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Re: Theos-World Let's Remember the Heart

Jun 05, 2000 12:40 PM
by Michele Lidofsky

Friends - 

  I forgot to delete Leon Maurer's heading from his original message
when I sent in my reply to Barbara in this thread/ heading.  	In case
there is any misunderstanding, the quote from Robert Heinlein was posted
by Barbara, not Leon.


Michele L.

Michele Lidofsky wrote:
> Barbara wrote:
> > Subject: Re: Theos-World Let's Remember the Heart
> > "You can peace or you can have liberty.  Don't count on having both of them
> > at the same time."
> > Robert Heinlein.
> >
> > See you,
> >
> > Barbara
>   Absolutely agree with both Leon and Barbara.  We must be wary of being
> lulled into some totalitarian, yet mindlessly peaceful police type state
> due to an easy to fall into error of misguided pacifism - whether it's
> due to one's conviction of Christian principles or the theosophical
> conviction that "we are all one".  (I am reminded here of Annie Besant's
> referral to what she called "weak minded theosophists' who would refuse
> to fight even to retain their own liberty).  Anyone who doesn't
> understand this is well advised to read dissident Soviet writer Yevgeny
> Zamyatin's classic dystopian novel, 'We',  describing  the regimented
> but blissfully peaceful life in a society ruled over by an all-powerful
> "Benefactor".  There is a reason Russia suppressed it for sixty years.
> Michele L.
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