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Re: Theos-World - Christ in Nairobi.

Jun 06, 2000 06:56 PM
by Michele Lidofsky wrote:
> There are at least two things a true theosophist cannot be... One is a
> worshipper of any God, figurehead or authority... Another, is a member of any
> religion that denies the validity or the rule of karma and the doctrine of
> reincarnation (coupled with individual, self determined choice, based on self
> devised study) as determiners of the fates or destinies of all sentient
> beings... 

Hello, everyone - 

  I have a question I would like to present to the group...  About a
year or two ago I was very surprised to hear a highly knowledgeable
theosophical author mention that HPB taught that not EVERYBODY will
reincarnate.  Upon expressing my skepticism, s/he referred me to this
quote in 'The Key to Theosophy'- (TUP 1987 pp. 190-191)

  "If during life the ultimate and desperate effort of the INNER SELF
(Manas) ,to unite something of the personality with itself and the high
glimmering ray of the divine Buddhi is thwarted; if this ray is allowed
to be more and more shut out from the ever-thickening crust of physical
brain, the Spiritual Ego or Manas, once freed from the body, remains
severed entirely from the ethereal relic of the personality; and the
latter, or KAMA RUPA, following its earthly attractions. is drawn into
and remains in HADES, which we call the KAMA-LOKA.  These are "the
withered branches" mentioned by Jesus as being cut off from the VINE. 
Annihilation, however, is never instantaneous, and may require centuries
sometimes for its accomplishment..."

  In other words - if there is never an effort made or succeeded to
"create a soul" - when the body dies; that's it -  because there would
be nothing left after that body is gone TO reincarnate.  

  I was still a disbeliever.  My friend remarked that this was a result
of erroneous theosophical thinking; I needed to consider, since there is
really only ONE THING,  it doesn't matter if many of the 'sparks' from
the flame die, because the one flame remains alive.

  I later read another HPB quote somewhere in the literature that the
masses, as peasants on the hillside, mostly live happy, even good and
decent lives, but because unexamined and unenlightened, these masses are
mostly annihilated. (This quote I will have to research to supply the
reference for; has anyone else ever seen it)?

  Has anybody  ever heard of this idea as a basic theosophical
postulate?  As a CONTROVERSIAL theosophical postulate, even?  Or is this
just the accepted wisdom?  The members of our group of ten or twelve in
our TS lodge couldn't agree. (So what else is new...)

  I'd appreciate any input on this question, and thanks in advance!

  Michele L.

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