Re: Theos-World Consciousness/Unconsciousness
Dec 06, 2000 08:23 PM
by leonmaurer
In a message dated 12/06/00 11:20:39 AM, writes:
>Perhaps the mind is the resolving aspect of the question:
>What is the difference between zero and one?
Yes... And my mind tells me that no matter how we think about it --
mathematically (algebraically, geometrically, differentially, integrally,
multidimensionally, tensorially), intuitively, theosophically, or otherwise
-- the difference between zero and one is *always* ONE.
As the Book of Dzyan (with an added Kabbalistic interpretation) teaches, "The
3, the 1, the 4, the 1, the five, the twice 7 (is 14), the sum total" -- and
that is 5, which doubled is 10, and that ALL, is ONE. (Yod Hay [Shin] Vo Hay
<--> "I AM THAT I AM") Therefore, there is no such *thing* as "zero."
Simple, isn't it?
So, my advice is... We shouldn't waste our minds (and our time or energy)
thinking (or talking about it. (Or, should we say, "forgeddaboudit"?:-) Just
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