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Mar 21, 2001 03:52 AM
by dalval14
Tuesday, March 20, 2001 Dear M --- : Regarding your comments (below) please allow me to insert some additional comments. Thank you, Dallas =========================== -----Original Message----- From: Mauri Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 3:29 AM Subject: RE: [bn-basic] RE: Universal Love? Mon, 19 Mar 2001 02:34:36 -0800 dalval14@earthlink.net wrote partly: What would you say are the universal and impersonal PRINCIPLES involved within and implicit in LOVE ? =========== Apparently there is a form of "Love" that's known by a Greek word: "AGAPE." Meaning selfless love. And I'm not referring to variations of that word which have very different meanings. ========================== DTB From the THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY p. 9, 191. AGAPAE (Gr.) Love Feasts; the early Christians kept such festivals in token of sympathy, love and mutual benevolence. It became necessary to abolish them as an institution because of great abuse; Paul in his First Epistle to the Corinthians complains of misconduct..." [These "banquets of charity" held by the earliest Christians were founded in Rome by Clemens under the realm of Domitian...The early Agapae were certainly the same as the "Phallica" which "were once as pure as the Love Feasts"...though,, like them, rapidly degenerating into licentiousness." =================================== My guess is that forms of agape are in keeping with Universal and impersonal principles, promoting harmony at whatever level. ======================================= DTB Apparently that's how they started -- but ended ingloriously. It is again a case where the inner motive was not carried forward with enough strength to prevent distortion and degeneration. It tells me that the "rot" was adopted and made to prevail in "high places (leadership)" and the individuals did not have the strength of character to resist changes based on UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES of motive and behavior. In other words the "fellows" followed the "Leaders" and blamed them for going astray, instead of realizing that each individual "follower" was independently responsible for THEIR OWN PROGRESS THROUGH FREE-WILLED DECISIONS. This is an illustration of how sects and new religions start. It is the passivity of the "followers" that allow such changes from an IDEAL to a distorted caricature. ============================================== It would seem that the interplay of the self/Self (in Theosophic terms) is expressive of, or would seem to have the potential of promoting, aspects and seeds of agape-love within the Karmic Influence that (while leaving us "free to choose," within Natures parameters) would seem to also have a general corralling-effect, tending to funnel humankind toward forms of Universal Equilibrium (Devachanic and Nirvanic options) as if that were a logical result in keeping with theosophic principles. ===================== DTB Karma work immediately upon any decision we make. Every decision has a moral impact first on the individual who generates it and secondly on all the MONADS which surround it. DEVACHAN (as you read in the KEY TO THEOSOPHY) is not optional. It is very real and is a stage all human Egos pass through between rebirths. It has been defined as a period of mediation upon the "good and the altruistic" that we (as the "higher aspect" of the Lower Kama-Manas) have done during the life that has just passed. Obviously if we do no "good" to anyone, we spend little or no time in Devachan, and we have the phenomenon of "rapid rebirth." NIRVANA is an option that can be chosen by the Spiritualized Ego at a very high and advanced state of purity -- but as said before, it is still SELFISH because it takes the Nirvanee out of circulation, so to say, and this is not the final goal of Nature. This GOAL of PERFECTION, available to all who strive for it, is really an intermediate step towards a still HIGHER GOAL -- defined to us as being able to have UNIVERSAL SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS and to be able to serve as one of NATURE's AGENTS -- a BUDDHA or a FULLY ENLIGHTENED ONE. [The Nirvanee is NOT "fully enlightened." He has only achieved perfection in regard to the control of his Kamic or desire nature. He thinks "unlimited bliss" to be the goal. But that is so very limited when one considers the Higher goals of MIND or SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS when those are fully developed, and/or SPIRITUAL AND UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS through the assistance of BUDDHI or true Spiritual Wisdom. In Buddhistic and Hindu terms on then speaks of the THREE KAYAS ( Trikaya -- [ T. Glos. p., 338] -- and of Nirmanakaya [T. Glos., p. 231], Sambhogakaya [T. Glos. p. 287] and Dharmakaya [ T. Glos. p. 100] -- the 3 "vestures" of the PATH. You will find these described (if you want to know the reasons why they exist) in THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE (footnotes pp 76-8) and in the THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY under those names., as given above ) The puzzle is, as you put it, the interplay between the Higher Self and the Lower Self. It is the puzzle of the "Two Egos in Man." [ This is explained in S.D. I 247, 263; S.D. II 167, 225, 230, 254-5, 572-3; BLAVATSKY LODGE TRANSACTIONS, pp 66 -78 -- CWB Vol. 10, pp 252 -263 ] One must ALWAYS REMEMBER that the Lower Self (Lower Manas linked to, Kama (desire) ) is only a REFLECTION on limited MATTER (Monads of lesser experience) . Also ALWAYS REMEMBER that the "Ray" of the ATMA in each human (or HIGHER SELF) is the IDEAL and Universal SPIRIT. It incarnates deliberately in the Lower Man to serve it (the lower Man -- or a MONAD of lesser experience that has reached the stage of self-consciousness -- as a tutor, and thus to help it onward and upward progress. SPIRIT is UNIVERSAL; and all beings (no matter how "separate" they may think-feel they are) are united by this ONE SPIRIT into an indissoluble UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD. The Divine TUTOR (ATMA acting through BUDDHI-MANAS -- "Higher Mind") cannot act or constrain the Lower Man (personality -- Kama-Manas) to do anything. It can advise when appealed to by the Lower Manas. It contacts this Lower Manas nightly (see TRANSACTIONS pp 66 - 76) and serves as that warning VOICE OF CONSCIENCE which on occasion warns a human before he makes a choice: "You have been there, and done that -- and you regretted it. Don't do it again." But this may be pooh-poohed by many who living, thinking and acting as Kama-Manas do not care to have "their pleasures" modified or cancelled by "moral advice." The whole thrust of evolution through the human kingdom is to provide evidence to the individualized Lower Manas that the reality of PERFECTION (as the ATMA-BUDDHI or DIVINE EGO ), is in existence. LOWER MANAS (and we all are in this condition at this stage and era) may be characterized as that aspect of Intelligence which arises from the evolution of the PHYSICAL aspect of the triple evolutionary scheme [outlined in S.D. I 181-2]. It is actively engaged at present in progressing towards what one might poetically or mystically call "Conscious Godhood." The secondary aspect, that of INTELLECTUAL evolution is achieved in the human environment. It starts with the self-conscious choice of the LOWER MANAS (kama-Manas) to purify itself and make itself a SPIRITUAL MIND ENTIRELY. To achieve this it has to purify its desire and passional nature -- and only its own SELF-EFFORTS and CHOICES will enable it to do this fully. One might say that success in achieving the apex of development (perfection) in the fist two evolutionary divisions leads to the third, that of SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT and the UNIVERSAL VISION. Without the ATMIC "Ray" being present in US, as well as in everything else, regardless of its evolutionary level of development, nothing of this would be possible nor could one speak or write of it coherently. It is the applied metaphysics of Evolution, always striving to universalize itself, which it is important to grasp. The sense of "isolation" has to be eradicated and transformed into a sense of INTERESTED AND BROTHERLY COMPLETENESS from which arises our interest in our brothers no matter where they may be. None are left out of our purview, and unlike the isolated Nirmanakaya wrapped in his selfish bliss, we continue to pursue the ever illusive "Star" of our SOUL. ( S.D. I 570-575 ) The successful candidate (as said towards the end of the VOICE) becomes a candidate (self-made) for BUDDHAHOOD. He becomes at that level (and when he chooses the "SECRET path," "A SAVIOR OF THE WORLD." [ We are given a glimpse of such an One in S.D. I 207-8. ] One must be clear in one's mind that these are not "personal," or "lower-mind" achievements. To understand their full impact and rationale is not easy for the mind that is still deep tangled in personal desires, wishes, and passions, even when these are theoretically envisaged. The "Lower Mind has to learn how to merge itself into its "parent" the Higher Mind, and thus, two in one, it can offer its harmless service to the World / Universe out of gratitude and charity in a harmonious response to all that it has received so freely from all the rest. Discord is transformed into the Music of the Spheres -- accord -- true diapason. ========================== At the same time, along with (and in spite of) the Karmic funneling-effect, the "free-choice" aspect seems (if I have interpreted the literature correctly) to be Real-enough and effective-enough to have a substantial controlling-power during that funneling; all of which would seem to suggest, as I see it, that Nature is, in a sense, "looking for" signs of Genuineness in its aspiring Monads to the extent of offering substantial "free-choice" in the context of Its earthly environment, after apparently having designed that environment to be in keeping with Its combined means of offering experience, education, and testing of Parts of Itself. ==================== DTB I think you are correct in this expression in general and including some of the details I give just before it. Please always understand that I speak and write, basing myself on what I am able to glean from Theosophy. It may be quite faulty, but hopefully it gives leads towards the final facts and truths. For, each has to find his own way to the PATH that leads to the GLORIOUS END." =================== A short explanation of the above: You can't fool Nature. DTB Perfectly true. Best wishes as always, Dal ---------------------------- Mauri