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Feb 16, 2001 10:55 AM
by dalval14
February 15, 2001 Dear Chris: Do you have any of the basic Theosophical texts -- those by Mme. Blavatsky, such as THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY and THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE. I ask this because they will give you a vocabulary evolved for understanding the words used in Theosophy. Not only a vocabulary, but also an idea of how these principles were developed and how we the IMMORTAL PILGRIM (an Ego of Higher Mind) can use the information received. If for instance you have THE SECRET DOCTRINE, by H.P.B. you would find in Vol. 2, p.596, and, Vol I, p. 157, 181, 200 -- some tables and explanations. But before jumping there read through the KEY TO THEOSOPHY, carefully and note the faculties involved in every woman's or man's existence. There are three lines of unifying intelligence that unite us all ( S.D. I 181) 1. The MATERIAL (or PHYSICAL) by the constant exchange of atoms, molecules, cells, etc. 2. the PSYCHIC by the constant exchange of impressions dealing with our individual and collective wants and desires. And, 3. The SPIRITUAL by the constant awareness of the great UNITY that is our KOSMOS and which we serve to keep cooperation and interaction of a CREATIVE nature alive and well. Her also lies the nature of the links between each of us and all the other MONADS in Nature: the universal and personal LAW OF KARMA (Each action we create, results in an effect of equal force that returns to us, and which we cannot avoid.) These are psycho-physiological as well as psycho-mental and psycho-spiritual. Also they do not totally agree with the faculties ascribed today, by modern psychology. I suggest this as each science has its peculiar vocabulary. Theosophy claims to be the antique root of all religions, sciences and philosophies down milliards of ages -- it being transmitted, added to and verified continually by a group of wise men who have left their imprint on the passing centuries with names such as Pythagoras, Plato, Boehme, Jesus, Gautama the Buddha, Krishna, and a whole host of lesser lights who have belonged age after age to the same GREAT LODGE that has served as the repository of knowledge and WISDOM. Let me put some brief notes into the body of your posting below Thanks Dallas =========================== -----Original Message----- From: Chris Stewart [mailto:cstewart@taosnet.com] Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 4:18 AM To: basic@blavatsky.net Subject: [bn-basic] Re: Astral seeing? Dear All, Yes that is the question. We've got a mansion, lights are on, staircase is in sight... who is going up and down the stairs? And question #2 is, the soul of the Bible the same as the LInga Sharira? DTB "Soul" in the Bible generally means the immortal THINKING PRINCIPLE -- and you will also find that Jesus did not reject REINCARNATION. The LINGA SARIRA is from the Sanskrit and means 'MODEL BODY." It is said to be the electro-magnetic form on which the physical molecules, cells, and other structure are arranged. Man needs a "LINGA SARIRA" for the SOUL ( Mind ) to operate on our physical plane and to receive and give impressions of its perceptions of various kinds -- so there are 5 "receiving senses," (Gnyan-indriyas); and 5 "emitting (or causative) senses," known as "karma-indriyas." The LINGA SARIRA is thus a link between the physical world of forms and the plane of ideas in and from the MIND. Note that the MIND also stands as a link between the Spiritual Base (Monad - or ATMA-BUDDHI) and the PRINCIPLE of DESIRES and PASSIONS (named KAMA) It balances, so to say the motives of "good" (Universal-law abiding) and "evil" (deliberate or ignorant breakage of universal law -- of cooperation, mildness, friendliness and brotherhood). Where did the idea of a soul in the Bible come from? DTB Study the Kabala as the basis of the Jewish faith. (But some translations are more accurate than others.) It is the same as the ANIMA MUNDI and derives directly from AIN-SOPH the UNIVERSAL ABSOLUTE UNITY ( call it GOD (not "a" God) please, it is not a great human being, but a causative power ever generating a series of manifestations in the shape of evolutionary schemes wherein the immortal pilgrims (MONADS -- units of SPIRIT/MATTER) are ever pursuing a "perfection of knowledge and wisdom" that leads them back to a unity with the SUPREME ONE. This does not "rub them out," but with the wisdom they have acquired through experience, they take their own progress in hand and either hasten or delay it. We, humans, are all in this most delicate of balances and have our won "fate" in our hands, or rather, within the grasp of our SOULS (The Higher Mind or Buddhi-Manas). >>From HPB Astral Body, Historical Studies we get, "The mythological literature of ancient Greece shows that at the very birth of modern civilization, the astral body was regarded as the mortal aspect of the soul." So the Astral Body isn't immortal but it has the memories of past lives stored in it. Is that correct? And do you get the idea that the physical body is attempting to be "like" the astral body. What about approaching healing from the astral body. If one steps into the Astral Body and asks the Master to show them how to cleanse and clear the Astral Body itself, won't that heal manifestations in the physical body as well. And finally, let's say one has found the door and is meditating in Astral, who do you recommend one invites into their meditation to teach at that level? How about HPB? Yes how about asking HPB to come and meditate with them in the level where they are and teach cleansing and clearing? DTB It would not be possible under Universal law for anyone, H.P.B., Masters, "God" to do anything for another. Every effort of progress is self-induced and self-controlled. It is a great part of the Initiatory process spoken of (rather vaguely) in old books and medieval systems. But a reading and a study of the KEY TO THEOSOPHY by H.P.B. ought to give you the correct pointers. It is (shall I say) dangerous to take anything but the ORIGINAL TEACHINGS given by HPB as your guide. What others may say, including g myself, please, may well be biased. The whole study would be oriented on UNIVERSALS and a search for their IMPERSONAL application. We, as immortal Pilgrims, (units of SPIRIT / MATTER) have to each one of us do the work of learning and then learning to use what we have learned -- not for our own personal sake, but for the benefit of our other (equally immortal) BROTHERS -- and that means the whole of the Universe. Best wishes, Dallas =========================== Chris --- Current topic is at http://www.blavatsky.net/talk/bnbasic/basicSyllabus.htm You are currently subscribed to bn-basic as: [dalval14@earthlink.net] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-bn-basic-6660818H@lists.lyris.net