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Jun 15, 2001 03:51 AM
by dalval14
Dear Joyce, This is Dallas. Did you want to be removed from my mailing list ? D I ask since I do not administer the theos-talk ================================== -----Original Message----- >From: Joyce Tromblee [mailto:prema@harborside.com] >Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 9:22 PM >To: theos-talk@yahoogroups.com Subject: Re: Theos-World Digest Number 132 Please remove me from your mail list. Joyce Tromblee prema@harborside.com ----- Original Message ----- >From: <theos-talk@yahoogroups.com> >To: <theos-talk@yahoogroups.com> >Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 8:10 AM Subject: Theos-World Digest Number 132 There are 7 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Re: [KUNDALINI] Re: Self >From: "Eugene Carpenter" <Ecarpent@co.la.ca.us> 2. Drukpas & Theosophy >From: "888" <bhive@alphalink.com.au> 3. RE: [bn-sd] Re: Peter on everything being conscious >From: dalval14@earthlink.net 4. RE: [bn-basic] Re: Linga Sharira >From: dalval14@earthlink.net 5. RE: [bn-basic] Re: Linga Sharira >From: dalval14@earthlink.net 6. RE: [bn-sd] Gene on conciousness GOOD and EVIL -- KARMA >From: dalval14@earthlink.net 7. Kundalini Siddhis and HPB >From: Martin Leiderman <martinle@mindspring.com> _________________________________________________________________ _______ _________________________________________________________________ _______ Message: 1 Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:39:17 -0800 >From: "Eugene Carpenter" <Ecarpent@co.la.ca.us> Subject: Re: [KUNDALINI] Re: Self And yet . . . . Love is the oneness and is not dual. Love is the operation of that beyond Love. The Will. There is that beyond the singularity that asserts that singularity. And THAT is Love. Love is. Love is present now. The Will and it's Shakti, Divine Understanding, are bound beyond duality and merge with the Love, the Oneness, that fuses them eternally. It is the manifestation of Love that begins and ends that one day be-with-us shall two disappear. And that manifestation is the presence, the laughing Buddha, when minds free to choose to obey the Law of Oneness of the emptiness, or free to choose the mental impressions of inexperience within the three worlds, choose I and thou. Love struggling to find love. Then shrieking with glee and bliss and joy SEEING . . . FINALLY! The Eye cannot see the Eye. The "I" can not see the "I". To see nothing at the end is to have found the answer. Then. The manifestation of love ends. True Love rests for one more Eternity. ( ) ( ( ) ) ( ( ), ( ( ) ) ) zero one two One Eternal Family, three aspects of Love, EC (cooperative resistence) :-) ----- Original Message ----- >From: "Jack Rauhala" <jrauhala@islandnet.com> >To: "Eugene Carpenter" <ecarpent@co.la.ca.us> >Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2001 8:43 AM Subject: [KUNDALINI] Re: Self > >Envelope-to: jrauhala@islandnet.com > >X-eGroups-Return: > sentto-63636-5189-982035748-jrauhala=islandnet.com@returns.onelis t.com > >X-Sender: crystalkundalini@hotmail.com > >X-Apparently-To: KUNDALINI@yahoogroups.com > >X-eGroups-Return: crystalkundalini@hotmail.com > >To: KUNDALINI@yahoogroups.com > >User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82 > >X-Mailer: eGroups Message Poster > >X-Originating-IP: > >From: "Ganga Karmokar" <crystalkundalini@hotmail.com> > >Mailing-List: list KUNDALINI@yahoogroups.com; contact > KUNDALINI-owner@yahoogroups.com > >Delivered-To: mailing list KUNDALINI@yahoogroups.com > >List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:KUNDALINI-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com> > >Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 03:42:18 -0000 > >Reply-To: KUNDALINI@yahoogroups.com > >Subject: [KUNDALINI] Re: Self > > > >Namaste - > >this may help to clarify the love aspect situation.. this was written > >by a person that reached realization on my site.... when this was > >written i knew he had reached.... enjoy.... > >Love and Blessings > > > >Subject: Re: No More > > > > > >--- In God-Realized@egroups.com, Bodhiavasa@y... wrote: > >> Namaste Beloved Ganga with deepest thanks, > >> > >V: Verse C: Comment > > This must be prefaced as many that read these words in the beginning > >that have thought LOVE is the supreme reality will be rocked to the > >core... for the universe which they have held revolves from love has > >been seemingly trampled upon.... so please any reading this reserve > >judgement on the versus until all has been explained.... This > >writing is very deep.. the maya realms illusions are transcended and > >shattered... But do not think that beyond love is a lonely emptiness > >devoid of warmth... For most assuredly it may be stated that what is > >beyond is ABOLUTE WHOLENESS.... COMPLETENESS... Where subject and > >object have ended only THAT WHICH IS THE ESSENCE FROM WHICH ALL > >ARISES IS.... within the Stillness of ALL Potentialities.... now let > >us proceed to the verse and line.... > > > > > >V: Love is the first vibration to arise from emptiness, it is the > > original illusion for it is based upon the idea of seperatness, an > > energy that flows from and to, its belief is that there is > > duality, "I" here (the lover) and "YOU" there (the loved) and > > immediately "WE" and "TIME" and "SPACE" come into illusive > > existence. > > > >C: Yes very good.... For Love to exist there must be duality... > > subject and object... This is why those that are on the Bhakti > > path may reach to the edge of Truth... but eventually subject and > > object will be transcended... and ALL that remains is One beyond > > the One which contains within itself division.... That is why it > > is more appropriate to say the Zero... the Zero gives life and > > value to all numbers... Yet within itself it is said to be > > beyond value enumeration... > > Yes God - time - space - we- etc. all come into existance as > > separations (reflections of truth) when the silence and stillness > > are moved... movement is maya... movement is shakti - energy > > Om is vibration that sustains and moves existance... and Love is a > > natural progression of this energy.... > > > > > >V: In deep sleep Love cannot BE its ISNESS is NOT and finally this is > > seen, Love too must be transcended before that which is prior is > > fully rested in. The surrendering or sacrifice of Love is the > > egos final death and when it has taken place there are no others > > all is > > Self! > >C: Let it be explained this so-called sleep is once again not a > > sleep of nothingness... it is an awakeness a pristine awareness > > yet it is comprised not of the 5 senses what-so-ever... but > > clearly the awareness is Absolute... > > Yes when all division ends... what is termed Self remains... > > but this Self must be explained... for it is a mis-leading > > term within itself... for Self would seem for most to indicate > > a singular personality... and this is absolutely not the case... > > what remains is Essense... Pure Source... Pure light... That > > which cannot be divided... pristine Life energy which is > > beyond any birth or death or any limitational boundaries... > > there is no such feeling a personality... thus ends the ideation > > of ego form... Clearly you remain and yet you are NOT... The > > ideation of birth and death end immediately... > > > >V: The pain of letting go of this last gem IS the real death for > > nothing survives, all dies and arises anew as Nirvana which is > > exactly the same one as Samsara which was the illusion of a love > > within which loved the without. When Love is dissolved there is > > nothing in the body that it is realised within and in the same > > instant it is seen that there is nothing to be loved in anything, > >all > > now arises in nothing for no reason other than it does so, no > > purpose, no reason , not even Love. Aloneness cannot Love for it is > > everywhere it has nowhere to move toward,being all things everwhere > > now in this eternal moment. > >C: Yes when you reach to realization of That Which Is there is no > > movement... It is utterly serene singularity which is even beyond > > One for there must be something other for One to Exist... and yes > > once that Essense is reached then once again movement will take > > place and once again maya realms illusions come again into play.. > > when you are in the moment of absoulute now... there is no > > judgement - no thought - no mind and simply creation exists > > as the One beyond any division... You are from that point > > conscious of the Reality of One... there is no longer the illusion > > of duality it has been transcended... and you have gained what > > is termed Moksha or liberation... KNOWING absolutely that maya > > realm has no more reality in the end other than an extended > > dream state held and sustained by minds play... Consiousness in > > never ending eternal unfolding play... but maya realm becomes to > > you empty in nature and thereby forever non-dual..... the minds > > illusions shattered.... > > > >v: Nothing is left and this cannot die, nor > > is it born ,nor does it exist in time. > >C: Yes... at the split second of realization it is KNOWN FOR A FACT > > that ESSENSE is ever beyond birth and death... that only the body > > of form comes and goes but most assuredly you are NOT the BODY > > nor the forms illusion of ego centered personality... clearly the > > ego you has died and THAT WHICH IS has been born anew.... > > > >V: Love MUST pass away, it is the > > final sacrifice.Love is not.Nought remains and all that appears > > does > > so temporarily in this nought, the zero. > > Bodhi Avasa. > >C: The illusion of Love is transcended... yet what remains is beyond > > that temporal existance and emotion which is termed Love... > > The final fear of self extinction has been fully entered into > > and has been found to be just that an empty illusion... for > > while it is true the ego personality is at an end what has been > > dis-covered is the Great Truth.... That the Essense of Life is > > Beyond time and experiential maya realms... that all play of maya > > is determined by the conditionings of mind... and no more of > > minds illusions remain... When the emptiness of Maya in known... > > and the dreamstate is seen... and the Stillness of Realization is > > entered into the great cosmic joke is at an end.... the illusions > > broken and transended... and life begins... the Eternal Now > >Unfolds.... > > > > Love and Blessings (Bodhi Avasa for now you are and are not > > you are the emptiness of Being) g. > > > > > > > > > >- > > > > > > > >To unsubscribe, send a blank email to: > >kundalini-unsubscribe@egroups.com > > > > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ _______ _________________________________________________________________ _______ Message: 2 Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 12:13:34 +1100 >From: "888" <bhive@alphalink.com.au> Subject: Drukpas & Theosophy Hello Frank, >thanks for answer. I see, we are on different planes. Your reply prompted me to do some internet research on the subject and as you can see I have use the current form of "Dugpa" in the subject line. I hope our flight schedules now coincide. >HPB used the term with occult backgriund, wheras you >use the word with scientific knowledge. In our search for the truth we should not be a respecter of personalities whether they be HPB or Mahatmas, but rather, rely on the facts. Waddell, a scholar, claims these theosophists are wrong. It is an important question because it now becomes a slur against the Bhutanese people (who have recently incorporated internet and TV into their kingdom.): http://www.bootan.com/articles/king.htm http://www.bootan.com/bhutan.htm >You are simply playing with the words, the gramma etc. >but that does not alter the meaning. Not at all. Here is a site about the Drukpa religion: http://www.drukpa-kargyud.org/ >For a Theosophist the Dugpas are basicly black magians, >for others not. What then? Now they are, but the theosophists original premise may be wrong. >For some Hitler is a bad person, for others he is a hero. >But for those who give him bad names it is no misuse fo terms >as they are subjectively convinst that he was evil. In the case of Hitler there is evidence. I'm not saying the Drukpa are not influenced by Indian tantra- they are; they do practice magic. So are other Tibetan sects. It is aspects of the Bhon religion that the Nin ma practice that is more of a problem. There are even a couple of Drukpa mailing lists here at yahoogroups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DMYL/message/24 Maybe they should come on to this list and explain their position. >Or, if you like, you can rename the Dupgas as Donald Duck, but even if they >are all called Donalds they remain what they are, the unreformed remnants >whose direction is to the left hand path. They may be left hand path as well- let's see what they have to say for themselves. I make a distinction between left hand path and black magician BTW. Black Magicians work alone as they are not to be trusted by anyone. Fraternally, Bruce _________________________________________________________________ _______ _________________________________________________________________ _______ Message: 3 Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 17:32:07 -0800 >From: dalval14@earthlink.net Subject: RE: [bn-sd] Re: Peter on everything being conscious February 13, 2001 Dear Friends Arturo, and LMH, May I break in with a few observations, as Your questions are very interesting. Have you a "source" quotation for them? According to my study of Theosophy let me put in some observations below in the body of your letter Dallas ================================= -----Original Message----- >From: arturo carvajal [mailto:arturo_carvajal@hotmail.com] >Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 8:59 AM >To: sd@blavatsky.net Subject: [bn-sd] Re: Peter on everything being conscious LMH wrote.. "Doesn't theosophy teach that the "Mother source" of all universal energy (Kundalini) is within each of us? DTB Where is this said? Kundalini Sakti is mentioned once in the S.D. (I - 273-4) and not much is given by H.P.B. on it directly.. There must be a god reason for this. The "yogic" teachers of India dwell much on this, but why, and what do they direct the attention of students to? Also they demand fees for spiritual instruction. That alone ought to be a sign of caution as SPIRITUAL POWERS are NEVER for SALE. They are only obtained by the knowledge of, and practice, every moment of the day and night of VIRTUE. Theosophy draws the attention of all students to SPIRITUAL PURITY and not to the attainment of "Powers," which might be abused psychically for selfish benefit. This does not please all, who, drawn to the mystic side of Theosophy and Hinduism, decide to attain powers and then decide on how to use them. If one reads THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE carefully one is able to discern why and how THEOSOPHY indicates that the harmless Path -- that of SERVICE and generosity and obeying the LAW of KARMA, are first to be attained. Doesn't Raja Yoga meditation, as Patanjali teaches, show us (by direct experience) that we can attain all these states of awareness while still awake -- even to the experience of "isolation" (or Samhadi) in the zero-point itself? Much food for thought (and meditation) here, I would think." DTB If one reads carefully PATANJALI'S YOGA-SUTRAS and the Notes appended to them by Mr. W. Q. Judge, one will be able to grasp how the "Path of the SPIRITUAL" practice is to be understood and applied. NO one will ever be granted real POWER without their first having attained and proved by trial that they are HARMLESS to all LIFE and to all other BEINGS. If one looks up the nature and ritual of INITIATION in the S.D. one will soon find out that the ancient rites in Egypt, Chaldea and India were based on the firm acquisition of VIRTUE and never are those "POWERS" granted to those who retained the slightest part of selfishness and vice, and selfishness. The Kingdom of God is within, the Adept Jesus taught long time ago, and so the Masters have taught us all this time. DTB If we desire to be and act as GODS, then the whole UNIVERSE IS OPEN TO US. But there is this precedent condition: One has to transform himself or herself into a totally harmless universal being. One has to become a SERVANT OF KARMA and a servant to the least Monad or Life-atom. Only this and nothing else will open the doors to TRUTH and RIGHT LIVELIHOOD -- and so the Buddhas have always declared. There has always been in existence one school of disciples who have undertaken this line of discipline, under the watchful eyes of the Adepts and the Mahatmas. One need only read carefully MAHATMA LETTERS as well as H.P.B.'s LETTERS TO Mr. A. P. SINNETT to realize this is ever the sole criterion that opens doors to the future of a true disciple of THE LAW. Kundalini is the sleeping serpent waiting to be awaked, and it will raise in 33 stepts to the Crown of Glory and Awareness, and then we might be able to understand who really we are, we are awake forevermore. Our Lord Buddha, after defeating Mara, understood what lies behind ilussion. Us, students and Buddha in the making, we are still behind the veil. To think otherwise is one more illusion. DTB Buddha has always defeated the MARA-Tempter of the selfish personality that resides with SPIRIT side by side as MATTER within the MONADIC egg. Each one of us has both BUDDHA and MARA resident in us., But there is a 3rd factor to be recognized: there is also MANAS the Mind. It is directly related to the SOURCE OF ALL : the ABSOLUTE. Therefore it is always able to perceive the interactions of SPIRIT and MATTER outside as well as inside all beings During Manifestation we have active :1 1.. a vast sea of MONADS who are learning the LAWS OF NATURE. 2. We have those MONADS like the Buddhas, and the Dhyan Chohans, and the "Builders" or "Cosmocratores" who have made themselves "successful" in the fight for the GOAL OF LIFE -- or Soul Immortality., and 3. We have psycho-mental humanity encased in a sentient form physically (you and me) who are striving to make of our PSYCHIC NATURE a well regulated and MENTALLY LOGICAL SPIRITUAL BUDDHA. We are the Eternal pupils -- the ETERNAL PILGRIMS. This is what I am getting from a study of Theosophy and THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Best wishes, Dallas ==================================== Thanks LMH for really trying to 'grasp' reality with the mind..but in my opinion it will never work, the Way of the Heart taught by HPB and the Mahatmas is the way. The Kingdom of God is not in our minds, but in our hearts. This does not mean we ought to stop TRYING to understand Life Mysteries..no, by all means. Arturo _________________________________________________________________ ________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com. --- You are currently subscribed to bn-sd as: [dalval14@earthlink.net] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-bn-sd-6591177M@lists.lyris.net _________________________________________________________________ _______ _________________________________________________________________ _______ Message: 4 Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 17:32:22 -0800 >From: dalval14@earthlink.net Subject: RE: [bn-basic] Re: Linga Sharira Dear Chris: I think you can get the 2 books H.P.B.'s KEY TO THEOSOPHY and Judge's OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY "on line" off blavatsky.net. As to a diagram (is that what you want?) I think each student creates his own. If you work from someone else's diagram you may pick up their slant. Better to always go to the original if you can and become a direct (not one of the filtered) students, We don't know at this level of study how trustworthy the "filters" are. We have been told that H.P.B. was the MESSENGER from the ADEPTS. Mr. Judge was her close co-worker and most successful in spreading a knowledge of theosophy in America. To verify this one needs only to study their books and realize how coherent they are. Also one needs to read something of the History of Theosophy and the T. Movement -- there is a reliable one based on documents -- titled THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT : 1875 - 1950 It is available through Blavatsky.net as also from the THEOSOPHY COMPANY, Los Angeles. In other words trust your own perceptions and do your own work. If you start in trusting others with no knowledge of their ability and veracity, you could do a lot of wandering. Study is inevitable, and can be done slowly daily and definitely only by one's self. Beast Wishes Dallas ======================================= -----Original Message----- >From: Chris Stewart [mailto:cstewart@taosnet.com] >Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 1:42 PM >To: basic@blavatsky.net Subject: [bn-basic] Re: Linga Sharira Dear Dallas, Thank you for your suggestions regarding LInga Sharira. I don't have Key to Theosophy or Ocean of Theosophy right now, but I will try to get some excerpts online and around the corner look into buying. In the mean time, is there maybe a drawing of the model. I gather that someone has seen all this and perhaps drew a picture in order to understand what the teacher saw inside. And then have a way to sort of fit the pieces of higher consciousness together. And have some clue what I may be missing out on. Is it known when the teacher taught HPB to meditate, what exactly he told her to do? I mean I know that the teachers words may not be the whole story here, but I just wondered if she revealed what was said to her about how to meditate? Chris --- Current topic is at http://www.blavatsky.net/talk/bnbasic/basicSyllabus.htm You are currently subscribed to bn-basic as: [dalval14@earthlink.net] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-bn-basic-6660818H@lists.lyris.net _________________________________________________________________ _______ _________________________________________________________________ _______ Message: 5 Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 17:32:31 -0800 >From: dalval14@earthlink.net Subject: RE: [bn-basic] Re: Linga Sharira Dear Adelasie and Chris: May I but in a little? It occurred to me that some ideas in another post of mine might be of some help.. The "ASTRAL BODY" is a "tool" or "vehicle" for the consciousness to act through (see S.D. I 181) in the S.D. (I - 268) we find HPB declaring: "...the Universe, which manifests periodically, for purposes of the collective progress of the countless lives, the outbreathing of the ONE LIFE; in order that through the Ever-Becoming, every COSMIC ATOM in this infinite Universe, passing from the formless and the intangible, through the mixed natures of semi-terrestrial, down to matter in full generation, and then BACK AGAIN, reascending at each new period higher and nearer the final goal; that each atom, we say, may reach through individual merits and efforts that plane where it rebecomes the one unconditioned ALL." S.D. I 268 We find H.P.B. later on, on that page (I-268), describing the Pilgrimage of the MONAD -- it is a concise and beautiful summary of the purpose of OUR LIVES. -------------------------------------- Then again on S.D. I 274 "...every external motion, act, gesture, whether voluntary or mechanical, organic or mental, is produced and preceded by internal feeling or emotion, will or volition, and thought or mind. As no outward motion or change, when normal, in man's external body can take place unless provoked by an inward impulse..." DTB Everyone knows that it is THEY (the "I" in us) who have generated the CHOICE as what their actions will be. There may be also the effects of training in early life, and heredity trends passed down from ancestors, parents, etc...that affect and reside in the PERSONALITY, but those are considered every time a choice is made. WE MAKE THOSE CHANGES IN THE PAST OF OUR LIFE OR IN PREVIOUS LIVES, AND THUS WE ARE ALWAYS DIRECTORS OF OUR FUTURE. ------------------------------------ turning to S.D. I 274 we find H.P.B. saying: " The whole Kosmos is guided, controlled and animated by almost endless series of Hierarchies of sentient Beings, each having a mission to perform, [ whether called Dhyan Chohans, "Messengers" ] are agents of Karmic and Cosmic Laws." DTB In S.D. I 181, H.P.B. gives us a view of the triple evolutionary scheme of 3 vestures or forms into which the HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS is able to work. It does this as an on-going process even though the physical basis is replaced time after time. The ONE CONSCIOUSNESS of every human is linked to the ONE as well as to every other. She states these three vehicles or bodies, are 1. the Spiritual (or MONADIC), 2. the Intellectual (or MANASIC), and 3. the Physical (or the ASTRAL MODEL, electro-magnetic, as a permanent shape for the physical molecules and metaphysical atoms to adhere to), are "inextricably interwoven and interblended at every point," and that they serve " for "growth," of the lowest to the highest through " the transformations through Manas [Mind]--owing to the accumulation of experiences--of the FINITE into the INFINITE, of the TRANSIENT into the ETERNAL and ABSOLUTE." Our embodied Mind (lower Manas, or "brain-mind") tends to physicalize and materialize all things. It takes a deliberate effort of will to keep it centred between the MATERIAL and the SPIRITUAL poles of the MONAD. This may be difficult to understand, but the clue seem to lie in the concept of the UNBREAKABLE connection between Mind and the Absolute (from which all comes and in which all bathes). At either sides are the poles of the MONAD we find 2 POLES (as in an oval or an egg) : 1. ATMA (a "ray" of Universal Spirit) and, 2. BUDDHI (the ultimate essence of Matter, pure and depersonalized, and this includes the MEMORY of every experience -- the universal AKASIC medium drawn from all Monads is the source of this universality. Thus we may see that the apparent duality of the MONAD (Spirit/Matter) is in reality during periods of manifestation is in reality a TRINITY (of ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS). One has to agree that the concept of reincarnation (which depends on the KARMA -- or consequences (good or bad) of our earlier choices -- gives a basis for all events in our lives. But looking deeper one sees that the eternal background of the ABSOLUTE cannot be excluded, and therefore this ETERNAL ENTITY is a compound of ABSOLUTENESS- ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS) or the Divine Tetragrammaton -- or SQUARE. In the MONAD (composed of the polar opposites SPIRIT and MATTER), there also is that which is able to contemplate both, as well as their many intricate, composite relationships, memories and forms That is the MANASIC or Mind principle. One of the faculties of the Mind (Manas) is the ability to be detached from the subject under contemplation (meditation). Intelligence and consciousness are Manasic faculties. They enable a perception of every part of the living entity, and its environment. They can deal with memory, contemplate the future effect of words and deeds, and understand the vast LAWS of NATURE (KARMA), so that the future in terms of anticipated results is at Mind's control.. For man-mind to be "creative" the restrictions of the past (we imposed by choice on ourselves) have to be understood and then overcome so that previous errors are not Ignorantly (or self-importantly) repeated. For this reason it is said in the quote given that the Adept (the Man of stable and controlled MIND) is able to keep his two vehicles (Spiritual and Physical) SEPARATE. When one is wise with the knowledge made instantly available it cannot be ignorant. The VOICE OF BUDDHI --of the CONSCIENCE and MEMORY speaks always before the embodied mind chooses. Thus error and the breaking of Nature's Laws is always a deliberate act, and not one of ignorance at all.. I hope this might be of help. Our lives are made up of the sum of our periods of directed or recipient consciousness. We look either FORWARD, or BACKWARD (through memories -- which may be accurate or fragmentary) or we may even be passive (as mediums are) when we allow other conscious entities to direct and rule our vision. (This last is dangerous to us.) Best wishes, Dallas =========== -----Original Message----- >From: Chris Stewart [mailto:cstewart@taosnet.com] >Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 1:31 PM >To: basic@blavatsky.net Subject: [bn-basic] Re: Linga Sharira Dear Adelaise, OK if it's not the astral body stretching out into the other planes to peek in, what is it that experiences higher consciousness? Or what is it that is experiencing this consciousness. I think I'm asking for the name of the part that is the experiencier of consciousness. So that when the lights go on so to speak, who is seeing higher consciousness? And what is the process or method by which the devotee has this moment of awareness. Chris --- CUT _________________________________________________________________ _______ _________________________________________________________________ _______ Message: 6 Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 17:32:42 -0800 >From: dalval14@earthlink.net Subject: RE: [bn-sd] Gene on conciousness GOOD and EVIL -- KARMA February 13, 2001 Dear Friend: May we use that which H.P.B. offers tom us in THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY so as to distinguish between the weight that Theosophy gives to the terms "Feel" and "Know" or "Think?" Both "Feeling" (from the psychic nature and plane) and "Thinking" (from the Mind, the THINKER WITHIN and the plane of Manas (mind) are only TOOLS of the INDIVIDUALITY the Spiritual EGO which is called in theosophy the MONAD, or ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS. These are the immortal, the deathless part of ourselves, and this uses the mind to think, to remember, to anticipate and directs its faculties. It is affected (as all tools are) by the way in which we have used it. Similarly the psychic feeling and desire, passionate nature (which is separate from the "ASTRAL BODY" or "PLANE") as it is separate from the plane of MANAS (the Mind) and its faculties. In the S.D., H.P.B. gives us an idea of the intricate nature of CONSCIOUSNESS and where the INDIVIDUAL "I" may live and operate. (S.D. I 181-2). All FEELING is said by Theosophy to emerge from our psychic nature or the psychic plane. It relates to the (or our) personality -- it is colored by the way WE FEEL concerning things. Even "deeply feeling" may come under this category. It uses the "astral plane" to touch and impact our PHYSICAL SENSES and imparts to them its own coloration. When we come to thought we are dealing with another "tool" of the INDIVIDUALITY entirely. The psychic personality cannot discern the future. The Manasic (Mind) faculty can extrapolate from memory or present data and paint for itself alternate "futures." It basis itself on memory, and the fact that Nature operates on LAWS which are universal, impersonal and cover all living creatures in the chain of evolutionary progress. Many would like Nature to be whimsical and lawless sometimes, but such is not the case, nor is it possible to say or pray, saying "I am sorry" for the consequences to be reversed or "forgotten." Karma as Law just and true requires that all choices be carried out to their fruition on the individual (ourselves) who evolved them. Theosophy states that all our options affect others. The balancing and harmonizing of disturbed Nature demands that not only our "little-lives" (monads, skandhas) be redressed, but that any other being or person affected by our actions be also repaid. The whole of Nature's manifestation is an example of a wholeness, a sanity, a disease free environment. To be brief, one might say that the VIRTUES are idealized in the LAWS OF NATURE, in KARMA. The ices are those thoughts, feelings, action which tend to destabilize cooperative and interactive life. I hope this might be of help. Best wishes, Dallas ============================ -----Original Message----- >From: DNisk98114@aol.com [mailto:DNisk98114@aol.com] >Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 1:55 PM >To: sd@blavatsky.net Subject: [bn-sd] Gene on conciousness Hard to impart to anyone the importance of deeply "feeling" these supernal truths about us (see all posts concerning conciousness) particularly the grasp of that tenuous state called the astral , but at the same time realizing that it MUST precede our physical form and once that is realized then we might proceed to the state that is responsible for forming even the astral. Oh if only...... --- [This message contained attachments] _________________________________________________________________ _______ _________________________________________________________________ _______ Message: 7 Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 20:19:14 -0800 >From: Martin Leiderman <martinle@mindspring.com> >Subject: Kundalini Siddhis and HPB Regarding Kundalini and "Mother Source" and Siddhis (Powers), I also offer: DTB Where is this said? Kundalini Sakti is mentioned once in the S.D. (I - 273-4) and not much is given by H.P.B. on it directly.. There must be a god reason for this. HPB in the Voice of the Silence gave a lot more information: ====================================== "Let not thy "Heaven-Born," merged in the sea of Maya, break from the Universal Parent (SOUL), but let the fiery power retire into the inmost chamber, the chamber of the Heart (23) and the abode of the World's Mother (24). Then from the heart that Power shall rise into the sixth, the middle region, the place between thine eyes, when it becomes the breath of the ONE- SOUL, the voice which filleth all, thy Master's voice. Notes: (23). The inner chamber of the Heart, called in Sanskrit Brahma poori. The "fiery power" is Kundalini. (24). The "Power" and the "World-mother" are names given to Kundalini - one of the mystic "Yogi powers." It is Buddhi considered as an active instead of a passive principle (which it is generally, when regarded only as the vehicle, or casket of the Supreme Spirit ATMA). It is an electro-spiritual force, a creative power which when aroused into action can as easily kill as it can create. ============================= >>From the above quotes by HPB it is evident that HPB amplified the knowledge provided in the SD. I for one don't think that everything 'good' to know is found in the SD. That sounds cultist. Also Dallas said about the Powers (Siddhis): "Theosophy draws the attention of all students to SPIRITUAL PURITY and not to the attainment of "Powers, . . ." But the Voice of the Silence says: "Follow the wheel of life; follow the wheel of duty to race and kin, to friend and foe, and close thy mind to pleasures as to pain. Exhaust the law of Karmic retribution. Gain Siddhis for thy future birth. Lets not be superstitious nor fearful about it. Let be prudent, courageous and wise. Martin > > > > Dallas > > ================================= > > -----Original Message----- > From: arturo carvajal [mailto:arturo_carvajal@hotmail.com] > Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 8:59 AM > To: sd@blavatsky.net > Subject: [bn-sd] Re: Peter on everything being conscious > > LMH wrote.. > > "Doesn't theosophy teach that the "Mother source" of all universal energy > (Kundalini) is > within each of us? > > DTB Where is this said? Kundalini Sakti is mentioned once in > the S.D. (I - 273-4) and not much is given by H.P.B. on it > directly.. There must be a god reason for this. The "yogic" > teachers of India dwell much on this, but why, and what do they > direct the attention of students to? Also they demand fees for > spiritual instruction. That alone ought to be a sign of caution > as SPIRITUAL POWERS are NEVER for SALE. They are only obtained > by the knowledge of, and practice, every moment of the day and > night of VIRTUE. > Theosophy draws the attention of all students to SPIRITUAL PURITY > and not to the attainment of "Powers," which might be abused > psychically for selfish benefit. _________________________________________________________________ _______ _________________________________________________________________ _______ Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/