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Re: Theos-World - Christ in Nairobi.

Jun 07, 2000 10:34 AM
by Michele Lidofsky

scott holloman wrote:
> Will I be annihilated for being simplistic and "unenlightened" or am I
> perhaps partially enlightened?

No, as I understand the theosophical teaching, it is only those who
never even ATTEMPT to 'go inward' and reach the true self,  or those
whose materialistic interest is so great and/or so selfish that they
utterly deny this higher self who will eventually break the 'silver
cord', leading to annihilation.  (And you are far from simplistic).

To be specific about
> an objective pertaining to any philosophy is silly.Philosophy will
> always be a fuzzy science at best.

Absolutely agreed.  I have been playing the devil's advocate on this
matter in this mail list, but I see too many seekers who try desperately
to reify or concretize concepts which, at present, are metaphorical
'guideposts' at best.  As David C. wrote recently, you can't construct
an operational definition for a metaphysical abstract, IF it cannot
currently be empirically/scientifically "proven".  What you CAN do is
meditate (to seek insights pointing to reality), hypothesize upon these
insights, investigate (exploring psychic experiences with others, as
documented by many early Christian experimenters, with the goal of
finding out whether their inner experiences had common elements as a
"control" is one way), share these insights and experiences with others
if you think they may be helpful, and have fun discussing them.  And
don't worry - someday the hard sciences will catch up...:)

Michele L.

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