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RE: [bn-sd] RE: Admitting a Creator of the Universe DHYAN CHOHANS

Feb 24, 2001 12:36 PM
by dalval14

February 24, 2001






            Re:  DHYAN CHOHANS



I found in the Theos. Glossary p. 101 they are named:  “Lords of Light.”  Archangels,  Divine intelligences charged with the supervision of Kosmos  [ Capital  “K” when used by H.P.B. implies the WHOLE UNIVERSE.]


S.D.II 178-9 gives more on the nature and responsibility of a Dhyan Chohan -- Padmapani  -- in relation to our Earth and the development of humanity during the first 4 Globes and Rounds.  We are in the 4th Round, on GLOBE  d  (4th),  and we are classified as the 5th Race.


One of the best definitions is to be found in H.P.B.’s TIBETAN TEACHINGS (Published in LUCIFER for Sept. & Oct. 1894, Vol. 18, p. 9;  posthumously);  It had originally been prepared for THEOSOPHIST in 1882 but was not then published.  In BCW  Vol. 6 p 94.  It is reprinted in the ULT H.P.B. Articles, Vol. III, p. 337-351. 


The information about the “:Dhyan Chohans” written under instructions by a high Lama, reads:


“Lamaists believe in the indestructibility of matter, as an element.  They reject the immortality, and even the survival of thepersonal “self,  teaching that the “individual” self alone--i.e., the collective aggregate of the many personal selves thatwere represented by that One during the long series of various existences--may survive.  The latter may even become eternal--the word eternity with them embracing but the period of a great cycle--eternal in its integral individuality, but this may be done only by becoming a DHYAN-CHOHAN, a ‘celestial Buddha’ … a “planetary spirit” or one of the Elohim, a part of the ‘conscious whole,’ composed of the aggregate intelligences in their universal collectivity …  But as ‘there is more courage to accept being than non-being, life rather than death,’ there are thoseamong the Bodhisattvas and the Lha…who voluntarily relinquish the blessing of the attainment of perfect freedom, and remain in their personal selves, whetherin forms visible or invisible to mortal sight--to teach and help their weaker brothers.


Someof them prolong their life on earth--though not to any supernatural limit;  others become “Dhyan-Chohans,” a class of the planetary spirits or ‘devas’ who, becoming, so to say, the guardian angels of men, are the only class out of the seven-classed hierarchy of spirits in our system who preserve their personality.  These holy Lha, instead of reaping the fruit of their deeds, sacrifice themselves in the invisible world as the Lord Sang-gyas--Buddha--did no this earth, and remain in Devachan--the world of bliss nearest to earth.”


Other references that spring to mind in this connection are in S.D. I 207-210 where we are given a word picture of a Planetary Spirit -- named GREAT SACRIFICE by H.P.B. 


In S.D. I 571-575  we are given an ideaof the vast coverage made by these high spiritual achievers in helping to guide and assist in our human and general evolution. 


The last 5 pages of the VOICE OF THE SILENCE also refers to the last choice which a Bodhisattva makes -- to take Nirvana or to remain to help humanity.  In TRANSACTIONS OF THE BLAVATSKY LODGE, pp 65 - 77 we are given a view of the relations between this divine tutor within the human and its confabulations with the embodied mind night by night. [ BCW  Vol. 10, pp. 251-263 ]








2.         Re “Creator” of the Universe -- Is there such a thing?




PS        The concept of a “creator” of the Universe, to me reverts to a study in UNIVERSAL KARMA which demands after every Maha-Pralaya the reformation of the Universe so that the beings (Monads, Egos, etc…) of an earlier Universe mat CONTINUE their EVOLUTION.


Within the ABSOLUTENESS a central/aggregate INTELLIGENCE which we might name the LOGOS(Verbum, Word -- indicating law, plan, purpose, karma) resumes ITS work of guiding and re-forming the Universe, and arranging for the ultimate placing of every relationship that previously existed into its appropriate KARMIC place -- so that with independent choice it may continue its pilgrimage.  It is called in several places the SYNTHESIS of the 7 Lords and with their assistance every part of the UNIVERSE (Kosmos) as well as every local galaxy or solar system (Cosmos), every world, and every least atom is again set into living. The 1st Vol. of the S.D. deals with this. 











-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Merriott []
Sent: Thursday, February 22,2001 12:59 PM
Subject: [bn-sd] RE: Admitting a Creator of the Universe


I found myself wondering how different people on the list might explain this notion of a 'collective aggregate of Dhyan Chohans and other forces.  How does this aggregate work togetheras a unity?  Is there a centralisisng intelligence?  Where does the plan come from?


Any thoughts? 

                       Go on... have a try!



-----Original Message-----
From: Moderator []
Sent: 21 February 2001 00:13
Subject: [bn-sd] RE: Admitting a Creator of the Universe



Thanks for moving us on to the next passage.  Perhaps it would be worthwhile to put it all for consideration.





(2) It [the Secret Doctrine] admits  a Logos or a collective "Creator" of the Universe; a Demi-urgos -- in the sense implied when one speaks of an "Architect" as the "Creator" of an edifice, whereas that Architect has never touchedone stone of it, but, while furnishing the plan, left all the manual labour to the masons; in our case the plan was furnished by the Ideation of the Universe,and the constructive labour was left to the Hosts of intelligent Powers and Forces. But that Demiurgos is no   personal deity, -- i.e., an imperfect extra-cosmic god, -- but only the aggregate of the Dhyan-Chohans and the other forces. 

(SD I 279)



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