RE: [bn-sd] Re: Cosmic Ideation, Intuition and Mind
Dec 29, 2000 11:45 AM
by dalval14
December 28, 2000
Re: Are Knowledge and Wisdom indistinguishable?
Dear Friends:
To be WISE in the fullest sense is to have a command over all
possible avenues of KARMA.
It implies a compete knowledge of the LAWS of NATURE .
Choices of application of knowledge are WISDOM, providing there
is no further obstruction to the operations of Nature introduced
by such a choice.
The Buddha Gautama Siddartha was said to have such a knowledge,
and when he spoke or acted it was the application (WISDOM) which
emanated from him in practical acts. This knowledge was termed
Samma Sambuddhaha.
Its harmonious and balanced applications demonstrated his mastery
of the purposeful life of a true Sage. He left as legacy to
mankind the DHAMMAPADA -- Footfalls of the Law -- (423 verses
that all the monks (Bhikkus) agreed were his actual words). It
is a good idea to review this, as it is to be found in the book
by Sir Edwin Arnold: THE LIGHT OF ASIA, particularly Chapters
(Books) 6, 7, 8.
Every Sage, Prophet or Adept had a mission which took him to work
at a crucial point in time to a tribe, or a nation so as to leave
them with the evidence of a living IDEAL MAN or WOMAN. We find
records of contemporaries of the Buddha Gautama Siddartha (6th
Cent. B.C.) in Confucius and Lao Tse, Hiawatha, Pythagoras, Manco
Capac, and others.
Krishna, an Avatara of Vishnu the Preserver of Wisdom and
harmony, came at the opening of the Kali Yuga (the Dark Age)
about 5,000 years ago. He left as legacy the BHAGAVAD GITA. A
document that will be useful to generations of mankind for a
period that will extend for 432,000 years.
Jesus came to reform the "lost sheep of the house of Israel."
His legacy is to be found in the SERMON ON THE MOUNT.
Other, more ancient Sages, left myths, traditions and legends of
their work, such as Rama in the RAMAYANA, or the seven Rishis who
left as their legacy the Vedas and the Upanishads, the Puranas,
and the Aranyakas. Then there are Odin and the myths of the
Scandinavian Gods of the Aesir. The ancient wisdom of the Druids
seems to have few traces left of it in Gaelic regions -- just as
many another ancient system has been lost and forgotten. The
wisdom of ancient Persia held by the long line of ZOROASTERS is
another system to be considered, as is also the WISDOM OF HERMES
preserved by the wise Hierophants in the ancient temples of
EGYPT -- and this is said to have been received from the Eastern
AEtheopeans, as the old Hindus were then named.
As I understand it the line of Wisdom teachings from Jesus, (who
learned from the Rabbis, Chaldeans, Nazars, Buddhist Monks -
settled around the Sea of Galilee - and the Egyptian Hierophants)
was preceded by the same Chaldeans, Assyrians, Egyptians, and
then, the still more ancient Zoroastrians, Buddhists, and the
The ancient Hindus shared the more ancient Wisdom of the
Atlantides of myth, tradition and legends - giant men physically
and mentally - with the ancient Chinese Sages. And so we may
trace the record of the ONE WISDOM RELIGION down the ages to our
present days.
To the amazement of the Western invaders, the ancient wisdom of
the American "Indians" Mayas, Incas, Hopi, etc...) was found to
agree with expressions of that wisdom in the Far East and ancient
Europe, such as the Scandinavian, Teutonic, Druidic, and other
legends. The great ancient monuments such as STONEHENGE and
CARNAC illustrate a practical knowledge of astronomy, and of time
and cycle determination, known to the wise men of antiquity. The
tremendous (and so far un-reproducible monuments) such as
Pyramids and other structures in every quarter of our globe,
ancient irrigation channels, etc., show that the Arts and
Sciences of the past existed.
Science is delving into her most minute portions, the atoms, and
their components, and of furtherest distances with our new
instruments -- and demonstrating the exactitude of Her
arrangements and manifestations. Everything has been built with
extreme care and purpose under LAWS that are immutable in time
and space. This has to be admitted as a first step. It will
always be relied on by true Science. It may be called the TRUTH
in Nature and certainly is evidence of her sincerity, diligence
and honesty insofar as every creature (including us) is
The fact of the great community of ethical and historical records
is astonishing when we get down to studying it carefully. H.P.B.
is found to have done this in her writings, and more recently
Joseph Campbell demonstrated these similarities.
This is how I understand it. If these books are to be compared
there will be found a remarkable similarity in ethics and
application -- which gives us a survey of the path that Sages
learn and then follow as a guide for their lives. They serve
mankind by leaving such legacies. The humanity that is
influenced by their words and ideas then receive the duty of
clear and honest transmission. They know that it will always be
up to the free choice of every Mind to decide to look for, test
and follow the Ideal OLD PATH towards Perfection.
For students of Theosophy H.P.B. left as her "tradition" not only
UNVEILED, and THE SECRET DOCTRINE. Each of these books
supplements the others and serves to focus and concentrate the
WISDOM of our World, regardless of who may have first recorded or
uttered it.
WISDOM is the common property of all humanity. It can be
interpreted by each Mind alone, and to itself. We are as a group
of nations learning and studying the great LAWS of living which
ANCIENT MOTHER NATURE has set for all to use. None of us are
prevented from sharing such Gems of Wisdom as they may discover
with others. In fact it is most valuable to be able to freely
and carefully compare all such verities with those recorded in
the past, and which are being studied and considered by many
Minds today.
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: Geeky []
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 7:27 AM
Subject: [bn-sd] Re: Cosmic Ideation, Intuition and Mind
Is wisdom knowledge of all truths?
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