Re: The Theosophical Masters - replies
Nov 27, 2000 09:11 AM
by arthra999
I think for all his work Brendon should be a doctor by now, if not
I'll confer on him an honorary doctorate!
Dr. Brendon French wrote:
It is my theory that the �Master1 is imminent in the initiatory texts
themselves; i.e., Isis Unveiled, the Mahatma letters, and The
Secret Doctrine. Through reading, the latent �Master1 is
released to activate the numinous and otherwise ineffable
experience of initiation in the actual initiand: the reader. Such a
dynamic in no way denies the physical existence of the Masters,
but it does expand the initiatory potential of the Theosophical
canon beyond its historical narrative and into an atemporalised
readership. This, surely, is why people still read Theosophical
works even though the Theosophical Masters have been quiet
(at least in the Society) for many years.
This is an interesting remark. I would subscribe to the genius of
Madame Blavatskaya and the close circle around her as
responsible for the works cited ..the Secret Doctrine, Isis
As to the imminence of the reputed "masters" I wouldn't even go
that far...
To me we have to look at Madame Balavatskaya herself. I think
she was a profound genius as well as a trickster and capable of
laughing at herself and others.
She was a good story teller! Is a description that rings so true.
We can still appreciate her work I think but dispense with the
fuzzy entities.
- Art
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