RE: [bn-sd] Re: Evolution and change re Stanza 1 - sloka 2.
Apr 21, 2001 05:44 AM
by dalval14
Saturday, April 21, 2001
Dear Friend:
At the risk of sounding doctrinaire, if you really use and study
the OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY by Wm. Q. Judge you will find a very
condensed review of the subjects covered in THE SECRET DOCTRINE.
I say this not to deter you from your fully study work but
rather to offer the fact I discovered -- and that is the OCEAN
helps to keep the information from other sources organized.
In fact I had my copy of the OCEAN interleaved with white paper
sheets so I could add my own notes to them as I studied. I also
got a loose-leafed file and began entering under various subjects
the question (and answers) I found that were of help to me.
I also did this for THE THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY by H.P.B. (and
Meade) --and I found to me delight that most if not all the
definitions given there (minus a few errors) are drawn from
earlier used definitions in theosophical texts -- most by H.P.B.,
in her books and articles. Further I also found that in some
cases (as she also does in her articles) H.P.B. has given
definitions that are not found elsewhere in her writings. Since
this was published posthumously -- as were some of her articles
and the “THIRD VOLUME OF THE S.D.” I am very cautious with them,
as I do not know if they have been “EDITED” or not.
Of course you are right that some of the exchanges we give to one
another ought to be simplified. However there are those who
wonder about the need for explanations concerning the connections
that the “deeper” aspects of Theosophical doctrine establish.
Those need to be answered. It is actually the growing tip of
such research.
It doe not mean that the newcomer or the old student ought to be
neglected. I would be glad therefore if at any time anyone asks
for explanations.
I am sure you have some fundamental ideas that ought to be used
and would be glad if you offer us a list to go over and help
establish something that will be of help to newcomers as well as
to older students.
Some students seem to refer back to the 4 links in the golden
chain that H.P.B. mentions in the KEY TO THEOSOPHY (p. 231)
Much is implied in those H.P.B. asks her students to then go to
the S.D. Vol. I pp. 14-19 for the 3 FUNDAMENTALS : DEITY --
Since there are frequent questions asked about the origin and
authority of Theosophy as a statement of facts abut Nature,
H.P.B. refers her students in the S.D. to Vol. I pp 272-3, and
the 6 points that follow that. There we find that it is the
substratum and root of all ancient religions and this is
demonstrated by their similarities.
None of us have scratched “below the surface” very far. First we
have to acquire the information provided and bridge the gaps that
almost 2,000 years of darkness and the destruction of knowledge
and wisdom has done to Western mankind. We are digging ourselves
out of that very deep chasm. Probably the information provided
by the original writings of Theosophy was given to us in order to
help consolidate and accelerate our development along many lines,
but primarily the restoration of a sense of SPIRITUAL SOLIDARITY
to humankind and to all of nature -- that which nurses and
supports our living.
The virtues and vices are described and it is suggested that we
can voluntarily assist Nature in the work of cementing
understanding and trust among peoples that have been for a long
time separated in life objectives and knowledge.
Consider the following as propositions:
1. Nature is the UNIVERSE as a whole -- from the
sub-atomic to the extra Kosmic.
2. Laws are discovered in nature which show that all
qualities, potentials, realities, and varieties of life are
actually interactive on many planes of living and ways of
expressing those. It is UNITY in DIVERSITY. Or, the harmony of
3. All beings from infinitely “small” to Infinitely
“great” are examples of developing intelligence, and
consciousness. Perception and adaptation are common to all forms
and beings whether we classify them as atoms molecules, cells,
minerals, plants, animals, humans -- and we may speculate on many
degrees of Intelligence that surpass the present human norms. It
is a progressive line but on the way forward the law of cycles
helps to form spirals of analogy and correspondence though out
the whole set of patterns.
4. Two broad divisions eternal contrast with each other,
their intertwined fields of influence continually mix. These two
polar opposites are SPIRIT and PRIMORDIAL MATTER.
5. In manifestation these are the UNIVERSAL MONAD (in
symbology an “egg” because the egg shape has 2 Poles. The MONAD
is eternal and is the basis for all “evolution” in terms of
forms. From it spread the necessary magnetic fields that
attract to it through affinity other “monads” that have lesser
6. The whole of the manifested Universe is pervaded with
Monads, each the mirror of their Source and of each other.
Aggregating, these provide the INNER MONAD [ ATMA-BUDDHI ] with
the forms it needs for experience in the various areas of
living-forms listed above.
9. In each human is to be found a Monad which has
developed over millions of ages. As a ruling Intelligence it is
called the “Eternal Pilgrim.” It does not perish nor is it
erased even by the longest period of non-manifestation -- or
Universal Rest. Space is entirely filled with Monads visible and
10. After a period of rest when Manifestation starts again,
each “awakens” in the condition and position where it had gone t
“sleep.” The universal purpose of these rest-periods is to
assimilate on the plane of spiritual thought the experiences
which the Monad had during its recent period of activity.
11. There are seven planes of being bridging the gap
between ATMA (Spirit) and MATTER (the physical body). These are
1. Buddhi -- wisdom and record of all past
experience Its presence is INTUITION.
2. Manas -- Mind -- the Thinker. It includes
memory and anticipation and the power of
logic, and ratiocination. Its presence is marked by a knowledge
of good and bad. It stands midway
between WISDOM and FOLLY.
3. Kama -- Desires, emotions, passions, needs and
wants. It is the DESIRER or that which
is insatiable in the acquisition of things. It is incapable of
thinking, and cannot anticipate the
results of its motivation.
4. Prana -- “Breath” or Vitality. It I marked by
Energy, Power and Strength.
5. Astral Body -- an electro-magnetic lattice work
on which the physical molecules of the
physical body arrange themselves. It is in fact the REAL BODY
and in it are the channels of vitality as
well as those that link emotion to motion.
6. Physical Body -- Form which is constantly being
renewed t the extent of over 98% each
year -- totally in 7 years) It is held together by the astral
body. On this plane it serves as the 5
organs of perception and the 5 organs of action.
12. Karma is the law of action and reaction. It is
compensation. Administered by Nature it is exact, true,
long-acting, universal, impartial, and educational. Since the
whole of the Universe exists for the development of the Spiritual
Soul, the Law of Karma is essentially educative. It directs its
energy in all planes and directions. Time is no barrier to it.
Sine the vast and intricate operations of the Universe demand
equity for all it protects the weak and curbs the strong.
Essentially it exists to transmute emotional and passional
actions into their equivalents: wise and compassionate actions.
It endeavors to transform every selfish vice into a universal
13. Reincarnation of the spiritual soul and Higher Mind
(ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS) is continuous. This spiritual component of
humanity incarnate into body after body solely for the benefit of
the Lower Mind and its personality. It is the process whereby
the insubstantiality of the personal and the selfish are
self-modified and directed by the Lower self into virtue that
emulate and support the whole of life and therefore transform
selfish isolation into the joy and enthusiasm of an eternal agent
of nature which is faced wit the ever-important work of
spiritualizing matter.
14. The Mind (Manas) may be seen in the MONAD as a point of
eternal and universal perception. It stands MIDWAY between
SPIRIT and MATTER. It is therefore the point of transformation
of the material and impermanent into the spiritual and
This view of Man, nature and Progress is quite different from the
average views that generally prevail. Inevitably questions
arise, and more especially abut proving the accuracy of these
doctrines and views. Theosophy does provide answers. Its
literature is full of those demonstrations and references that
lend credibility to it propositions and doctrines. Everyone is
invited to test them and probe them for reasonableness and
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 5:59 PM
Subject: [bn-sd] Re: Evolution and change re Stanza 1 - sloka 2.
Responding to your request, I must first of all say that when I
discovered Theosophy, I bought ISIS, THE SECRET DOCTRINE, THE
CATACLYHSM and a scattering of other articles. I read them all,
pretty much
in that order, then began again and read them for a second time.
I am now
again reading the whole batch. As a result I am committed to
this totally
integrated and logical system that has slowly developed in my
Slowly, I began to get the picture of the whole process of
evolution and
especially the process my race is following, how I got to this
point in my
development process and the kind of person that such a process is
expected to develop. But I know that I have only scratched the
Now to answer your question about the SD course. If we go back
to page 20 of
the PROEM and the paragraph titled Stanza I. Quote" The history
of cosmic
evolution, as traced in the Stanzas is, so to say, the abstract
fomula of that Evolution. =====================
The Stanzas, therefore give an abstract formula which can be
mutatis mutandis, to all evolution; to that of our tiny earth,
to that
chain of planets, of which the earth forms
The seven Stanzas given in this volume represent the seven
terms of this
abstract formula. They refer to, and describe the seven great
stages of the
evolutionary process, which are spoken in the Puranas as the
Creations," and in the Bible as the "Days of Creation.
That is exactly the kind of course I wanted to take.
When that course was announced, we were also asked to go to the
chapter on
the seven Stanzas and highlight the important points we should
think about.
I don't at my age do a great job of remembering all the important
things I
read, so I have read that set of chapters on the 7 stanzas a
numberr of times
and I find those highlights where I must stop and think a little
bit to be
sure I understand.
That is where I have been picking up a little knowledge.
However, I have
extreme difficulty in following the dialogue that goes on between
the four or
five knowledgable and experienced members of our group.
Sometimes they sound
more like Blavatsky trying to analyze and discuss the arguments
of all those
members of the Scientific and Religious communities with whom she
disagrees. But before she finishes her discussion, she usually
closes with
what we are all accepted as the correct bits of knowledge.
Usually, I just turn off the discussions that I don't understand
because they
are beyond my knowledge at this point in my development. So,
since those
discussions are just about all there is to read, I have to return
to my books
and try to learn from them without much help from the net.
What caused my letter was the shock I felt when the group started
about this or that change. Way back when, before theosophy, I
had decided
that the only thing that could not change are the basic steps in
the Process
of Evolution. I just had to take exception, knowing full well
that very
likely if I just knew a little more, I would find that I am out
of line.
Sorry about that.
Bill Quinn
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