Theos-World Internet Use
Jan 06, 2000 01:06 AM
by ramadoss
Court Systems are known to be the most conservative ones as far as
innovation and adoption of modern technology. It is changing.
In yesterday's Wall Street Journal it is reported:
"For a look at the future of Texas Courts, consider Dallas's Fifth Court of
At 3 a.m., the previous day's opinions and administrative actions are
automatically downloaded to a central computer, where lawyers, judges and
others with Internet access can retrieve them. Opinions to hundreds of
lawyers and interested parties in 35 states, who receive them at no cost.
The system even sends out e-mail reminders to attorneys a week before a
motion or brief is due."
What is interesting is that the above implementation did not require an arm
and a leg. It was due to the decision of an enterprising chief judge. "Two
years ago, the Courts Chief Justice Linda Thomas agreed to let Charles
Matz, a Houston computer consultant, run a pilot project to bring the court
online. .. Setting up such a system costs about $5,000; operating it costs
$500 to $1,000 a month depending on volume."
TS organizational leadership and "scholars" of Ancient Wisdom seem to be
very far behind in seeing Internet as a tool of efficient communication. It
could be that due to the generational gap that exists (most belong to the
dying generation), they seem to have difficulty in comprehending Internet
technology and how it could help making theosophy available to the masses.
While meditation and other techniques could be powerful in their effects in
higher planes, by themselves may not be enough in the physical world we
live in. Like using modern technology in transportation and communication
to get things done efficiently, Internet is the latest in the area of
If we do not take advantage of Internet revolution going on, we may miss a
great opportunity in making theosophy available to the masses.
If anyone is dreaming about waiting to be told by the Theosophical Adepts
the need to use Internet as a tool, we will be dreaming for a long time.
They retreated into silence over 100 years ago and are not likely to talk
anytime soon.
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