parent ULT would have no say so in the matter, in fact would
no concern whatsoever about this study class?
DTB No U.L.T. has any say or "control" in what any other
U.L.T. does.
Or let us say that the associates of this Florida ULT wanted to
a public study class using as the class text the 15 volumes of
then the DECLARATION covers that. But look carefully at the 15
volumes as I have had, and decide . Still, the policy of
non-interference is applied.
Or the ULT Florida Lodge decided to present a course of public
lectures based on HPB's three esoteric
instructions. Leon are you telling us that the Parent ULT would
not try to stop these classes?
DTB HOW COULD IT ? Since there is no "Parent U.L.T. ."
Or if the Florida independent Lodge decided to sell books, the
lodge could sell books from publishers other than those published
by the Theosophy Company of LA? For example, the lodge might
decide to sell
DTB still no controls or anything If that body (now calling
itself a U.L.T. follows the DECLARATION of the U.L.T. , then the
matter answers itself.
Are we "children" testing to see how far we can go before the
parental "authority" crashes through? What is the motive behind
these probing and testing questions ?
Theosophically one might say that this is evidence of the
eternal "war" (as depicted in the BHAGAVAD Gita, between the
Higher Self ( the free and Lawful WISDOM of Buddhi-Manas) and the
Lower Self ( or the selfish folly of the "desire nature " called
technically: Kama-Manas -- the mind ensnared by desires).
I look forward to your comments on this particular subject. And
hope Dallas and other persons will give their answers too.
The above is posted at:
Thanks Daniel, and again, I say what has been published dozens
of times. What is it that is not understood?
You might as well (as an analogy) ask what if the motivating
power behind a college or a University or a day-school. It is
the same thing: the study of Nature.
What is really at stake here is the question: Is THEOSOPHY HONES
AND TRUE? Does it really depict the Universe as it is?
Does it reveal secrets of that sustaining directive everywhere
where our Science is still struggling to discover what NATURE has
established for untold millennia and has well in place at the
present time.
Theosophy is either a basic but forgotten key to the science of
opening Nature to scrutiny or it is piffle and foolishness and a
great deal of effort and time has been wasted.
One thing does remain true, no matter what: NATURE ALREADY
Nature's LAWS sustain and maintain all living things and cause
cooperation to work.
Man's Intelligence is capable of encompassing any an all of
nature's laws, secrets and workings. His determination, his
will, his power of perception is not limited.
Finally. Why is that so ?
Best wishes,
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