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RE: Theos-World RE: Monads, Monadic Rays -- Personalities -- Who are We ? Where ae we going ?

Apr 07, 2001 05:30 PM
by dalval14

Saturday, April 07, 2001

Dear Dennis:

In her THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY p. 306, H.P.B. gives a definition of
SPIRIT. No it is not AETHER. Let me offer you this paraphrase:

She says it is used and applied to UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS -- its
homogeneous and undiluted emanation. It is formless and
immaterial. The Higher Mind (Manas) when indissolubly linked
with BUDDHI (Wisdom) may be called the Spiritual soul. Spirit is
no entity in the sense of having a form. It can be described as
a CENTER OF CONSCIOUSNESS and is said to last for a MANVANTARA --
a very long period of time of over 4 billion years (S.D. II
68-70) it is further described as a state, not a conditioned
individual. As it passes from state to condition and alters its
plane or level of perception from say, the grossly material t the
most refined SPIRITUAL different terms are applied to it in
various philosophies.

Theosophy views Man as a 7-fold being. Each division represents
a plane or "principle" of Nature on which there is the
progression of Evolution. All are intertwined closely. For
further reference see SECRET DOCTRINE Vol. I pp 181-2 157, Vol
II p 596. These references are available "on-line" through

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Kier
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 11:03 AM
Subject: Re: Monads, Monadic Rays -- Personalities -- Who are We
? Where ae we going ?

> Dallas
> ================================
> PS HERE ARE SOME ADDITIONAL NOTES: These are based on the
> sequence of questions you make in your inquiry.
> SPIRIT is every where. For the purpose of developing further
> spiritual entities that are SELF-CONSCIOUS the forms are
> together for their individual experience, and ultimate benefit.
> (see S.D. I 157 181-2 )
> Self-consciousness develops when the mind becomes active --
> occurs in the Human stage of progress. We are now in that

So, I wonder about your definition of SPIRIT.

Wouldn't the classic AETHER just about fit that definition? It is
continuously being generated, and packing space, and is
HPB referrs to it from time to time. Might there be a spiritual
component associated with the material Aether to contain the


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