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Re: Theos-World Membership loss

Sep 11, 1999 10:54 PM
by Martin Leiderman

This point  of  traveling lectures is an important. . As you know I am doing
some traveling lecturing for the TSA. The reason I do it is for the sharing of
theosophy with the members and promoting theosophy and TS  among the visitors.

But , I do not agree completely with  Ramadoss when he says:
"Traveling lecturers tend to get to know the membership in person and as
such may end up being elected to official positions challenging the
candidates anointed by leadership thus bring down the established order."

I agreed with the point of people getting to know me when a travel to other
parts of the country. This is a good thing as members get to know others
people- traveling lectures- and they are resources for them.
Of course if we explore all the 'if' possibilities, about having traveling
lectures,  they are endless, and half  of the imagined fantasies are good and
half are bad.
My approach is very simple, speak from the heart, and only what I know,
without  hidden motives, challenge Inertia in the Lodges and Study Groups,
explore various possibilities in membership growth and outreach programs,
promote a sense of belonging to the TSA, and in my possibilities (very few) to
establish an open communication channel to me through email or snail mail.
I don't think John Algeo, or any other officer see me as a challenger. I was
never told what to say and what not to say. It took about 15 minutes to 20
minutes in my first meeting with John Algeo to become a National Lecture. He
took a risk after I told him about my past with New Acropolis. I told him I
want to be a resource for the TSA, and He said: 'lets do it.'

The only time I do not promote TSA is when I am invited to talk at the TS in
Pasadena, once a year; but I use the occasion to promote their courses,
classes and programs. And I hope in my many lecturers there, some people have
become members and members who are not in their staff and active, become more
active participant.

But Ramadoss says well "Traveling lecturers is a well proven and effective way
to build lodges and

And I am glad to see new National Lecturers in the TSA. If present and future
leadership comes out of it, it is certainly welcome. It is a great way to meet
active members who care about the Society and want to share theosophy with

That is my insight, per brother Ramadoss request.

One point I want to make. I think Lodges need to learn more about effective
ways to promote programs, to attract newcomers. In this area they are very
behind proven methods.
If anyone here in this list have ideas in how to do it. Please write them
down, so we all can benefit.  I have seen some placed in the LA Times, and in
my opinion they are boring looking, a thing of the 40's or 50's.
We need to 'think differently' and proactive with the times. Being timeless
does not mean inertia from something used 50 years ago.

But I do not know how to create a great, attractive, inviting ad in a paper. I
plan to study the subject. I'll share what I learn with the list.  Any ideas.

Martin Leiderman
in West Los Angeles

M K Ramadoss wrote:

> At 10:55 AM 09/11/1999 +0000, mika perala wrote:
> >Here in Finland the Helsinki Blavatsky-lodge members are travelin
> >all over the country lecturing and increasing the number of
> >members founding new lodges.
> Travelling lecturers is a well proven and effective way to build lodges and
> membership.
> For those who may have forgotten the history of TS in the US , it was how
> TS(Adyar) started rebuilding lodges and increased membership after the
> split that occurred early part of the century. The leading travelling
> lecturer at that time was Besant.
> At present, it appears that there could be political fear regarding
> travelling lecturers from established leadership.
> Travelling lecturers tend to get to know the membership in person and as
> such may end up being elected to official positions challenging the
> candidates anointed by leadership thus bring down the established order.
> For now, I have seen very little serious discussion about the loss of
> membership as if it does not matter. Who knows why? Any mind reading
> psychics who can fathom what is going on? Or anyone having any inside
> track? Anyone wishing to be anonymous can send me private e-mail.
> mkr
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