Theos-World Re: David Reigle's Reply to Frank Reitemeyer's commmunication on the new German SD study edition, etc.
Sep 02, 2000 01:52 AM
by Frank Reitemeyer
First of all I thank you Daniel for forwarding my level-headed and true
critique to David, and I thank you David for your answer.
I need time to respond seriously because my English is not so much fluent.
All I can say for now is that ALL your arguments and accusations are false,
twisted and even untrue and you will get the right answer including proofs
and facts as soon as possible. I have nothing to withdraw as you'll see
> SUBJECT: David Reigle's Reply to Frank Reitemeyer's
> commmunication on the new German SD study edition ,
> etc.
> [I forward the following from David Reigle. Daniel
> Caldwell.]
> -----------------
> Although I do not have e-mail, Daniel Caldwell passed
> on to me Frank Reitemeyer's communication, or rather
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