Re: [bn-sd] The First Fundamental Proposition...continued.
Dec 15, 2000 11:47 PM
by leonmaurer
In a message dated 12/07/00 8:01:30 AM, writes:
>The previous passage on the one Reality stated that this "ONE ABSOLUTE
BE-NESS" is symbolised under two aspects:
>* Absolute abstract SPACE - representing BARE SUBJECTIVITY.
>* Absolute abstract MOTION (the "Great Breath") - representing
>This is symbolised by finite intelligence as a trinity. HPB now goes
>on to offer some help to us. See below.
>It may, however, assist the student if a few further explanations are given
>Herbert Spencer has of late so far modified his Agnosticism, as to assert
>that the nature of the "First Cause,"* which the Occultist more logically
>derives from the "Causeless Cause," the "Eternal," and the "Unknowable,"
>may be essentially the same as that of the Consciousness which wells up
>within us: in short, that the impersonal reality pervading the Kosmos is the
>pure noumenon of thought. This advance on his part brings him very near
>to the esoteric and Vedantin tenet.
>Parabrahm (the One Reality, the Absolute) is the field of Absolute
>Consciousness, i.e., that Essence which is out of all relation to
>conditioned existence, and of which conscious existence is a conditioned
>symbol. But once that we pass in thought from this (to us) Absolute
>Negation, duality supervenes in the contrast of Spirit (or consciousness)
>and Matter, Subject and Object.
>Spirit (or Consciousness) and Matter are, however, to be regarded, not
>as independent realities, but as the two facets or aspects of the Absolute
>(Parabrahm), which constitute the basis of conditioned Being whether
>subjective or objective.
>[footnote ] * The "first" presupposes necessarily something which is the
>"first brought forth, the first in time, space, and rank" -- and therefore
>finite and conditioned. The "first" cannot be the absolute, for it is a
>manifestation. Therefore, Eastern Occultism calls the Abstract All the
>"Causeless One Cause," the "Rootless Root," and limits the "First Cause"
>to the Logos, in the sense that Plato gives to this term.
>(Secret Doctrine vol 1, pp14-15)
In light of the above... And, for the benefit of students who may be
interested in obtaining food for thought (or for "meditation with a seed," as
Patanjali puts it), as well as a tool that might be helpful in not only
better understanding the relationships between the unmanifest and the
manifest, the unconditioned and the conditioned, or subjective and objective
-- but also might enable us to be better able to convince others (who may be
skeptical of theosophical truths) of the essential trinity in all monadic
elements, and the interconnectedness between all of Nature as well as between
spirit, mind, and body (as, also, an essential trinity within a unity) -- and
which could serve as a rationale for the idea of "Universal Brotherhood" asa
fundamental law of nature as well as a moral imperative toward achieving
correlational harmony between all sentient beings -- I'd like to offer the
following aid to understanding the Universe as an infinite plenum consisting
of an infinite number of separate duality's within unity's, each being
correlative and interdependent parts of one, (over)all encompassing unity of
infinite potentiality:
The basically logical and apparently scientifically and mathematically valid
presumptive ideas behind this statement (as discussed more fully by HPB in
the Secret Doctrine, and in consistency with the First Fundamental Principle
elucidated in its Proem) are:
1. The entire manifest universe is spun out of one *Substance*. This
"substance" fills all of the noumenal "primal" Space as well as the
phenomenal "Space-time Continuum" -- including all the visible and invisible
conscious, nonmaterial and material forms" and their associated consciously
experienced phenomena expressed within, interconnected to, and wholly
dependent upon it. It also fulfills the theosophical precept that "the center
of the universe is everywhere and its circumference nowhere."
2. This substance, when manifest, is rooted in, empowered by and generated
from an infinite source of primal Energy which can be described as an
absolute, unconditioned reality that is entirely "empty" or absent of any
form, attributes or phenomena -- except abstract absolute motion.
3. Such "absolute abstract motion," having infinite aspects and zero
attributes, cannot be conceptualized, but can only be visualized or imagined
(by finite minds for purposes of understanding and explanation) as; *spin*
(or "spinergy") -- of an infinite number of "lines of *force* rotating
(spinning) on at least three primary axes in at least 3 major and 7 minor
orders or phases of nonlinear angular momentum (or "energy in motion")
ranging in level from infinity to zero --around a "singularity" or
"point-instant" of zero diameter and zero time. Thus, such "spinergy" would
have infinite potentiality of *form*, infinite holographic information
carrying ability, as well as *infinite duration* as the root of its synergies
and transformations in both manifest *space* and *time* –- while eternally
carrying within its infinite degrees of abstract motion, the continued memory
of all past experiences of any portion (or sub infinite set) of the primal,
*origin* that eternally experiences continued cyclic manifestation
(Manvantara) and return to its source (Pralaya)... Also known as the "Great
4. Therefore, all such cyclic manifestation and subsequent involution and
evolution in time of the noumenal consciousness-substance, must be ruled --
throughout eternity, and through any and all degrees, planes, fields or
levels of manifest phenomenal consciousness (and its coadunate physical
matter) -- by the fundamental laws of "cycles and periodicity" inherent in
the spinergy of the primal source... (Leading to the Second Fundamental
Perhaps, it might help to better visualize this *duality within a unity* of
the (primal field of "Absolute Consciousness-substance" when manifest), if we
look at it from the standpoint of the geometric cyclic structure of the
initial ray of noumenal energy as it emanates from the zero-(Laya-) point's
"spinergy", or "abstract motion" of the Absolute or primal "causeless cause"
-- and see that both the source and its manifestation are governed by the
fundamental, and immutable Laws of cycles and periodicity... And, further
observe that the flow of manifest (or phenomenal) energy through each primal
field, in order to be contiguous, coterminous and continuous within Space and
throughout Time, as well as "dependently arising," universally synergistic,
and without beginning or end -- must follow a 3 cycle twisted spiral path
that forms two inner spherical fields of opposite polarity, and thus,
opposite characteristics -- which replicates ("As above so below") on all
corresponding levels of their continuing involution and evolution.
For purposes of such visualization, we might imagine these spherical fields
as a single line of force wrapping around each field in a spiraling pattern,
like balls of twine one inside the other, or like bubbles within bubbles
within bubbles -- as the involution proceeds in manifestation and evolution.
Incidentally, this description is analogous to some of the conclusions of
current Superstring/M-brane theories of physics -- which apply, solely to our
lower physical plane or field of phenomenal matter. This is consistent with
HPB's prophesy that physical science would eventually reach by their own
efforts toward the end of the 20th century, almost a complete understanding
of the theosophical laws governing the immutable karmic action of the
Universe, both as observed and as intuitively sensed and experienced.
If we symbolically visualize this 3-Dimensional (spherical) structure of the
primal field as a 2-D (circular) cross section, we see that to maintain such
a condition of repetitive (or cyclic) eternal continuity in Time, as well as
its having opposite polarities (or opposite functional characteristics, e.g.,
insubstantial-substantial, spirit-matter, consciousness-unconsciousness,
etc.) -- the continuous line of force (or ray) must form an outer, all
containing circle -- along with two inner circles (like a figure 8) -- that
are tangentially touching (or crossing through) both the outer circle and the
central zero- or laya point origin.
We also see that the radial flow of the phenomenal or manifest energy ray,
after leaving outward in opposite directions from the (upper) positive pole
of the outer circle, enters, also in opposing directions, at its (lower)
negative pole. At each of these outer crossings, the opposing energy flows
would cancel each other out and become neutral or zero, reverting to abstract
"spinergy," and creating two new laya-points in addition to the central point
of origin. These three points would correspond (as do the centers of the
three circles) to the "three primal centers" HPB speaks of; One such point
corresponding to consciousness related to Spirit or Atma, the second to
intuitive wisdom related to the vehicle of spirit or Buddhi, and the third to
experiential knowledge related to Manas -- or, together, to the triadic
nature of the Monad. It follows that they would also relate, analogously and
correspondingly, to; spirit/self, soul/mind, astral form/physical body;
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva; Kether, Binah, Chochma; Mulaprakriti, Perusha,
Prakriti; sattva, tamas, rajas, Om, Tat, Sat, etc. -- or pictured as the
Chinese symbol of the Tai Chi or "primal beginning."
Note: It might help to visualize the above by studying the symbolic 3-D cross
sectional (2D) diagrams and their theosophical correlation's, at the web page
at: --
and to follow the link on that page to: "Tai Chi Symbol evolved from rotated
chakrafield diagram")
Thus, visualizing the spherical fields of initial emanation -- we see that
the upper or positive polar inner sphere would represents the *subjective*
field of manifest Spirit (or Consciousness), while the lower, negative polar
inner sphere would represent the *objective* field of phenomenal substance
(or Matter)... Both of which would, analogously and correspondingly continue
their further involutional differentiation's (within manifest Space) along
with their evolutionary changes (in Time)... And, as they descend further
into manifestation through descending levels of energy and frequency, each
would generate (within their own separate realms of consciousness and matter)
inner cyclic duality's of opposite energy polarities (within a continuous
unity of all inner descending fields linked through their zero-points to the
mother field of primal beginning) -- leading to the causes and effects of
electricity and magnetism based on fundamental cyclic laws, e.g.,
attraction-repulsion, positive-negative, north polarity-south polarity, etc.
-- and would justify the fundamental scientific axioms of perfect symmetry
and conservation of energy, fulfilling the scientific (and theosophical)
principle that Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but can only change
its state of being.
It would also give us the basis of understanding the immutable workings of
Karma... Since, all processes of universal and individual consciousness, mind
and matter, would be *resonantly* interrelated and thus capable of
transferring the positive or negative forces or energies of both causes and
effects (along with the holographic, interference patterned memory of each)
-- one leading to the other, and linked in eternal cycles of action-reaction
(equivalent to the parable, "As we sow, so shall we reap") -- with no limits
imposed by Time, Space, degree of Substantiality, or plane of Consciousness
that such karmic action occurs within.
Thus, all things or "beings" in the universe, composed of cyclic energy
fields in descending orders or phases of energy level (directly related to
vibrational frequency) each centered on its own laya-point... And,
considering that all awareness of individuality or consciousness of Self (as
an apparently separate "observer" and "actor") is also centered everywhere in
the coadunate zero points -- they must be triune in nature... Since, around
both of the manifest dual fields of consciousness and matter, having opposite
polarities as well opposite spatial as well as conditional characteristics
(one insubstantial and the other substantial, or subjective and objective,
observer and observed, etc. ) -- as well as having zero-point centers
coadunate with the center of their crossover zero point -- there would always
remain an all encompassing surrounding field corresponding to the initial
mother field of "Absolute Consciousness." This, duality within a trinity,
incidentally, also relates to the unity as well as the apparent "separation"
between the 'Supreme Spirit" (Mahatma) and the "spirit in man" (Atma) spoken
of by WQJ, as well as by HPB -- and also as implied by Patanjali when he
speaks of achieving enlightenment (Samahdi) as "Isolation of the soul" (with
respect to the lower, animal nature).
Therefore, this three cycle structure, as an absolute necessity with respect
to all energy fields, is governed by the immutable law of cycles which
depends upon the inherent nature of the fundamental (circular) *spinergy* (or
infinite Energy of Parabrahm) that is the unmanifest and unimaginable
"abstract motion" underlying all of the levels, planes, or phases of manifest
energies within the mother (Martha) field of the Cosmos.
Note: Remember that the above verbal and graphical descriptions, while
logically consistent and in conformance with theosophically scientific
principles, are purely symbolic and cannot exactly represent ultimate
reality... Since, each of the spherical fields within fields within fields
are all spinning on their three axes and extend into multidimensional spaces
that are far beyond the limited three (and possibly four) dimensional human
visual and mental capabilities to even imagine their true intraspatial
nature... Although, the intuitive mind should be able -- by meditation on
the verbal and diagrammatic descriptions -- to grasp their logical
interconnectedness, triune nature and overall unity, as well as their
analogous and corresponding descent from the macrocosm to the microcosm in
differing gradient planes, phases, levels or ranges of energy, vibrational
frequency, consciousness, and substantiality.
I hope this simplified, and hopefully coherent and consistent description of
the inherent nature and lawful action of all fields derived from the primal
field and originated from the abstract, absolute "spinergy" that is reflected
in the infinite zero-points everywhere contiguous in both abstract and
phenomenal Space -- fully justifies and reinforces our acceptance and
conviction of the truth of the Three Fundamental Propositions (i.e., the
abstract nature of primal origin, the laws of its action and process of
generation, and the purpose of its evolution), along with a full
understanding of their moral and ethical imperatives as well as their
synthetic correlation with and consolidation of religious, scientific and
philosophical ideas and concepts -- explained fully, in comparative analogous
and corresponding detail, by HPB in the Secret Doctrine.
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