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Has the ULT lived up to the vision of its founder?

Jul 22, 2001 08:23 AM
by Blavatsky Archives

One ULT associate just sent me the following statement made by Robert 
Crosbie, founder of the ULT. This associate [see below]is asking if 
the ULT (past and present) has really lived up to the vision of the 
ULT as given below by Crosbie.

First Crosbie's statement:

"There are a number of Theosophical organizations in existence today, 
all of them drawing their inspiration from Theosophy, existing only 
because of Theosophy, yet remaining disunited. The nature of each 
organization is such, that unity cannot be had on the basis of any 
one of them; hence a common basis should be taken if the success 
originally purposed is to be attained. 

"The need of such a basis with a broader view of the Movement, is the 
cause for the present Association---the United Lodge of Theosophists--
-composed of Theosophists of different organizations, as well as 
those belonging to none. This Lodge, having no constitution, by-laws, 
officers or leader, affords in its Declaration a common basis of 
Unity for all who see the great need of it, and seeks their co-

I now quote just a few excerpts from what this ULT associate writes 
in relationship to the quote from Crosbie:

"Today's ULT Associates must answer to many hard questions: Was Robert
Crosbie's fervent desire to unite all aspects the Theosophical 
community ever realized? Has ULT fulfilled this fundamental mission, 
the core reason for its existence? Have later students misinterpreted 
his purpose to unify the movement? Did they zealously create, 
instead, an orthodox body -- a self-proclaimed 'protectorate of the 
faith'? A body of students who were the self-appointed guardians of 
what in their opinion constitutes 'real Theosophy'? 

"Robert Crosbie's call was sounded to ALL Theosophists to unite, 
regardless of their organization and belief. Has this been replaced 
by a rigid orthodoxy that drives people apart and exacerbates their 
differences? . . . .

"Robert Crosbie believed that the fundamental cause of divisions 
between groups was to be 'found in differences of opinion as 
to 'successorship.' Why then is it a fact that in nearly every ULT 
Lodge there is usually only one controlling individual?. . . .

"The ULT Declaration boldly quotes Mr. Judge 'The true Theosophist 
belongs to no cult or sect, yet belongs to each and all.' Do ULT 
students today really support that principle? Or is this just another 
lip served ULT-ism?. . . . "

Some food for thought.


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