Re: A plea for theosophy with a small "t":
Oct 25, 2000 04:31 PM
by brigid.lucas
Greetings all,
I have just joined this group, so this will be the first message that
I will post...
I think Art is correct on this subject. I am not too familiar with
Thoesophy, although I have read The Secret Doctrine by Madame
Blavatsky. You will notice on the title page (at least on the copy I
own) that it says: "There is no Religion higher than Truth". This, I
think, is (or should be) the mission of the Theosophical Movement.
Therefore, if Bailey or Leadbeter have anything true to contribute
(as I know many people feel), then their books should be approved of
as well. Indeed, why should anything but the Truth (and all of it) be
considered scripture?
Lucas of Brigid
--- In, arthra999@y... wrote:
> Thanks Peter for your letter... I had almost overlooked it with all
> the missives flying around...
> My concern is with the impression that there is a kind of
> "orthodoxy" view of Theosophy... this view stresses the writings
> of Madam Blavatsky and perhaps a few other writers and shuns
> or disapproves of later views and contributions.
> I think it's apparent from the topics on this list that there are
> people on various sides..
> I sense that Dallas is trying to posit that unless we are extremely
> studied in these writings we really can't debate them or consider
> other views, this I gathered from his sixth point as you recall.
> What I dislike is making theosophy into a religion with prophets
> and sacred scriptures. I think that's behind some of the issues
> on this list. To me Leadbeater has worthwhile things to say as
> does Rudolf Steiner and Alice Bailey and others, so i am making
> a plea here to be theosophists with a small "t" as opposed to
> Theosophists I think.
> - Art
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