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Mar 26, 2001 12:20 PM
by dalval14
Monday, March 26, 2001 Dear M-----, If and when you drive a car, when does one decide to turn left or right so as to either stay on the same course or to turn off it? In passing a driver's license test, does one not first have to study the Rules and Codes? Are there not wiser examiners who decide and test us for the common application of safety? == The safety of all, including the driver for himself ? Universally the same prerequisites exist for all studies. Those are not excluded in Theosophy. In all our many exchanges over the past several months (I mean not only "Theosophical") but in terms of IDEAS and LOGIC, what rules or facts would you start with in answering your question, if it was asked of you by another ? Can you condense and frame those ? If anyone wishes, then there is a basis for that. What is it ? Where would an answer take us? If a BASIS is found, then what RULES or LAWS apply with equity and fairness to both correspondents? Example: suppose you knew French only and I had some knowledge of both French and English, and an answer was found for you in English. I could not send it to you without translation, could I? Then the rules of correct transfer apply, not only as to words but specially as to ideas ? If you add as you say "a desire to please" then do you imply that the question or the transfer through words would be faulty and untrue, if that "DESIRE to please" was allowed to intervene? After all, one assumes that if another writes or says anything, the reason is to be CLEAR? If anyone interferes with either the basis or the rules of transfer, the result is bound to be distorted to that extent. ( and time and energy are wasted) I would agree that it is difficult to take all distortion out of a message. It "honesty is the best policy, then a straight "no holds barred" answer is the one that makes things clear for both parties? I realize that our education aims us at being strivers for wealth -- usually "at ay cost." But when an example of this arises in fiction or real life, we find that the application of common law in the courts, for instance, seeks to redress excesses and punish concealed and lying faults. The concept of a universal, fair and even morality in life (whether visible or invisible) is agreed to as an applicable ideal. Why should that be so ? What impels it? And why is it so difficult to make its ideals, reasons, laws and applications as processes, clear to the young? Why does anyone do EVIL? Why spend any time on it at all ? If that can be answered, each for and to themselves, a lot of discord, hurt and waste of time would be avoided. On the other hand let us look at your suggestion of "pleasing" as an attempt to mollify an "unpleasant truth." Make it more "palatable" to another. This reminds me of an old set off rules from the LAWS OF MANU: "Let him say: what is true; what is useful; what is pleasant; let him not say any disagreeable truth, nor say any agreeable falsehood." If you are seeking for fact and truth, then all is relevant to that search if honest and sincere. How else does anyone learn? If there is any deception or concealment, then is there not chaos and disruption, pain and suffering eventually? In School, did you not assume that the texts and the teacher's instructions were absolutely true? In examinations, were the students not expected to REPEAT what they had been taught? [Reviewing the same instructions, impacted in our memory, after a time, we find that in that interval there may have been changes (not in facts, but in their interpretation). For example: And to my annoyance, I have fund that the truths of School were modified in college, then as time passed in the life of days since then, I have found that whole concepts had to be 'dumped' and fresh ones substituted. In other words the hypotheses and theories of an earlier instruction were forced to make way for additional data that became available, from the same source (Nature) but was now interpreted differently. Why were we not TOLD when first instructed that these "truths" were only the theories of men ? Makes me very annoyed. I resent that. Why was I LIED to ? Why was my trust abused ? At least (so far) in theosophy I have not felt I was treated as "a child" and given only partial TRUTHS. That I respect. But I am still impelled at every step to probe and search. I have found the physics and mathematics learned in college, have altered when Relativity was introduced, then Indeterminacy, and "Quantum Physics." The same old basis, but a fresh view of it with more data added to the original basis -- data that modified the PHILOSOPHY of those sciences. Nature did not change, but our way of understanding it altered. But, why was I not told that the THEORIES were only tentative, and research to prove their accuracy was still proceeding?] Looking at the encounter (in X-Files you speak of) with the "Genia" and the 3 wishes, one is left with the following: [ My way of thinking ] 1. The wishes were oriented towards PERSONAL DESIRES, and 2. two of them then neutralized each-other The status quo ante was needed and restored. 3. This implies that NATURE was already taking care of those problems and the proposed personal interference was unnecessary, confusing and very short timed in terms of the personal goals of that individual's mental and psychic acuity. But it has the advantage of pointing to the audience the limited value of ignorance and selfish desires. Does anyone learn, or is it all entertainment ? And is entertainment designed to be educative or a waste of time ? 4. The individual was unready, or precipitous, and certainly not widely enough aware of the workings of the general and specific Laws of Nature. He was ignorant and did not take that immediately into account. From that we all can secure CAUTION. Is it possible that this was a kind of magnifying glass placed over our habitual choices and designed to show us the effect in the invisible/visible world of some of the choices we make ? 5. The uncertainty this left with the audience is one what we would all feel if suddenly the guidance of a World or even a province were suddenly 'dumped' on us. We are not even vaguely necessary in deciding how to manage the feeding or health of our own bodies. Usually our interference in food and health related situations produces the seeds of future disasters. Yet, we presume to be able to guide and govern our "Lower Natures?" Are we truly ready? Can we assume the helm? Or is it a proof to us that the evolution of the PHYSICAL BODY has been pretty well handled by the innate powers of Nature that have provided us with this marvelous instrument. Are we not really just visitors or renters in this body of ours? Do we truly own and nurture it, or do we act as Tyrants and compel it into unnecessary, undignified and foolish actions simply because we happen to have a superior power of control? And when ill or impaired, do we not haste to the nearest "doctor" and implore hi to set order, where we have destroyed it either wholly or partially? Why should we resent or fear a reaction which is bond to come about ? Are we willing to accept the Causal part we constantly but unconsciously and carelessly play in this drama of life in a physical body loaned to us ? I know this is an unusual proposition, but is there not some truth in it? 6. The reaction in terms of humor and amusement is again based on the Kamic principle of diversion, amusement, pleasure, and irresponsibility. These are uncontrolled and ungoverned, and few ever consider the consequences of "excess." 7. In the world we are now living responsibly (more or less) in the balance of work and leisure have been set at polar opposites of each other. Is that really so, or is it a false set of values, and if it is false, how did it get set there? Do you really think the very rich (who have money to burn and can spend their lives as they wish), are invariably HAPPY ? I know this has been set up as a "goal" for us all -- as though the trials and sorrows of life were only to be compensated for by unlimited pleasure ( a Nirvana of some kind, totally unearned). Undeserved is a concept we like. How much of our life is spent on devising ways of 'escaping'; the results of selfish and careless behavior ? No wonder there are religions and sects, Mystical societies and "Yogis," who acquire adherents. All those who hope (on and after some payment) to acquire information about as mysterious and totally unknown (hitherto) "escape hatch?" Few of them stop to think that if the teaching were true, then whose who set up shop would be long gone, and in fact, for them, the work of attracting the unwary would be quite unnecessary. It takes a lot of fly-paper to catch all the flies. And flies are reputed to be wiser than some other insects. I would add that this is one reason THEOSOPHY is so cordially hated: it asks for no money, and it causes people to investigate their own potentials. It points to wisdom as being the common sense of any and all inquirers. It also gives a simple method of proving that. It never seeks for adherents or does any proselyting. It merely presents things as they are. Then of course there are those who loose themselves in "work." And seem to live for nothing by that and their personal achievements. A different kind of imbalance. So, as the Buddha might say: Where is the MIDDLE PATH ? As far as I can determine THEOSOPHY enables us to look at all those problems and repeating the last question, ask: "What shall I do ?" An answer that might be returned by a Buddha, which seems on analysis to be couched in terms of invoking self-help: It says: "Study and get Wise. Study Nature, and learn her "secrets." See if you can wisely select those you need from among those you are able to discover." That's it. How do we balance desire for the personal self, with the greater KINGLY DESIRE for the WISE INNER HIGHER SELF ? This duality has to be resolved eventually or the vibration between pain and pleasure never ceases. And "wishes" do not solve the matter, but WISDOM enables us to bring this to a halt through wise choice and wise action. At least, that is as I see it. Best wishes, Dallas ============================= -----Original Message----- From: Mauri [mailto:mhart@idirect.ca] Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 3:36 AM To: basic@blavatsky.net Subject: [bn-basic] theosophic wishes? I can't help thinking about the deeper meaning and intended meanings of the word "wish" and its variables of "good will." Throughout history, I suppose, they seem to have found their way into a number of posts and letters, (including mine, of course). Apparently there's a prevailing belief of some kind that a letter or a message itself (its main text/context)is somehow not sufficient-enough in expressing one's concern and intent . . . or what is it that might MORE-SPECIFICALLY compel one to decide in favor of ending a written or a spoken communication with that "wish" word, in addition to one's concession to tradition, possibly, or one's desire to please, be considerate, etc.? It occurred to me that one's honest evaluation of one's wishing, in general, might help to bring out some very relevant considerations, (even theosophic insights, possibly?), about the nature of Manas and about one's motives and values as those might be seen from a Larger perspective? In last nights episode of X-Files, Fox Mulder met a "genia" (a female genii). His first wish was for "peace on earth." As a result everything came to a stand-still and all peaple disappeared. For his third wish, after getting things back to "normal," he decided to take his time so as to try to make it as fool-proof as possible. But, true to X-Files style, the viewer was left wondering about the particulars of Mulder's third wish, in the end; though he seems to have included in that wish a wish that the genia herself had earlier expressed (as part of her own wish for herself, in response to Mulder's question) to be sitting at an outdoor cafe, one fine day, sipping on a fine cup of coffee and watching the world go by. The implication seems to have been (among other things, I suppose) that a genia's duties leave few opportunities for such pleasures. Best Wishes, Mauri P.S. I wonder what I mean by those "Best Wishes", more-specifically. Seems that, to answer that, I would need to know myself more-specifically---all the rest seems more like just some kind of conventional surface wisdom . . . on the surface of it, at any rate? And below that surface? Aspects of Atma-Buddhi-Manas? But isn't that too presumptuous for the Kama nature and Lower Manas to suppose . . . so is the entertainment of such thoughts appropriate and wise in one's present circumstances, whatever those might be? Why not? --- Current topic is at http://www.blavatsky.net/talk/bnbasic/basicSyllabus.htm You are currently subscribed to bn-basic as: [dalval14@earthlink.net] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-bn-basic-6660818H@lists.lyris.net