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RE: Monads and Monadic Rays -- Personalities -- Who are We ?

Apr 03, 2001 05:28 AM
by dalval14

Tuesday, April 03, 2001


Dear Ananda:



MONADS are infinitely small “life-units.”  But this is not a question of SIZE, only of potential.  They pervade the entire Universe.  In Physics and chemistry we speak of “atoms.”  We attribute to the atom, immortality (it never dies); perpetual motion (it never stops whirling);  it has always existed and will continue to exist eternally.  It is like an egg with two poles and these are SPIRIT (ATMA) and Matter (Maha-Buddhi).  With it is associated MIND (Manas-the capacity to Think, remember and anticipate potentially the future, (depending on the choices one makes.)


The MONAD passes through all the conditions of living:  elemental, mineral, vegetable, animal and then reaches our stage (that of humanity).  Ithas had innumerable incarnations and experience and these are ineffaceably imprinted on it “akasic” principle within it.


It is evident that all Monads follow Karma or the Laws of Nature.  Our “personalities” are composed on an aggregate of “Monads of lesser experience” than we have.  We are a Monad that has become an independent Mind (Manasa) and the program of our present stud is to learn the powers and the control of the Mind.  Our enemy is Kama (or unregulated desire and passion).


Thusthe Monadic elements of our Personality consist of Monads of lesser experience which have been attracted to us under Karma, and they unite to form for us (the Mind-Monad) the personality and our physical form.  Like the “atoms” the Monads are constantly entering and leaving our personality -- they are born in on the air, the pranic currents, the desire influences, the astral light pictures, our memories and our imaginings -- all these are Monadic in essence, and they cooperate with each other and with us.


All beings, “gods,” “devas,” etc…. are conscious of the interior ATMA.  Their passage through the Man-stage has given them that CONSCIOUSNESS and they are also aware of MAHAT -- the Great Plan of all evolution.  This vast PLAN is based always on a previous Manvantaras and the Karma of all the beings involved in that period of development.  


And this involves sub-atomic particles, atoms, monads, molecules, cells, minerals, plants, animals and men, then SUPER-MEN… and so on including the Adepts and Their chelas, Mahatmas, Bodhisattvas, Rishis, Buddhas and Gnanis of our world and of the Universe.  But details of these would be of little use to us and so much is not given about them, except to show why they must exist and serve us as signposts which inspiresus to proceed and become some day of their  Fraternity.  [ In Theos. Glossary see TRIKAYA,  TRIRATNA. ]


Consciousness of one’s SELF (Atma) always comes as the end result of the fight to control KAKA -- the vices and the cause of the personality.  It must be clearly understood that all Monads are Karmic agents, and they bring to us the exact effects of our desires, choices, words and deeds.


The English language does not have the terms and delicacy of description found in Sanskrit, hence some definitions are quite crude and need much explanation.  Your best teacher in that regard is H.P.B.’s THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY.  Have you been able to secure a copy or get to read it over Internet at ?


The Monad by definition is the eternal spiritual Ego  (Atma-Buddhi-Manas).  As the agent of Karma it cooperates over the cycle on incarnation as providing a center to which the Monads of lesser experience may come and thereby participate in forming a new personality.  There is only one personality at a time. 


Multiple personalities are not the rule of Karma nor can they be said to be more efficient.  Look inward at your own consciousness and ask the question?  Who are YOU?  To whom do you ask the Question?  What are the Laws of Nature that permit the formation of a new personality out of the remains of old ones?  What is your purpose in life?  Why is there a sea of humanity surrounding us?  What is the GOAL of evolution?  How much of this do you already know as facts you have observed (not as information received fro third parties).


These are all very important questions and they need to be solved.  If you use HPB’s KEY TO THEOSOPHY and use the INDEX, and refer to the explanations she gives, many of your queries will be answered.


See some notes below


Best wishes,







-----Original Message-----
From: AnandaYoga
Sent: Monday, April 02, 20012:56 PM
 Subject: Theos-World Monadic Rays and their personalities




Dear Sirs,

      Again, I would like to trouble you witha question.  


Monads create personalities, (us?) to experience learning on a material level?



            DTB      Monads do NOT CREATE.  Under Karma they provide a center for evolution of the Monads of lesser experience that form our personalities. 




 I sort of understand that at this point the spirit can come no further in its evolution
and must create the vehicle.  



            DTB      SPIRIT is every where.  For the purpose of developing further spiritual entities that are SELF-CONSCIOUS the forms are brought together for their benefit. (see S.D. I 157 181-2 )




If many of the personalities are not SELF conscious, is this true on the Monadic level.



            DTB      Self-consciousness develops when the mind becomes active -- that occurs in the Human stage of progress.  We are now in that stage.




 Are there Gods, Devas, etc. that are not aware of Atma?  



            DTB      As far as Iknow that is incorrect.  All beings which are able to graduate from the Human stage of developing an independent MIND, are conscious of ATMA as the SOURCE OF THEIR BEING.  Atma being universal and eternal it is the basis for Universal  Brotherhood.




Also, do Monads in their Ray of creation produce more than one personality at a time?  



            DTB      No.  If this one we know of is not easily controlled, then why several at the same time.  The SPIRITUAL EGO is the permanent basis around which the atoms, molecules, cells, Monads, etc…. of the new personality accrue.  [ see KEY TO THEOSOPHY and S.D. ]




This would seem to be to me more efficient.



            DTB      why AND how?



Do we then meet personalities of the same ray.  I believe I had
read some of this from A. Bailey.  




            DTB      THIS IS NOT ORIGINAL H.P.B. THEOSOPHY.  For the correct definition see S.D. S.D. I 570-575.  The “Rays” correspond spiritually and intellectually and psychically to the 7 principles, which are all present in each man.  The preponderance of one, can be noticed in terms of character and capacity.  But as each human being has formed by his earlier choices in past lives, his present personal nature;  it will take some time to learn and understand it, and then control its progress towards independent self-consciousness which as it in it turn develops results in a consciousness that embraces the Universe as a whole.  This may take many lives to achieve.



      Thanks so much for trying to bring "light" to my confusion.  



            DTB      If possibleget a copy of H.P.B.’s THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY, and also use the INDEX to theS.D., Key, and ISIS UNVEILED.




These thoughts go round and round and they need an order to them.  I guess I am
like Mr. Sinnett., I wish I could understand it all today.  



            DTB      do not despair, THE FIRST LESSON OF THE occultist aspirant is to be patient and to study NATURE through the medium of his own small universe -- his own personality.  Persistence patience and diligence are the virtues needed for true scholarship  haste make waste and we have to redo things



      One last question when Monads become men-minds (manasa) are we
Self-guided or is this too only part of our (human) evolution.



            DTB      From that point on we are self-dependent and independent because of the Mind that develops in the Personality and is enveloped by KAMA (desires) -- Kama is ignorance  and short-timed foolishness -- hence it is called MAYA or illusion.  It perishes. 


But the spiritual virtues and exertions of the CONSCIOUSNESS are impacted imperishably in Buddhi and will always bear witness to this incarnation of struggle, learning and success.




I am trying to decide if some of my decisions are not a selfish game that I delude myself
into thinking that I am really making to help others.  We are our worst enemy.  



            DTB      The best way to ensure accuracy and universality to anything we study or are preparing to do is to seriously ask ourselves if it is UNIVERSALLY fair, just and true?  Also ask yourself:  “Would I like this to happen to me?” 


If the answer is NO, then abstain.  There is no secret place where Karma will not find us hiding.  The fear of karmic retribution isalone one of the most powerful attractors of personal Karma. If in addition we appeal to our own HIGHER SELF (ATMA) we may secure the assistance of the VOICE OF CONSCIENCE, as a true and honest spiritual guide.  Karma is universal and is TRUE.  The Universe exists for the Soul’s experience says Patanjali.  It is our own Lower Self that misleads us and tries to substitute pleasure for DUTY.


The SPIRITUAL VOICE will never mislead us into selfish or retaliatory actions.  We need to understand that.  If you have a copy of THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE, you can take frequent counsel with HPB.  Let those spiritual injunctions be your guide.



Best wishes,






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