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Theos-World Practial use of some ideas arising in "UNITY AND DIVERSITY"

Sep 26, 2000 12:14 PM
by Dallas Tenbroeck



1       From our center of perception we are able to range over
an enormous distance as well as consider the smallest of those
components.  The powers of the Mind has no limits.

2.      Unity lies in the potency of the PERCEIVER (Observer,
Witness) which is within each sentient, conscious unit.  The ONE
is always stable and sees the "many."  Diversity pertains to
unitary perceptions while Unity is the power of the
Witness/Perceiver.  Memory is the capacity of the Perceiver to
recall the impress made by earlier observations.  It permits the
proving of Law and laws in operation.

3.      The actuality (reality) of the ONE is also the actuality
and potential of every other Unit as of the whole.  [ Hence the
SD teaches that all MONADS are united and affect each other. ]
This is a statement that sets parameters for universality and
individuality, as well as impartiality, impersonality and

4.      The interaction of cause and effect between Monads
implies their permanence.  Immortality and eternity (in time),
and are logical derivations of this.  REINCARNATION of the causal
spiritual/soul is posited as this continuous base for memory and
progress in learning.  This process includes individuals as well
as races and worlds.  This sets the basis for the Laws of Analogy
and Correspondence in the Universe.  As "Above," so "below."  The
Buddha is the fruit of countless lives of struggle and effort to
achieve an inner, fixed focus on the ONE -- which is ALL.  The
Buddha is the UNIVERSAL BROTHER.  "Buddha" is derived from 'budh'
or 'wisdom.'

5.      Interaction is know in all departments of Nature (the
study of SCIENCE) to follow strict laws of exchange and
impression.  In the East this has been denominated KARMA
(action).  It is observed that reaction is defined by the impact
of any action (on any plane, physical, emotional, mental, etc...)
Hence LAW, fairness, justice are based on this concept.  Chance,
luck and happenstance are eliminated.  Analogy and correspondence
prevail everywhere, as recognized in all departments of Science,
philosophy and psychology.

6.      The purpose of this vast diversity in manifestation and
interaction of Units of Consciousness (Monads) is said to be
"Perfection."  Since the progression of evolutionary periods is
cyclic and unlimited, "Perfection" should be viewed as a series
of "graduating" stages.  These are achieved progressively as the
"Monad" advances from stage to stage, level to level of its
self-propelled education.

7.      The conclusion is that "Evolution" is a continuous and
never-ceasing process and that it involves every being of
whatever level of achievement.  We might call this an
"equal-opportunity programme."  Its periods are marked by Cycles
of time within the never to be defined DURATION.  No precise
definition in our limited terms can be made for


1.      Since the impartial and ever-sentient LAW of fairness and
justice in the Universe [Karma, whether individual or universal]
makes equality for all, no choice of ours ought to infringe on
the rights, privileges and duties of others.  We ought to act as
"Brothers" to all other beings.  We ought to be aware that any
result from our personal limits of desire or thinking will return
eventually to us (as a personality, in this or some future life).
Are we prepared to accept this?  Our greatest problem is to
overcome impatience by that patience which has "Duration" (and
not time) for limits.  Others have rights equal to ours and those
may be in time-frames that are different from ours.  Are we ready
to accommodate them?

2.      As Reincarnation is based on the immortality of the Monad
(SPIRIT-Soul, Atma-Buddhi), no one ought to fear the 'death' of
the physical vehicle (body).  We are, right now, the cumulative
result of all our former thoughts and feelings.  We are in effect
self-formed and add to this all the time as we make on-going
decisions and choices.

3.      Nothing is either "lost" or "forgotten" in the entire
economy of nature and mankind.  The whole of nature is formed of
"little lives" (called Skandhas, elementals, atoms, etc...)
Those carry the impress of our acts, thoughts and feelings.  They
go out from us to those to whom we direct them, and then in due
course they return to us bearing the results of the energy we
fastened on them.  The return represents an opportunity for
"balancing" the impulse originally set on those beings, and
freeing them from our particular impression, so that they may
resume, unhindered their own evolutionary progress.

4.      The quality (cause and reason) for desire, thought and
action forms the permanent impress made for any Karmic cause and
reaction.  We need to carefully guard our impulses and make sure
that our motives are of the highest before we launch any action,
feeling or thought.  [Are they for the benefit of the whole?
Will they survive as valuable, constructive and true the test of
many years?]

5.      It becomes clear that we need to study the whole of
Nature in its many levels of working.  As our knowledge expands
the refinement and quality of our decisions becomes more focused
and more powerful.  We become aware of the causal force of
feeling and thought and when we make choices or decisions, we are
made aware of the potential results.  (The "Voice of Conscience"
is evidence of this factor -- it is the "Adept hidden in us"
(Atma-Buddhi - The "Higher Self")  that responds to the needs of
the embodied Mind, so as to assist it in its better choosing.  So
we might say that there is in each of us an "Adept," and it is up
to our personal mind to make the environment of our present
"personality" suitable for this interior Adept to manifest.  Are
we doing that?  This is what Theosophy is leading us to perceive,
and then, to prove, each one for themselves.

6.      The Literature provided for us by HPB and the Mahatmas
may now be seen as evidence of this depth and complexity of
information.  Under Cyclic law (Karma)  that is now made
available for us (as a race) to learn and use.  It has always
been available.  What HPB has done is to condense it for our
ready study and use.  In this she and the Adepts allow us the
freedom to decide what we will study and use.

7.      All individual progress is made according to self-devised
choices and efforts.  This freedom of decision is basic to the
whole of the scheme of Evolution and therefore brotherhood and
service to others are the prime attitudes that ever
self-conscious entity (Monad, human, Dhyani, Mahatma, Buddha,
Avatar,,,) follows, each in its own way.  The primary law is:  DO


I hope this partially answers your request.  If another direction
is desired, please indicate it.  So far this has been very
general.  I do this deliberately because (to me) the FUNDAMENTALS
have always to be referred to and used.

D. T. B.

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