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Theos-World Quotations to think about.

Jan 22, 2000 03:18 PM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck

Jan 22 2000

Some Quotations from Theosophical sources to think about.

These are offered for consideration and thought -- not to be
believed in, but to be considered rationally as part of the
structure of our Cosmos, our World, and also the present in our
day and age.  These are matters, ideas, ideals and concepts of
development in the natural powers and progress of all humanity
that our science and philosophy ought to investigate or at least
take note of.

Charles Johnston is better known for his many translations from
ancient Sanskrit texts which were printed in the ORIENTAL
DEPARTMENT PAPERS that Mr. Judge published in America in the
early days of the TS.  He was also a pupil and friend of Mme.
Blavatsky.  In an article he wrote about his talks with her about
the Adepts and those whom she called her "Masters" -- he wrote :

	"[HPB said] ...At certain regular periods they try to give the
world at large a right understanding of spiritual things.  One of
their number comes forth to teach the masses, and is handed down
to tradition as the founder of a religion.  Krishna was such a
Master, so was Zoroaster;  so were Buddha, Sankaracharya, the
great sage of Southern India.  So also was the Nazarene [Jesus[."

	"[CJ] ...Have the adepts any secret records of his life?"

	"[HPB] ...They must have...for they have records of the lives of
all Initiates.  Once I was in a cave temple in the Himalayan
mountains, with my Master.  There were many statues of adepts
there;  pointing to one of them, he said:  'This is he whom you
call Jesus.  We count him to be one of the greatest among us.'
...But that is not the only work of the adepts.  At much shorter
periods, they send forth a messenger to try to teach the world.
Such a period comes in the last quarter of each century, sand the
Theosophical Society represents their work for this epoch."

In the second volume of ISIS UNVEILED, (pp. 99 to 100 ) HPB

"What we desire to prove is, that underlying every ancient
popular religion was the same ancient wisdom religion, one and
identical, professed and practiced by the initiates of every
country, who alone were aware of its existence and importance.
To ascertain its now beyond human possibility ....A
philosophy so profound, a moral code so ennobling, and practical
results so conclusive and so uniformly demonstrable is not the
growth of a generation, or even of a single epoch.  Fact must
have been piled upon fact,  deduction upon deduction, science
have begotten science, and myriads of the brightest intellects
have reflected upon the laws of nature, before the ancient
doctrines had taken shape.

The proofs of this identity of fundamental doctrines in the old
religions are found in the prevalence of a system of initiation;
in the secret sacerdotal castes who had the guardianship of
mystical words
of power, and public display of a phenomenal control over natural
forces...Every approach to the Mysteries of all these nations was
guarded with the same jealous care..."

"As we proceed , we will point out the evidences of this identity
of vows, formulas, rites, and doctrines, between the ancient
faiths.  We will also show that their memory is still preserved
in India but also that the Secret Association is still alive and
as active as ever...after reading what we have to say, it may be
inferred that the chief pontiff and heirophant, the BRAHMATMA, is
still accessible to those "who know," though perhaps recognized
by another name;  and that the ramifications of his influence
extend throughout the world..."  ISIS II pp.  99-100

"The Mysteries are as old as the world, and one well versed in
the esoteric mythologies of various nations can trace them back
to the days of the ante-Vedic period in India.  A condition of
the strictest virtue and purity is required from the ...candidate
before he can become an initiate..."  ISIS II 98

"The Adepts are living men, using bodies similar to ours;  they
are scattered all over the earth in all nations;  they know each
other...They have times when they meet together and are presided
over by some among their number who are more advanced in
knowledge and power than the rest;  and those higher Adepts again
have their communications, at which that One presides is the
highest;  from these latter begins the communication with the
Dhyan Chohans.  All in their several degrees do that work which
pertains to their degree, and although only to the Highest can be
ascribed any governance or guidance of nature and mankind, yet
the very least occupies an important part in the whole scheme."
WQJ --  "Echoes From the Orient,"  p. 14

"The same power exists in all of us, yet where we stand on the
ladder of being we see many below us and others greater than we
above us.  Humanity now is building the bridge of thought, the
bridge of ideas that connects the lower with the higher.  The
whole purpose of incarnation, or our descent into matter, not
only was to gain further knowledge of matter, but to impel the
lower kingdoms to come up to where we are.  We stand as gods to
the lower kingdoms.  It is our impulsion that brings them weal or
woe.  It is our misconception of our life that makes Nature so
hard;  that causes all the distresses which afflict us in
cyclones, tornadoes, diseases, pestilences, of every kind."    F.
P.  p. 236

"The Adept standing on the immeasurable height where centuries
lie under his glance, sees the great cycles and the lesser ones
rolling onward,  influenced by man and working out their changes
for his punishment, reward, experiences and development."
  WQJ -- Echoes from the Orient, pp.  17-18

"In our age it is well to consider what the Great Ones have done
and do.  Age after age, year after year, They conserve the
knowledge and wait, doing what They can, and how They can in
accordance with cyclic law.  Knowing this and doing this there
can be no room for doubt or discouragement."
F. P.  p.  68.

These quotations on the nature and work of the Adepts and mankind
are offered in the hope of developing further discussion and


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