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Theos-World An Article on Consciousness Studies

Jun 09, 2000 01:37 PM
by Michele Lidofsky

Dear friends,

  There is an article in the current U.S. News & World Report in the 'Science &
Ideas' section that those of you interested in consciousness studies
might want to take a look at.  It refers to the work of a philosopher of
mind whom I, as a theosophist, have found intriguing.  It summarizes the
views of the non-reductionist yet scientifically oriented David
Chalmers, of the University of Arizona, who is head of the consciousness
studies program there.  There are also some links on the page to tell
you more about his work.

  I thoroughly enjoyed his book, 'The Conscious Mind - in Search of a
Fundamental Theory'.  A general statement of his views can also be found
in a paper of his called 'Moving Forward on the Problems of
Consciousness' which in the past could be downloaded from his personal
web site.

Michele L.

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