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Jul 15, 2001 01:02 PM
by adelasie

Simply stated, Theosophy is about unity. All else is non-theosophy, 
or perhaps more truly stated, anti-theosophy. This applies to 
everything, personal lives, opinions, public lives, efforts at 
establishing organizations, and all other areas of human endevor. 
To the extent that our efforts contribute to the consciousness and 
manifestation of our essential unity (the unity of all life, including 
but not exclusive to theosophists) we are doing the work that was 
started (again) by HPB in our cycle. When in thought word or deed 
we disrupt and obstruct efforts toward unity, we are putting 
blockades in the road of evolution of the human race. It is the 
responsibility of each individual to evaluate his own efforts. None of 
us has the right or indeed the ability to evaluate the efforts of 
others. But if we measure our own efforts against the rule of unity 
honestly and sincerely, we will know without a doubt which side we 
are on. It behooves us to remember, if we are serious in our 
endeavor to augment the consciousness of the Unity of all Life, that 
the forces of disintegration will attack all efforts of such a nature. 
This is the law of life, and it helps sometimes to remove our 
attention from the plane of personality and focus our attention on 
the highter goal. All help is available from inner spheres, from the 
Masters of Compassion, to those who honestly sincerely and whole-
heartedly devote themselves to the pursuit of our common goals, 
and never give up, no matter how rocky the path before them. All 
obstacles can be overcome, if we keep out hearts pure, and our 
eyes focused on our goal, the conscious realization of the unity of 
all life. 


On 13 Jul 01, at 22:03, wrote: 

> At 08:53 PM 7/13/01 -0500, Compiler wrote:
> >In sincerely trying to present a "starting-idea" plan of action to
> >"Unite" us (in the copy of it below this short note), I now feel that
> >I have opened doors that may even divide us further, and keep
> >thinking of my action as related to the above quote in the heading.
> The physical/organizational model of TS established in 1875 seems to
> have been appropriate to suit the communicational and transportational
> conditions that existed at that time and continued for a century. The
> world has changed with advances in communication and transportation
> and as such the old model is obsolete today.
> The current organizational setup of all the groups do not encourage
> cross communication and cooperation even on matters of common interest
> while each professing to have same three objects. If organizational
> barriers are to be broken, either it has to come from the top or the
> bottom. We are yet to see any concerted efforts from the top. As for
> the bottom, there is some hope. This is where Internet is the key.
> Already while we see generally no show of the top organizational
> representatives in any of the Internet discussion groups or mail
> lists, on the other hand, we see a handful of individuals who have no
> leadership role in organizations or have no ambition of getting on the
> leadership positions or are currying favor of one kind or other from
> organizations and its leaders - whether such favor is earthly or
> believed to be in the higher realms, or at a future life, are
> participating in a friendly and brotherly/sisterly manner in the
> Internet discussions no matter whether they belong to one organization
> of the other or none. While the discussions and interaction has not
> grown as many of us would like them to be, I see a great potential
> with the upcoming generation who are growing in the computer culture
> with Internet being an integral part of life much like auto,
> telephone, fax, TV, video etc.
> While we may not agree with each other on many things, such friendly
> disagreements with each one of us being treated as equals probably
> provides greatest opportunity for individual initiative and growth in
> better understanding. So I do not think you are opening the doors for
> further disagreements, but on the contrary your initiatives have the
> greatest potential for the spread of theosophy while the
> organizational leaders may not like what is going on mainly because
> they are unable to control what goes on.
> So I think we need to get on with implementing your ideas, even though
> it may take time to pick up speed.
> Peace
> mkr

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