Theos-World Re: more unity of view than suspected - Some thoughts from HPB
Aug 12, 2000 06:41 PM
by LeonMaurer
In a message dated 08/01/00 4:13:20 PM, writes:
>It seems debatable whether we are in the last phase of the cycle of
>Theosophical Movement, when we realize that the Secret Doctrine,
>and all the work of HPB and the Masters for this cycle was meant
>to endure and apply to human evolution for a long time, certainly
>longer than 100 years. Another millennium may be more generally
>accurate, as a time frame for the assimilation of this amazingly
>profound and pervasive body of teaching.
Remember, in accordance with karmic law, every cycle of any action/reaction,
cause/effect, or a cycle of a "Movement," has two phases (which each such
phase being a sub-cycle of the main cycle). With respect to the Theosophical
Movement, such a major cycle begins with a teaching, goes through a period of
study, followed by an assimilation period, and ends with a practical
application of that teaching... In other words, if we can envision a
theosophical cycle as a sine wave, we see it has a rising positive phase of
exposition, and after assimilation by its direct students lasting a period of
time, it should move into its next phase of mass exposure, acceptance and
universal application during an equal period of time.
Therefore, when I said "last phase of the Theosophical Movement," I was
referring to the major cycles of the "teachings" that have come approximately
every two hundred odd years (approximately one percent of a major Solar
cycle) since the present Theosophical Movement started. And, which were
designed in each such period to prepare those receiving these teachings, and
their individual assimilation's, for great changes in their "group"
perceptions and resultant "group" action -- that would (and actually did)
occur in each second "phase," after the first hundred years of assimilation
of those teachings in every cycle of the "Movement" since its beginning.
Witness the relatively covert (to the masses) philosophical teachings of "the
rights of man" in the 16th century (brought by the Adepts) that resulted in
the overt (mass) actions of the American revolution, and the early growth of
that nation, as well as the partial assimilation of the ideas of "Liberty,
Brotherhood, and Equality" ("guided by the Adepts," carried out by their
students, and accepted by the masses) in the 17th century.
Unfortunately the "Universal Brotherhood"part of it didn't quite make it
then, and as a result there was need for another cycle of the Movement. The
one we are presently in the middle of... And, at the beginning of its second
last "overt" phase of practical action that we are enjoined to participate in
on another, broader level -- after the "covert" sub-cyclic
assimilation phase of this last century. By now, we should be ready for a
new, group consolidation, practical application, and possibly final "action"
phase of the present Theosophical Movement cycle.
Therefore, since HPB was the first among these teachers to finally expose to
the *Entire World* the full esoteric knowledge of the "Secret Doctrine" (as
you say, "this amazingly profound and pervasive body of teaching ... meant to
endure and apply to human evolution for a long time") that is the occult
root of all exoteric religions -- there should be no more need for the cycles
of teachings, assimilation's, and individual practice (that began during
the last millennium with the great enlightenment of the Renaissance
period)... Unless, that is, we, as a group, should fail to carry out HPB's
practical teachings -- which, we should realize, were not given out
solely for our individual self realization -- but to give us the wherewithal
help awaken the masses to their individual responsibility to each other,
as well as the Earth... And, hopefully, prevent the suffering and disasters
face due to their own individual's (and group's) materialistic wrong views,
and consequent wrong actions in the past.
Nevertheless, on the positive side, all these revolutions of the cycles of
the Movement, starting from the Renaissance, is what has lead us to our
present age of intellectual (but not yet spiritual) enlightenment
(i.e., to the ultimate heights of scientific, economic, and technological
knowledge we see all around us today) -- with little change, however, in the
materialistic views and lack of responsibility to each other and to the
biosphere that we live in -- (not to mention the selfish marketing and abuse
of antibiotics and drugs that are leading our health systems to the brink of
failure to stem the incurable disease epidemics and plagues that are looming
on the horizon)... With, as a result, the entire Earth facing at the
beginning of this new millennium, a possible catastrophic collapse of its
ecological, health care, economic and social systems within as
little as 15-25 years -- should the theosophical ideas not begin to take hold
and become an active force for mass-mind change very soon.
Therefore, the next 20 odd years (with all direct students of HPB, and all
those we help "awaken" as our "companions" being the vanguard of all the
theosophical thinkers and "world savers" to come) may be the most critical
period in the entire history of the Theosophical Movement... With the success
or failure of the entire Movement's historical efforts at stake. Perhaps, as
it did in the 17th century, it will take almost 3 quarters of this century
before our final theosophical revolution will finally be "cut in stone."
But, if it is to happen as planned, it is entirely up to us. Since the "way"
has already been shown to us by HPB, and I can't see how there will be any
new, individual "messenger" to add to her teaching (unless she/he/they have
already appeared to reinforce her original message of how we are to reach
into and "change the mind of the Race" through "spread broadcasting" of the
fundamental teachings on a mass media scale (in the "language of this age").
One might even speculate that the scientific Promethians of the last century,
such as the theosophically minded Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg, Millikan,
Oppenheimer, etc., who opened up the race mind to new ways of
thinking about space, matter, energy, relatively, multidimensionality,
etc. -- are some of those "messengers."
The real problem we have is how to transmute all the "nuclei" of Universal
Brotherhood -- that all true theosophists were enjoined to form as
individuals -- into the group "seeds" and ultimate "organisms" that will
fulfill the practical "action" phase of this present sub cycle of the
Theosophical Movement's primary (teaching-assimilation-action-fulfillment)
Thus, if we, as a group (and this includes ALL theosophical thinkers no
matter what organization or independent group of students they are members of
or associated with) should succeed in our efforts -- the Movement may very
well be
in its "last cycle"... And HPB's offering us the "Secret Doctrine" will be
it's last great teaching effort.
On the other hand, considering the condition of the world as it exists today,
with all its dangers of over population, depletion of natural resources,
pollution, ecological imbalance, nuclear disaster, plagues, etc., etc.,
brought on by the rampant materialism of this past century, and with a
possible accumulated, earth shaking catastrophic devastation approaching
asymptotically, in an ever accelerating geometric progression on all levels
of social, economic, political and ecological disharmony -- Mankind's
ultimate fate
could very well depend on the actions we take long before the next hundred
years pass. Thus, if nothing is done to avert these disasters, this period
just might as well be the last and "final" cycle of any past, present or
future Theosophical Movement -- if not the catastrophic end of the entire
human race -- which could very well, as HPB pointed out, set us back another
"million years of failed evolution."
So, it is up to all theosophists, both, individually and as ecumenical groups
or individuals, working together with all others of like mind, regardless of
their affiliations -- to begin to take the common action of "Spread
Broadcasting" the teachings through "self devised and self determined" means
that will help bring the entire world's population to an understanding
that they must (whether members of organized religions and blind believers
in their dogmas, or not -- fundamentally change their minds, recognize the
truths of reincarnation and karma along with the responsibilities to each
other and to all life on this planet that these "truths" imply, turn back
from their materialism and, in a spirit of Universal Brotherhood, take
positive action to begin restoring the world that they have, as a result
of their common wrong views and subsequent wrong actions in the past, brought
to the brink of self destruction.
>It also seems appropriate to point out that Theosophy is not simply
>a subject for study. It must be put into practice, if it is to mean
>anything at all to the evolution of our race. In order to attain true
>Knowledge, the student must become that which he wishes to
>understand. When the individual student realizes, for instance, in
>his heart as well as in his mind, that all life is One, he radiates
>from those centers of his own being the truth of his realization in all
>he says, thinks or does. And that truth radiating from his individual
>life reaches the inner consciousness of all he meets, as well as
>amplifying the collective consciousness of the race of humanity in
>regard to this basic truth. The ramifications of the moments of
>enlightenment of each student are not possible of computation, but
>it is a fact in nature, nevertheless, that each one who accepts the
>Wisdom Religion into his life and tries sincerely and persistently to
>reflect the ideals he discovers there, whether he calls it Theosophy,
>or Buddhism, or by whatever name, becomes a beacon light for all
>his brothers and sisters, and makes it more possible for others to
>also find the Path to True Knowledge. Studying the literature can
>provide information, direction, and inspiration, and indeed that is
>the purpose of the literature, but it is the transformation of the
>consciousness of the student, as he one by one applies the
>lessons gained in his study to the daily, hourly minutiae of his own
>life, which is the real work of the theosophist, and the real means
>by which Theosophy reaches all mankind.
I agree with all of what you say about the practice of theosophy... And, see
such advice as the groundwork that will enable many of us, according to our
own individual talents, skills and self devised and self determined efforts,
to start moving in the direction of both individual and group guided and
supported actions in "spread broadcasting" the teachings (essentially, of
karma and reincarnation) "in the language of this age" -- that HPB
spent her life working so hard to give us the tools for such accomplishment.
When these truths can become a "conviction" in the minds of the majority of
ordinary people, HPB, along with the Masters and the Theosophical Movement
they worked for, would have fulfilled theirs and its purposes. In this
light, however, I believe that the literature and their "occult" head and
heart doctrine teachings (that go hand in hand) are of the utmost
importance... Since, they give us the scientific and philosophical basis upon
which our fundamental beliefs and ethical/moral actions, rooted in altruism
and directed toward Universal Brotherhood, can be accepted and acted upon
with absolute conviction -- as well as giving us the intellectual tools to
enable us to convince others of their inherent rationality and truth.
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