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Apr 18, 2001 02:53 AM
by leonmaurer
In a message dated 04/16/01 pgm@enternet.com.au (Peter Main) writes: >>From the point of view of one demanding incontrovertible proof, certainly >there's no proof that brains alone generate conscious experience. But >here another maxim underlying all of science comes into play - the principle >of parsimony: entities should not be postulated beyond necessity. So long >as our level of understanding leaves it possible for brains alone to create >our conscious experience, it is inappropriate to involve any further factor. Since when (without considering the conditioning, desires or fears of individual scientists) is science content to rest its principles upon a particular level of understanding without attempting to increase that level? Would modern physics be where it is today if classical science wasn't superseded by a higher level of understanding given scientists by relativity, and again, through quantum physics? (Both of which, nevertheless, are still far from being in fundamental agreement.) Where do we draw the line and refuse to consider other factors that could result in an entirely new paradigm effectively relegating those limited concepts to the dust bin of history (without, of course, changing their value in the limited theoretical and technological areas of their applications)? But, neither of them comes anywhere close to explaining the experience or source of consciousness, the mechanism of awareness or will, nor the linkages, mechanisms, or paths of information transfer between body, brain, mind, and sense of individual self. >The commonly held background assumptions and working principles of >mainstream science have served us well for centuries, and not about to >be lightly dismissed, not even for consciousness science. That is why >virtually no serious scientists or philosophers are dualists. Does this mean that "serious scientists" are wrong in recognizing that radiative and non-radiative energy, of which all things are fundamentally made up of, has a dualistic nature of both wave and particle, and that matter is both tangible mass and intangible energy -- simultaneously? If not dualists, then -- what are such scientists and philosophers basing their theories on? Is it monism? Or is it trinitism? If either, which one is correct? In light of these questions, I would suggest, that we should consider that dualism can only be wrong if one or the other *isms* are right. Which one could that be? It can't be monism. For, if that were a correct standpoint in principle, the dual aspects of quantum wave-particle theories would have no basis in reality. Neither would the energy-mass equivalency theories of relativity. But these two sciences don't even jibe with each other. One view can allow the extension of the universe from zero to infinity, but the other keeps bouncing particles around between finite Planck distances and quantum wave lengths -- with both of them misinterpreting the nature of time. So what's missing? Where's the one, all encompassing synthesis that science with all its many divergent analyses and hypotheses so sorely needs? Could it be that monism and dualism, when taken individually and exclusively are neither of them right (except in their limited sense)? But, that would leave only trinitism -- which is, in essence, the synthesis of both monism and dualism. (Incidentally, making both of them correct -- when considered together synthetically as part of a higher triunity:-). So. let's see where that might lead. A trinitarist (or should I say, Trinitarianist?) might say, as a background assumption and working principle, that the Universe and all of the things in it (being holistically one thing) must, nevertheles, be composed of a minimum of three separately existent, although interdependent aspects or *entities* (which can be ultimately expressed as 3-dimensional *fields*) that act (1) as the container and motivator of all (e.g., space, spin, primal energy, etc.), and (2, 3) as dual functional polar aspects which gives to any subordinate structures or phenomenal entities their dual nature of subject-object, wave-particle, consciousness-matter, energy-mass, brain-mind, idea-thought, blueprint-construction, positive-negative, cause-effect, etc.... With the possibility of extending such oppositions through all conceptions and constructions throughout both inner and outer "space" as far as one can imagine. Thus, all things would be related to either polarities or neutrality's, indeterminacy's or finalities, insubstantiality'sn energy source having an essential dual polarity. This, of course (eliminating the singular source) is the real basis of all dualistic thinking. But, such duality's cannot exist outside of the holistic field that contains and supports them. Thus both monism and dualism, independently, are each limited and, therefore, wrong as a basis of analysis or hypothesis... But when any of the dual polar opposites (viewed as fields of opposing positive and negative energy) are considered together as a unity in synthesis with their singular supporting zero-point field of origination -- the conclusions derived therefrom are entirely correct (albeit, sometimes paradoxical when looked at dualistically). Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable for directly observed conditions of quantum particles to be indeterminate, since the observed near infinitesimal quantum point and the zero-point observer are on the same relative level of vibrational energy field phase -- which produces disruptive particle-wave interference's. (Vide the discussion of the projected "inquiray" on my ABC web site.) The universe, therefore, is neither monistic nor dualistic -- whether in pre-genetic abscondia or in post-genetic manifestation -- but both. And, thus, the sum of the parts are always less than the whole... That, of course, is the main misconception behind the failure of reductive science to explain anything beyond metric material phenomena. In addition, the basis of thought behind much of the soft sciences and materialistic philosophies, as well as some religious philosophies are similarly misconceived, and subject to continued disagreements based on opinions generated from one's choice of either monistic or dualistic points of view, or in some trinitarianist religious views, because of the falsely perceived separation of the monistic source (e.g., as a personal God or "Creator") from the dualistic "Creation." If we carry this thinking further... Since "nothing can be created out of nothing" (to quote Gautama, the Buddha) -- and to leave nothing to chance -- the Universe must start its existence (even prior to the "big bang") with an abstract "ideation" based on experiential (or pre-constructive) information contained, most likely, as holistically coded interference patterns within the infinite degrees of momenta (or carried as transverse vibrations on the infinite lines of force) of its initial abstract cyclic motion or "spinergy." Therefore, the initial zero ("laya") point of origin must contain, in the abstract motion surrounding it, all the genetic *information* -- later condensed, so to speak, into the ultimate formation of the universe and all the infinitude of parts and beings within it, from stars to fundamental particles... Which would, of course, still take millions upon millions of years to evolve in spiraling stages of interim parsimonious and analogous developmental changes, one resting upon another (like scientific progress:-). A unity in diversity, so to speak, that begins and ends periodically as a result of analogous and corresponding cyclic patterns originating at the zero-point of endlessly repeated initial expansion and ultimate absorption. Thus, the universe *lives* in an eternal *Now* whose measurement of linear time during its post genetic particular existence is dependent solely on the changes brought about by the endless cycling of the initial and final "spinergy" containing the patterns of information describing a complete knowledge of itself and its infinite potentials for changing growth residing eternally in the zero point (and subsequently remembered by its one and many selves in accordance with their evolutionary progress up the scale of life). This would imply that human beings are the microcosmic mirror of the macrocosm, and that from beginning to end, everything in the universe is conscious, and imbued with *life*... And that all elements of substantial (three and seven fold field) existence are fundamentally one entity, whose individualized parts are linked together through their local ray of individualization originating at the nonlocal zero-point. Therefore, as the esoteric religionists or occultists might say, "All (referring to the relative duality and diversity) is in God (referring to the absolute unity) and God is in all"... Or, "The Universe (as a fundamental trinity) has its center everywhere and it's circumference nowhere." Thus, this initial point of origin, and its informational and energetic content, can only have the nature of *spin* or non-polar and nonlocal abstract motion (of infinite energy) circling (or cycling) around a zero point of absolute inertia... Later, to be reflected in every zero point of phenomenal space. When such motion, starting from the zero point, is expanded (occultists say "emanated") multidimensionally, from infinitesimal abstract space to infinite phenomenal space, In order to maintain it's continued existence as an all surrounding field of primal zero-point energy (ZPE), its initial and all following lines of force must periodically return to and through the zero point twice -- in what can be pictured as a continuing three cycle vortectical spiral pattern that ultimately (due to spin on the polar axis), forms two inner spherical fields of opposite polarity within one surrounding spherical field (like twin bubbles within a surrounding bubble)... Thus, represented as a duality emanating from a singularity to form a trinity This process, due to the nature of the infinitely smeared out nonlocal zero points throughout phenomenal space, continues (coadunatively) on down within each spherical field -- which, in seven such steps, based on the seven fold phase aspects of the cycle of initial abstract motion (note the seven phases of the changes inherent in a sine wave) -- ultimately reaches the stage of physical phenomena represented by our metric space-time continuum. Although, time is not to be considered in this theory as a dimension, but simply as a measure of change, whose metric depends solely on the frequency of the triune field of experiential action in which it is measured. To make this, perhaps a bit clearer, such frequency would extend in seven phases, from near infinite frequencies and infinitesimal wavelengths on the higher plane(s) (or field phases) of energy closer to the zero-point, to the finite frequency spectrums of the lower plane(s) of energy in the metric space of our present existence (which science can directly or inferentially examine). It might be mentioned that it may be probable, based on E=mc^2, that the velocity of light starting on the next level of frequency phase adjacent to the electromagnetic spectrum, would increase in each preceding phase on the three and seven fold field within field chain by the power of 2 -- e.g., on the mental plane, the speed of thought and the associations of memory might be c^2^2. This is the basis of the synthesis of a duality within a trinity that extends through all levels of phenomenal existence, from the ultimate subtleties of the zero-point energy fields through the less subtle fields of mind, memory, vital energy, emotional energy, etc., to the gross fields of metric space, electromagnetic radiant energy and particulate mass-energy. In this view, consciousness and matter are simply two aspects of the primal source that is everywhere and in everything... "In coadunation but not in consubstantiality," to quote the occultist H. B. Blavatsky... Whose seminal work, The Secret Doctrine - The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy, 1888 (which I suggest all modern scientists study in depth) presages all the currently incomplete theories of modern and post modern physics and cosmology, and synthesizes them into one grand unified theory of everything, of which the above described zero-point energy field theory (I call "Astro Biological Coenergetics") is a modern interpretation of its root symbolic teachings. There appears to be much in common with current Superstring/Membrane theories. Leon Maurer leonmaurer@aol.com (not the monitor of this forum:-) http://tellworld.com/Astro.Biological.Coenergetics/ http://users.aol.com/unIwldarts/uniworld.artisans.guild/einstein.html