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Re: Theos-World Internet Use

Jan 12, 2000 03:39 AM
by LeonMaurer

To all, with reference to my recent "call to arms" posting, and Louis' (Teos response (below).

Thank you, Louis

No, I am not related to Steve Case...:-)  But, The Internet goes far beyond 
providers like AOL and TIME WARNER.  Their immense new markets and multimedia 
bases, though, can be a valuable tool in reaching the masses who now find it 
easy to surf the net, and, eventually, can visit their movie theaters, and TV 
networks, as well as the vast world wide web they interface with -- and 
ultimately, receive OUR messages...  That is, however, provided we know how 
to craft these messages in the "Language of the Age," and make them 
attractive, interesting, and inspiring -- and what's more -- entertaining, as 
well as educational.  This requires, at least  some of us, if not all, to 
think like professional mass media communicators as well as theosophists.  

Thus, my call for those of like mind and useful skills among us -- to get off 
our duffs, search each other out, find or compose the new "messages" that fit 
the media and incorporate the "teachings" -- and get to work on fulfilling 
the "plan" along the lines laid down by HPB (and confirmed by WQJ, DK 
(through AAB), and other wise ones who go back to the foundations of the 
Movement and its Master teachers) -- no matter in what form and from whom 
these teachings come through.  

Didn't HPB say that all of us who are the "real" students of the Masters, 
should "write our own Secret Doctrine"?  This must certainly have meant that 
there were new ideas to be found and things to learn from other newer as well 
as older sources -- after the original SD gave us the fundamental groundwork, 
showed us how to discriminate between truth and falsehood, and pointed the 
way toward completing the Plan.   

How could the original Plan be based on anything less than what we, as 
students (as well as potential teachers) could do, together, for its 
continuance and the achievement of its goal? ...  And, that goal is; IMHO, 
The recognition by ALL PEOPLE that "Universal Brotherhood" is a "law of 
nature" -- which is the true foundation of "liberty, with freedom and justice 
for all"... And, that which we must all, either learn to practice together, 
or perish in the backwash of the negative karma of the Earth that most of us 
have contributed to in our past and present lives.  The responsibility 
belongs to each and all of us so called "theosophists" (in the ULT 
Declaration sense -- as "all those in the true service of humanity.").  Not 
only must we serve, together, as and example of brotherhood-in-action to 
those we teach, we must also see this mass dissemination work as a GROUP 
responsibility -- if such an important message is to be "spread broadcast" to 
the world effectively, and serve to "change the minds of the Race" -- (not 
only to reverse the harm we have done in the past, but also to help catch up 
on the  million years of lost evolution due to the depredations and evil acts 
of our forefathers, the "Fourth Root Race," Atlantians.)

Its now up to us, individually, to find the positions where each of us can 
fit in -- according to our own self devised and self determined study, 
efforts, and choices -- based on the psychic (mental and spiritual) powers we 
have "investigated", the theosophical truths we have learned, as well as on 
the talents and skills we each have developed within ourselves in order to 
function creatively and communicate effectively on this physical plane.  

Its a certainty that many truths that add up to the whole TRUTH, can be found 
in ALL the "ancient and modern sciences, religions and philosophies" -- that 
the Second Object of the Theosophical Movement enjoins us to study...  And we 
never can know where these Gems are, unless we combine and follow both the 
second and the third Objects to their farthest reaches, separate the wheat 
from the chaff, and search for all the pertinent correlative linkages that 
lead to activation and ultimate fulfillment of the "Master's" and the 
"Guardians'" PLAN on this upcoming (final?) cyclic phase of the Movement.  

All the teaching and training we relatively few theosophists have been given 
and taken throughout the past century, is only half the story.  The other 
half, the mass teaching through newer methods of communication, is yet to 
come in the next phase -- starting NOW.  And that work must be -- if it is to 
become an effective means of disseminating the Fundamental Truths to the 
world at large in a way that they can understand and apply them -- an 
"active" one, that we participate in together to accomplish as true 
"theosophical companions" with one end in view.  A view, that now can be 
based on the simplicity of the "Plan" itself -- as well as its anticipation 
of the current development of the electronic and optical world of mass 
communication media (thanks to Einstein, another student of HPB) -- that is 
just now become ripened and useful for its fulfillment.  Isn't it obvious 
that we are the spearhead of all the "warrior Arjuna's" that the last 
thousand years of the Theosophical Movement has been working toward honing to 
a cutting edge?  How else, by what means, and through whom else can this mass 
slicing through of ignorance and materialism take place?  And, isn't it, only 
NOW, by the grace of good theosophical karma, that it CAN be done?   

There are those of us who have already started on this work in various 
directions, and it's up to each of us to find the places and the projects 
where we can initiate the group "actions," or be of assistance to others who 
are already coming together with a common focus and a similar end in view.  

But, we must never forget the importance of carrying on our direct 
theosophical study -- in small local groups, on the Internet through our 
forums and chat rooms, and through the foundation books and articles -- which 
is necessary for those aspiring to learn the path and the plan, absorb the 
"Fundamentals, fulfill the "Objects," and find their own "self-realization," 
as well as gain the inspirations and gather their energies -- to prepare 
themselves to join in the great, difficult, but necessary work on the mass 
scale that looms before us.  

The stage has already been set, the tools are in place, and I hope that we 
all may see the importance of such continuing study AND such soon to be 
activated mass media work.

Best wishes for good karma to all,


-----------------ORIGINAL MESSAGE-----------------
In a message dated 1/11/0 10:36:51 AM, Teos 9 writes:

>Hello Leon. You write:
><<The reason for their so called "retreat into silence" (on the material
>plane, that is) is that everything we needed to know for the next phase of 
>Theosophical Movement was already given us by HPB.  For one thing, she said, 
>that we should teach the masses the truths of reincarnation and karma using
>the "language of the age."  After that, DK, a self professed "teacher"
>of KH and M (whether true or not), reinforced this by saying, through Alice 
>(disregarding all the other fantasies and interpretations that she may have 
>added out of her own mind), that that new language will be the electronic
>mass communication media to come in another 50 years or so (since he spoke
>in the mid thirties).  Was this a legitimate message from the Masters 
>prophesying the Internet, satellite movie and TV transmissions, satellite
>telephony, etc., that had to come through AAB with her mass of 
>neo-theosophist followers -- since HPB was no longer around?  Should 
>theosophists of any stripe leave any stone unturned in following up the
>teachings of HPB?  Don't we all still believe in the Fundamental Principles?
> Isn't that what really counts in the long run?>>
>I just had to take a minute to say what a pleasure it is read the comments
>of someone who has obviously looked at the whole theosophical picture and
>not found certain selected parts of it wanting. Seems to me that we cannot
>keep our intuitive mechanism in good working order if we continue to shut
>out, naturally evolving, modern language presentations of this eternal
><<It seems to me, that the Internet and the mass entertainment media fulfills
>both those "messages" of the Masters.>>
>As a humorous aside, in light of the AOL/TTIME-WARNER merger announced
>just yesterday, your statement above seems almost prophetic. You don't
>happen to be related to Steve Case, do you?
>I also want to say that that I found your response to Mark Ramadoss and
>his observations about the power and potential of the Internet, both 
>and inspiring.
>Thanks for being there,

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