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RE: Theos-World Re: Capital Punishment

Jul 03, 2001 11:10 AM
by dalval14

Tuesday, July 03, 2001

May I also observe that I found Theosophy teaching :

The Law of Karma is universal and, unlike the imitation justice
of humans, it considers both the constructive and the destructive
influence of motive and choice.

In other words it deals with the ethical and moral aspects of
Nature ALL THE TIME, and not when a misdemeanor is "found out."

It is educative in its work. It deals with immortal Monads all
the time. It tries to provide for them an environment which is
the exact result of their choices.

It knows that one may discipline, torture or kill the body, but
the immortal SOUL of Man -- the Real THINKER -- is not destroyed
but must return to continue its "path" of progress in a future
series of bodies. All human interactions are taken into account,
not some of them, as human justice focuses on.

The reason for this is the fact of the IMMORTALITY of the human
Soul and its many reincarnations. In addition, every being from
the life-atom on up is on the ladder of evolution and cannot be
denied the right to progress.

Human justice often errs because there are hidden or concealed
factors which make it imperfect.

If perceive the Universe ( or NATURE) as a great adjuster, then
every good or evil thought, or deed reaps its consequent effect.
It has an Intelligence that exceeds our human limits, and it
takes into account the most obscure and concealed causes.

Karma causes the re-emergence of the whole Universe. We usually
fail to appreciate the grand wholeness of the Earth and the Solar
System, which support us and keep us alive.

Considered theologically:

Omnipresence is	UNIVERSAL SPACE without bounds/

Omnipotence is	UNIVERSAL LAW and Laws which guide every aspect
of life.
Our Science investigates the conditions and laws that NATURE
has established and which are "in place" long ago.
"Discoveries" are merely the unveiling of Nature's
established laws designed for the preservation and growth of all
beings, weak or strong. All laws are under the IMPERSONAL
control of NATURE.

Omnipotence is	The great CAUSAL POWER which is the eternal
background of all evolution and supports every being in its
life at its own level. There is no personal preference
involved in this. It is not a PERSONAL GOD. [ Note: the
priests of every theogony have made of this impersonal
CAUSELESS CAUSE a Personal God . This has eventually caused
the debasement and downfall of every religion.]

As this CAUSELESS CAUSE is non-manifest, it cannot be inquired
into or isolated as to its qualities. It is the combined,
cooperative, inter-active CAUSE of all life. Manifestation is
the process whereby the least LIFE (an IMMORTAL MONAD) has
provided for it every opportunity to rise through the stair-way
of experience

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2001 10:27 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Capital Punishment

>The "eye for an eye" is a law of REPLACEMENT, not revenge,
>and a call for equal compensation, not equal loss.

If one blinds a man, he shall not be blinded, but to act as the
of the blinded man. Following the blind wherever he goes, and
him to see with his own eyes. If one breaks a man's hand, he
shall not
be broken, but to act as the hands of the broken man. If one
takes a
man's life, he shall not be taken life, but to act as the man who
was alive. To do the things that the man would do if he was
(Yes, I support justified slavery! O:-)

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