INTUITION What is it?
Dec 19, 2000 05:36 PM
by dalval14
December 19, 2000
I noted that INTUITION was being looked into.
I recall one wise man saying years ago, when asked: "By all
means do trust your intuition, but. Make sure that it is not the
intuition of a fool." Many a time I have wondered about that.
It has made me very cautious, about my own ideas and about
It could be true or it could be vitiated by the "psychic" plane
(and its distortions) since all such "communications" (or GUT
FEELINGS ?) have to enter our Lower Manasic plane of the
brain-mind before we can apprehend them.
The moment we see "feeling" we know there is something "psychic"
about it. Then one asks" What is the motive?" It may be
worthwhile to wait some time and see if the "intuition" holds
good for several days, or are other factors which change it
emerging? Whenever there is a pressure for "speed in decision,"
or whenever there is any doubt, it is better to "abstain" for a
while. A true "intuition" will still be valid after a time.
It is a characteristic of the psychic plane that speed is
involved. The pressure to "decide or you loose an opportunity,"
indicates to the truly INTUITIVE individual that care and time
are needed -- for the matter to be fully and logically thought
Another characteristic of psychic motivation is that the RESULTS
OF CHOICE ARE NOT CONSIDERED. It takes a mind with the memory of
the past to provide anticipation of future results. Tis is
usually a range of potential results that would arise from a
proposed present choice, be these words, thoughts, or actions.
The thoughtful man invites intuitions, and carefully considers
them. The impetuous person fears, or transforms them. One fact
is clear, and that is: it is THE MIND of the individual (the
REAL PERSON -- the Manasic being) which is the final actor, the
final "decider." He makes Karma and to him Karma returns
eventually the results of his decisions in all things, whether
large or small.
I often wondered if I could be a "fool" and sometimes have
doubted strongly such flashes. I spoke of this with several
friends, and they pointed out that there could be no special
possession of any great TRUTHS. If an intuition were true, they
also pointed out, then it came from BUDDHI-MANAS (the Higher
Manas). It would be something that others using the test-tube of
universal wisdom could also agree to.
In the KEY TO THEOSOPHY H.P.B. points out that intuition was a
communication of spiritual consciousness" (p. 137); also a basis
for "true faith" (p. 220); and it could be an "aid to
development." (p. 240) In one of her articles H.P.B. says that
it carries the mind into the formless Spirit [ H.P.B. Articles I
43 ]. Again she calls it "an instinct of the soul, [a]
projection of perceptive consciousness." [ H.P.B. Articles I
428-9 ]. Again: "spiritual instinct which conceives of the
Infinite." [ H.P.B. Articles I 432-3 ]
In her article WHAT SHALL WE DO FOR OUR FELLOW-MEN she says:
" far as we accept Vedantic or Buddhistic doctrines, we only
do so because we have been convinced by the reasons given; or,
where the reasons prove to be beyond our comprehension, but where
our intuition tells us: this, nevertheless, is likely to be
true, we try our best to make our understanding follow our
intuition." [ H.P.B. Articles I p. 461 ]
Mr. Judge calls it a "great combining faculty" [W.Q.J. Articles
I 450], and, in another article says that it is the "only means
of understanding truth from higher planes" -- and, "unselfish
effort develops it." [W.Q.J. Articles II 352-4] Still further
he says in one place: "But whatever intuition is, it can only be
cultivated by having the right mental poise, the right philosophy
and the right ethics..." [ "Forum" Answers, W.Q.J. , p. 114 ]
Mr. Judge, in one place avers that "conscience" [an aspect of the
intuitive processes] has its source in the Higher Self (ATMA),
and as it comes down through plane after plane it loses its force
or retains power according to the life and education of the being
on earth...I do not mean that conscience is a matter of
education, but that the power of its utterances will be limited
by our education, and consequently if we have a bigoted religion
or a non-philosophical system we are likely to prevent ourselves
from hearing from our conscience. And in those cases where men
are doing wrong according to what they call their conscience, it
must be true that they have so warped their intuition as not to
understand the voice of the inward monitor." [W.Q.J. FORUM
Answers p. 88-9]
In the SECRET DOCTRINE, we find H.P.B. saying Intuition "soars
above thought" (S.D. I p. 1fn, 278-9); Divine intuition is
needed for deep truth ( S.D. II 516). Spiritual intuition is
not clairvoyance (S.D. I p. 460) It is a "spiritual" faculty
(S.D. I 329fn 644)
I think this gives a range of responses all pointing to the ways
in which Theosophy says we may consider an incoming "intuition,"
and how we ought to respond to it. We should never forget that
the ATMA is within each of us and that its teachings ought to be
always considered. We are actually brothers with the whole of
Nature, so true intuitions reflect the laws of compassion and
self-sacrifice as we recognize ways and means of assisting others
in their lives.
Best wishes,
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