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Re: Theos-World To John DeSantis (Compiler)

Apr 08, 2001 09:18 AM
by Compiler

Dear Daniel,

Based on this part of your response:

I certainly would like to see such a "united team". I will send your original article
to some of my correspondents who are also interested in this. I would be most
interested in your thoughts on this suggested publication. What about Eldon Tucker's
online publication? Is this the kind of of publication you are thinking of?

... let me say that I am glad that you are interested in pursuing this. I have been
and am in contact with a couple of other people who are also interested, based on
previous and present conversations, via e-mail. I have sent these two people "Blind
Carbon Copies" of this message. I only posted this to say to you that I will now
spend some time working on writing something up to present, not just to you and them,
but to all Theosophists from the different organizations (as well as from none), the
ones who now publish, and all those who write for, the many different publications,
both printed and on-line.

Whenever I finish this writing, be it in a few days, a few weeks, or whenever, I will
present it only via regular e-mail to you and them, and others. Why in this way?
Because I do not think that the actual nitty-gritty planning of a new publication, in
all there is to talk about, as well as agree on as the way to go about organizing
such an endeavor, and finally presenting it, should be done in a public forum like
this -- only the final results of what finally comes about, should be made public, in
my opinion.

As far as this part of your question goes: "What about Eldon Tucker's online
publication? Is this the kind of of publication you are thinking of?" -- I have to
say, NO, it is not. But please know that this "NO" also includes every other
Theosophical printed and electronic publication, as well as my web
site. But hopefully all of our web sites, as said, will, besides continuing to do
what they do, also each link to this new "United Team" publication, whether it be
based on the Wisdom World site, on some other site, or on its own new site -- and
with whatever name for the new publication is decided upon by the group that begins
the project (even if it is not any of the two publication names that I have reserved
for it in my starting-idea aspirations on my web site).

That's about all I want to say in this public forum about this overall "United Team",
"Theosophical Movement" project. I will begin working on writing and putting my
overall thoughts together to present to the group, privately.

In the meantime, a great deal of what I have always aspired this "United Team"
project to eventually be, how it might interact with humanity, etc., etc., is found
in the right-hand column of the "Main Page" of my web site, and continues on another
page via a link at the bottom of what is said there: -- There are many paragraphs on both pages that
speak in some way to humanity about this proposed "United" "Team". Even though my
writing is done in a very amateurish way, I am sure it is at least clear enough to
paint a good enough starting picture for everyone to think about, while I take some
time, now that there is some interest, to expand on some of those initial ideas, add
more, clarify some, and so on in what I will present to the group, privately.

Finally, I look forward to the day when something like this for our Movement comes
together in a definite way, and I am able to then change what I say on those two
introductory pages of my web site, so that it then fits whatever is created by a
"United Team" of wise and skilled Theosophists -- and is written in a much better way
(or everything pertaining to the "Team" is even deleted, if that is then best) --
Hopefully with the help of the "Team", so that I don't embarass it with my amateur
writing. :-)


John DeSantis

Blavatsky Archives wrote:

> Dear John,
> Sorry for the delay in answering your email
> of several days ago.
> I will limit my comments to 3 of your points:
> You wrote:
> >was it or was it not the case that it
> >was THE THEOSOPHY COMPANY who was responsible for bringing "The Secret
> >Doctrine", "Isis Unveiled", "The Key to Theosophy", and so on wherever
> it
> >may be the case, back on the scene in the middle of all that was going
> on
> >back then? I'm not a scholarly type of a person, so I know not all of the
> >many details a person like you may know. You seem to have originally
> >studied, as best that I can tell, based on how you point out a few things
> >to
> >Dallas about where it was not the case, 100%, through the Theosophical
> >Society, and Dallas, as well as I, mostly studied through the United Lodge
> >of Theosophists (ULT) system -- which use all the literature published
> by
> John, I think what you write about HPB's three works is true. The Theosophy
> Company is to be commended for producing photographic facsimiles of HPB's
> original works. Plus when THEOSOPHY magazine was founded in 1912, this
> forum provided serious Blavatsky students with reprints of HPB's articles
> which had become hard to find unless one had access to old issues of THE
> When you write:
> "You seem to have originally studied . . . through the Theosophical Society."
> I'm am somewhat uncertain as to what you mean here. I have tried to study
> Blavatsky's writings and the teachings of Theosophy without undue regard
> for any of the existing Theosophical organizations including the ULT. But
> I have read and used the publications of all the existings Theosophical
> groups and have tried to find books and articles that are helpful in understanding
> Blavatsky regardless of what organization or publisher issued the work.
> I am as interested in the teachings as in the history but have done more
> work on the historical side.
> You write:
> >You present many letters and writings of many people from the early days,
> >who worked hard for the Theosophical Cause, but I'm not sure if you, with
> >all the original stuff you have gathered and are presenting, have also
> >pointed out where many of them later went astray, if that be the case,
> as
> >presented in many articles and series of article in THEOSOPHY magazine
> >through the years. If I am wrong, please point that out. If not, and you
> >have not focused on any of that, you may want to add the three series of
> >articles about the ins and outs of what went on back in the early days
> (they
> >are found below), on to your long list of things for your readers to check
> >out. This is what THE THEOSOPHY COMPANY has done in the three series, and
> >many other writings in THEOSOPHY magazine. Of course if they are not
> >accurate in what they point out, you may want to shed your own light on
> >where you see they may be in error.
> John, I will be more than happy to showcase some of these series of articles
> and will write to you more about this in the very near future.
> You write:
> >I humbly suggest that if you and others, so much more skilled and in contact
> >with so many more Theosophists from many organizations, than I am, one
> who
> >has kind of turned into a recluse, could pull together a "United Team",
> >that
> >presents endless writings dealing with all that affects humanity today,
> >and
> >on into the future, in a new publication, whatever it may be named (even
> >if
> >just on the web, for starters), that every web site within the Theosophical
> >arena should put a link to this same one site, on their own sites. Even
> >though each group continues doing whatever it does, in whatever
> >publications, and in whatever ways, same as now, if each also had a link
> >to
> >this "United" publication, we may, as a Movement, begin to do better among
> >ourselves and in catching the attention of humanity, and hopefully, the
> >attention of the Adepts themselves, to a point, after a while, where they
> >might even begin to be impressed enough with our "United" action to send
> >in
> >articles and series of articles, because we are finally working together,
> >in
> >the way they probably hope we would and should.
> >
> I certainly would like to see such a "united team". I will send your original
> article to some of my correspondents who are also interested in this. I
> would be most interested in your thoughts on this suggested publication.
> What about Eldon Tucker's online publication? Is this the kind of of publication
> you are thinking of?
> Daniel
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