Re: Theos-World Aleister Crowley and Theosophy.
Jun 16, 2000 04:22 PM
by Dennis Kier
> Dennis Kier wrote:
> > I DO recall that Israel Regardie had a definite negative opinion of
> > Alice Bailey.
> And a very positive one on H. P. Blavatsky, considering her to be equal
> in stature to Aleister Crowley (and this from a man who was Crowley's
> personal secretary and main disciple).
Thank you for that. I have read his views on AAB, somewhere, in a book or
one of the interview pieces, but don't recall seeing any reference to HPB.
I have many of his books, and used to have a set of the 4 original Golden
Dawn with the hand colored plates. Unfortunately, Volume 1 was in short
supply, but I found a copy of it in a book store on Hollywood Blvd, complete
with an insription by IFR. Then I later found that it had been stolen from
the lady who he had given it to. He had a home and office on Coldwater
Canyon Blvd, so I mailed it back to him.
He sent me back a nice note, saying that it had arrived in the mail, just as
he ane the lady he had originally given it to were having lunch. I think
this was the lady who sponcored his entrance into the Golden Dawn.
He also sent a copy of his latest book (at the time), The Eye In The
Triangle, inscribed to me. I have a favorable impression of him.
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